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We will be featuring a different themed photo contest every two weeks for the remainder of the academic year!

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Come see your favorite professors shake it on the dance floor!

The Second Annual Dancing with the Stars Competition is only two weeks away!

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Check out the latest happenings with Ithaca Dining Services.

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Many music faculty have expressed great interest in collaborating (with those in theater, dance, art history, math and music, poetry, - everything!) as have our students.  With that in mind, the newly formed creativity committee of the School of Music kindly requests feedback from any interested faculty, regarding potential collaboration opportunities.

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Annual Writing Contest!

Contributed by Lynn Hyde on 03/24/11 

Open to all Ithaca College Students, Full or Part-Time

DEADLINE:       5:00 pm      Thursday April 7, 2011 

Categories for Submission: 

First-year essay

Personal essay/Autobiography

Nonfiction (including Argument)




Professional & Technical 

Contest Rules are available at the Department of Writing Office, 430 Smiddy Hall. Winners will be announced April 22. Winners in each category will receive a prize and will be honored at the Handwerker Gallery on Thursday May 5 at 6:00 p.m. Winning entries will be published in a small volume and on-line. 

The contest is sponsored by the Department of Writing. All decisions will be final.



 On Friday, April 8, Ithaca College will again be hosting its annual Family Carnival, a fun night for parents, children and more. From 5:30 until 8:30pm in the IC Fitness Center, the Family Carnival will feature many great arts & crafts projects and carnival games organized by IC student organizations, including IC Bigs, Habitat for Humanity, Birthday Wish and the Park Scholar program. Live performances will feature ICircus, coed a cappella group IC VoiceStream, the cheerleading squad, and the Traditional Music Club. Food will be available, as well as the best thing to put a smile on a child's face: a bouncy castle.

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2011 Student Transportation Survey

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2011 Commuting Survey for Faculty & Staff

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IC After Dark can't wait to relive the glory years of the 90s, and they want YOU to join them!!

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The Enduring Masters series at Ithaca College will continue on Saturday, April 2, with a performance by New York Philharmonic Principal Clarinetist, Stanley Drucker. Free and open to the public, the concert will start at 8:15 p.m. in the Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hockett Recital Hall
Whalen Center

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Help share in the sense of renewal and hope with others who are donating blood, it will bring a smile to your face and warm the hearts of those you help. Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or email RedCROSS@ITHACA.EDU to set up an appointment time. 

Ed Tech Day Parking Alert

Contributed by Marian Brown on 03/23/11 

Ed Tech Day - *TOMORROW*-  offers a great opportunity to “test drive” alternative transportation options! On Thursday, March 24th the College will hold our 21st Educational Technology Day, which attracts over 800 visitors to our campus to explore new technologies and learn how technology can be used both in and out of the classroom.  We request the cooperation and understanding of the entire campus community in making our campus as welcoming as possible for our visitors.

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On Sunday, May 22, 2011, Ithaca College’s One Hundred and Sixteenth Commencement exercises will be held. Many of us have had daily contact with the fine young men and women of the 2011 graduation class, and have played an important role in their experience at Ithaca College.

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(Submitted on behalf of Samarra Mbenga, leader of the Weight Watchers At Work program at Ithaca College)

You've seen Jennifer Hudson on The Oprah Winfrey Show, 20/20, and singing on the commercials about a new day. Come and see what all the excitement is about with the NEW WEIGHT WATCHERS PointsPlus PROGRAM. Are you ready to welcome in the summer months feeling good in your very own skin?

Join your successful Weight Watchers Ithaca College At Work Series and experience the excitement for yourself. You will receive the tools that will allow you a simple and even more flexible way to lose, maintain and succeed!

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Mozilla Firefox 4 (for Windows and Mac) and Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) for Windows were recently released. As with all new product releases, thorough testing and evaluation must be done to ensure that the software functions properly with our enterprise applications such as Homer, Parnassus and Blackboard.

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 Check out Ithacappella, joined by groups from all across the East coast, as they present their 15th annual Acappellooza on APRIL 2nd at 7PM down at The State Theatre!!

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JK!  But you can still go back in time to your childhood this Friday with IC After Dark at our FOREVER YOUNG event!  We are all children of the 90s!  This decade is when we grew up and were able to play the greatest games, experience the best cartoons, and just have fun as a kid! Who wouldn't want to relive that?!

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We all experience burn out at one time or another. The trick is to acknowledge it and know how to revitalize your energy. This facilitated discussion will explore ideas for developing resiliency, balancing varied aspects of your life, understanding perfectionism and finding ways to align your values and activities so you are energized rather than depleted. Faculty, staff and administrators welcome. Fri. March 25 from 12 – 1:30 p.m. in Business 301




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Imagine you are sitting across from the VP of HR interviewing for a job you desperately want and you get asked this question, "In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to sustainability in our company?"

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