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IC Dance Team Auditions!

Contributed by Elizabeth Cronin on 08/26/10 

IC Dance Team Fall 2010 Auditions are here!

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The season is just beginning, and it's time to get involved with intramurals!  Check out our first league offerings!

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The College is still seeking staff and faculty members to serve in the important mentoring role, and will be holding two information sessions.

Bruce Flaherty of Challenge Employment Services will discuss ways Ithaca College can participate as DMD mentors and answer your questions as you take part of this mentoring opportunity.

The two Information Sessions are scheduled for the following days.

  • Friday, August 27 at 12 – 1 p.m. (Taste of Thai)
  • Friday, September 24 at 12- 1 p.m. (Lunch will be provided)

Where:  Peggy Ryan Williams Center, 3rd Floor (Founder's Room)
Why:     Discussion on becoming a DMD mentor

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Ithaca Carshare is a local carsharing service with over a dozen vehicles scattered around the city. There is even an Ithaca Carshare vehicle right here on campus, in a designated parking spot conveniently located near the Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise. Unlike most car rental programs, Ithaca Carshare membership is open to students 18 and over (although additional insurance requirements may apply). Ithaca Carshare is a membership-based service that provides 24/7 access to vehicles on an hourly basis. 

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Dr. Danette Johnson, Professor of Speech Communication, will publish research in Communication Reports, as co-author with an IC alum, Nicole Lewis ’09.  Communication Reports is a blind reviewed journal published by the Western Communication Association.

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Ithaca College is committed to facilitating the full participation of people with disabilities in all campus programs, activities, and events. For this reason, as well as to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, it is necessary to publicize information about disability access in advance of all campus events.

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Ithaca College is committed to facilitating the full participation of people with disabilities in all campus programs, activities, and events. For this reason, as well as to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, it is necessary to publicize information about disability access in advance of all campus events.

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Upgrade your Meal Plan to Gold

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 08/26/10 

Be sure to check out the new "Gold" meal plans  available for the Fall 2010 semester. If you are required to have a meal plan you have until Wednesday, September 8th to make changes in Homer Connect. If you are not required to have a plan but would like one, you can add it at anytime - after the September 8th deadline you must visit the Student Financial Services Office.

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Cindy Turo (Department of SMM) and Lana Morse (Department of RLS) retired on July 31, 2010 after serving Ithaca College for 43 and 36 years, respectively. 


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"Turning over a new leaf – hydraulics, light and leaf design"

Thursday, September 2
4:00 CNS 112

Seminar Series

Download the flyer here

Refreshments served at 3:40, 1st floor CNS foyer.  Bring your mug.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at 274-3161.  We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Image source:   Choat, B., Lahr, E., Melcher P.J., et al Plant Cell and Environment 2005

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Get linked to EVERYTHING happening on campus and learn about Ithaca College’s student organizations at the annual Student Organization Fair.


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The office of Human Resources strives to provide as much accessibility to your benefits' vendors as possible.  To accomplish this, representatives from Aetna and TIAA-CREF are available throughout the year to meet with faculty and staff.  Below is information regarding sessions with both representatives and how to schedule a meeting.

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The last day the Outdoor Pool will be open for 2010 is Labor Day; Monday, September 6th.

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Hillel Welcome Back BBQ

Contributed by Rachel Berger on 08/25/10 

Come and find out what Hillel is up to this semester while munching on a kosher hot dog or veggie burger!  The BBQ will be outside of the chapel on Sunday August 29th from 4:30-6:30.  The food is absolutely free and there is great live music provided by Zgress, a local student group! See you there!

Shabbat Services

Contributed by Rachel Berger on 08/25/10 

Interested in how IC does Shabbat? Come to our first Shabbat service of the semester on Friday August 27th at 5:30 pm in the chapel. Everyone is welcome to come and shmooze from 5:30-6pm and services will start around 6.  Everyone is also welcome to come to Shabbat dinner following services at 7pm in the Terrace Dining Hall.  The food is absolutely delicious and the company is even better so don't miss it!

Dr. Nuttall, Assistant Professor, spoke at the India International Centre on her ethnomusicology research on Indian tabla.

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Dr. John Wolohan will be teaching these two courses this fall.  The CRN for SMM 30300 (Sport Law a LA course) is 23094, while the CRN for SMM 35200 (Sport Finance a NLA course) is 23095. 


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Premium Blend, Ithaca College's only female a capella group, is holding auditions September 4th!

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This will be the final Saturday we are open for package pick up. We will resume on 8/30 with our regular business hours of:

Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Phillips Hall

Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at the Mail Center

Assistant Professor of Violin Nicholas DiEugenio, recent recipient of a Yale AlumniVentures Grant, traveled to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas from August 18-20. BAMC is currently the primary location to which injured US Soldiers return from deployments throughout the world. During the trip, Nicholas performed for wounded warriors and their families at the BAMC and the Warrior Family Support Center. As part of the project, Nicholas commissioned and performed a piece for solo violin by Brooklyn-based composer and fellow Yale graduate Ted Hearne. The piece is inspired by the patterns and textures of a quilt by the violinist's mother, Janet DiEugenio, and Nicholas performed the work after presenting the quilt at the WFSC. Nicholas was presented with an honorary BAMC coin, and the quilt will be displayed for one month at the WFSC before being given to a soldier.