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One of the nation’s leading environmentalists, whose books have shaped public perception — and public action — on climate change, alternative energy and the need for more localized economies, will speak at Ithaca College today; Thursday, November 11, 2010.  Bill McKibben will present “From Walden to Warming: Global, Local, and the Meaning of Thoreau in a Scary Moment.”

Please join us this evening at 8 p.m. in Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall. This event is free and open to the public.

Five student documentaries produced in Professor John Scott’s Video Workshop and Non-Fiction Production courses last semester will be aired on the Syracuse PBS affiliate, WCNY, on Sunday, November 14 at 10:30 p.m. 

The films include:

Cecilia Bottler ’10, Aya Hoffman ’12, Michael Levin ’11
The story of migrant farm workers in upstate New York and the people who protect them despite the risk of legal consequences.                 

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Are you at risk for Diabetes?

Contributed by Alison Bowman on 11/11/10 

More than 10% of Americans over age 20 and 23% of Americans over age 60 have diabetes.

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The Biology Department is searching for Development Biologist.

Come and learn about his research and plans.  Everyone is welcome to attend!

"Molecular mechanisms of somatosensory development and function in the zebrafish"

Thursday, November 18
CNS 112
4:00 p.m.

Biology Department Seminar Series

Refreshments will be served beforehand in the first floor lobby.
Please bring your own reusable mug for beverages -- reuse, reduce, recycle!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at 274-3161.  We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

On Thursday, November 11th, at 6 p.m., On the Verge and Thursdays at the Handwerker will present a staged reading of French playwright Yasmina Reza’s 2006 comedy, God of Carnage.  The reading was directed by Claire Gleitman, a faculty member in the department of English, and the cast consists of four Ithaca College students: Laura Abbott, Justin Colombo, Andrew Karl and Morgan Lavenstein.

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ALL ARE WELCOME! Prasad Karmarkar, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher from Mumbai, India will be visiting Ithaca College’s campus from November 15th - 19th. 

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The Phillips Hall Post Office currently has the $.44 Angel with Lute and the new Holiday Evergreens (Forever) book of 20 stamps for $8.80.  Just like the Liberty Bell Forever book, the Holliday Evergreens book of stamps will be valid First Class postage no matter what the rate.

Every Voice Matters!!

Contributed by LeBron Rankins on 11/10/10 

Help erase the shame of seeking a Stigma Stomper!!

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The Power of a Kind Word

Contributed by Jane Ray on 11/10/10 

 “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”. Leo Buscaglia, author and lecturer

November is here, and the highly acclaimed, much anticipated, sixth annual Employee Appreciation Program, “Thank You for Making a Difference,  is in full swing.

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All students going abroad in Spring 2011 on an affiliated or non-affiliated program are required to meet with the Office of International Programs (OIP) to go over required paperwork.  If you are planning to study abroad in the spring and have not yet met with someone in the OIP, please click here to complete a brief form, and we will be in touch with you shortly to set up a 10-minute paperwork appointment at a time convenient to you.

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In “Finding History on the Lawn: Adventures with a History B.A.,” Raechel will discuss her experiences at Ithaca College, at Rutgers University, and working for non-profit institutions in order to impart two fundamental ideas: that a humanities education is the best way to start any career and careers in history and art history are possible with an undergraduate degree.

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* short courses on systems thinking and synthesizing expertise

* active hands-on learning; no lectures

* lots of fun

* part of President Rochon’s (IC)2 initiative

* the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors

* this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges

* courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail


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Margaret Arnold, Associate Professor in Recreation and Leisure Studies, and Assistant Dean of the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies, delivered a refereed paper entitled, "Managing the Generational Clash in the Workplace" at the National Recreation and Park Association Congress in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

China Trip May 2011 

Contributed by Nicholas Quarrier on 11/09/10 

Come to an informational meeting next Wednesday, Nov 17. 5PM CHS  room 211.  

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Alternative Spring Break Applications will be accepted through Friday, November 12, at 5:00pm! Don't wait to fill out your application and get involved with a life-changing service opportunity.

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 All students are welcome to Audrey's House Tie Dye Party, this Friday November 12, 4-6 p.m. in Terrace 2 first floor lounge (someone will be at the first floor entrance to let in non-T2 residents throughout the event). Take this great opportunity to celebrate the weekend by helping out post-Katrina New Orleans with friends!

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Contributed by Julia Dunn on 11/09/10 

The Student Government Association is hosting a pre-CORTACA event Friday at 5pm to get everyone excited for the game and involved in school spirit!

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Are you looking for performance time at an event with a large number of Ithaca College students? Interested in helping in the fight against cancer? Want to use your talents for a good cause? Then you should definitely sign up to be a 2011 Relay For Life performer!

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Nobody wants to experience the fever, chills, and body aches that come with the flu, but do you remember the proactive things you can do to prevent it? It is common knowledge to wash hands frequently - but how many of us take the time to wash in between our fingers? Disinfecting commonly touched areas like light switches, door knobs, and computer mouses will also help reduce risk.And don't forget to mark your calendar for a flu vaccination this year. Taking these simple steps to prevent the spread of viruses and germs can help maintain a healthier community.

For information on Hammond Health Center's upcoming Student Flu Vaccination Clinics, visit:


Contributed by Erin Wilday '12