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Information Technology Services and the Office of Marketing Communications have made improvements to the user interface of Intercom.

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Due to other College committments, there will NOT be an Open Faculty Lunch with Interim Provost Woodward on the following dates: October 11th and October 21st.  They will resume on October 28th.

 Attend a Pathways training to learn crisis response skills before you need them!  Don't wait until it's too late to learn how to identify and respond to a student who might be experiencing distress. 

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Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art and science of living in harmony with the environment. The principles of Feng Shui, which literally means "wind and water", have evolved in Asia over thousands of years.

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The Cortaca Jug Football game will be held Saturday, November 13th at 12 pm at the Cortland Stadium Complex at SUNY Cortland.

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 The Department of Mathematics, Math Club, and Pi Mu Epsilon invites all students to an evening of games, puzzles, and course information on Tuesday, October 19, 7-9pm, in Klingenstein Lounge.  

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Faculty Mentoring at Ithaca College opens with "Speed-Mentoring."

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President Rochon and Interim Provost Woodward invite all IC staff members to an open discussion of the IC 20/20 vision draft.  This informational session and open discussion will take place on Tuesday, October 19 from 12:05-1:10 pm in Textor 103.

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ITS is currently planning for critical software upgrades in ITS-managed computer labs for the Spring 2011.

If you need specific software installed or upgraded to support instruction, please notify Lisa Efing no later than Friday, November 19, 2010.

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Bonus Bucks iPod Promotion

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 10/13/10 

Refill your Bonus Bucks today and get entered to win an iPod!

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Have you ever been requested to show proof of income? Or just wanted to see how much you have earned?  Did you know your paystubs are viewable through your Parnassus account?

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Dr. Chris McNamara, Clinical Assistant Professor and Clinic Director in the Department of Physical Therapy recently lectured at the World Aquatic Health Conference (WAHC) in Colorado Springs. 

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In our on-going efforts to explore cost-saving opportunities, we regularly evaluate the systems considered for inclusion in the Technology Renewal Program.  The iMac is now considered by Apple Computer to be its standard desktop office system, while the MacPro has been positioned as their high-end graphics and video editing workstation.  The iMac is a better fit, both fiscally and objectively, with the goals and purpose of Technology Renewal.

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Some days managing your work life, your home life and your personal life can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, Ithaca College recognizes these challenges. ICHR is prepared to share resources that are available to get you through the winding paths. It all comes together at the annual Employee Benefits and Work/Life Fair.

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ICView, the magazine of Ithaca College, has two writing internship positions available for journalism and writing students for spring 2011.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 10/13/10 

Quoted in the media: President Tom Rochon; faculty member Donald Beachler; Lis Maurer; and students Matthew Timmons, Kristina Lum and Cameron Scheible. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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Meghan Musnicki, a 2005 Ithaca graduate, has been named to the U.S. National Women’s Rowing Team.

Musnicki is the only graduate of a Division III program named to the eight boat, which will compete at the 2010 World Rowing Championships in Lake Karapiro, New Zealand.


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EEKS!  That means only a few more chances to enter to win an iPad!!

The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, films, athletics and performances that happen on our campus all year long!

After a successful year last year, we're happy to announce our NEW line-up of FYE featured events!  Here are our next few featured events:

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The Anthropology Department at Ithaca College has been instrumental in helping to launch an international project aimed at repatriating Sudanese “Lost Boy” and “Lost Girl” refugees with personal history files that were generated for them as they entered Pignudo Refugee Camp in Ethiopia during the late 1980s. 

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Join us today at noon-12:50 pm

Ithaca Falls Room, 2nd floor, Campus Center

Plant-Based Eating -  featuring:

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