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Dr. Stewart Auyash, Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education  recently presented a paper entitled "China's Public Health Communication in the Age of Shifting Power".

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Dr. Miranda Kaye was one of the 40 participants accepted from around the world who attended the Institute on Longitudinal Methods this summer to learn about longitudinal dyadic data.

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Dr. Andersson, Chair of the Speech Language Pathology and Audiology dept. recently gave a presentation entitled "Crisis Management  - Student Tragedies" with co-presenter Sue Ouellette, Chair of the School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders at Northern Illinois University at the CAPCSD conference.

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I am happy to report that the following projects have been selected for funding as (IC)2 second round demonstration projects:

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Need gear, kayaks or canoes?


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Jake Daniel, web marketing and social media manager, will be leaving the College on July 27 to take up his new duties as director of web strategy for the University of New Orleans.

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Our fifth consecutive 17-week WW@W series here at Ithaca College is scheduled to begin August 17, 2010 and run through December 7, 2010. Since April 2009, thirteen members have achieved their individual goal weights, twelve of whom are now Lifetime members. Our group as a whole has dropped a total of 325 pounds during the current series and a grand total of 2025.4 pounds since starting the campus program in April 2009. This program works--join us to find out how!

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Stephen Sweet is being interviewed on Tuesday morning by American Workforce Radio.  The interview will air at 4pm on 7/20/10 at

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ITS recently posted an Intercom story reminding users to upgrade to Thunderbird 3.0. The accompanying upgrade guide provided detailed instructions on moving to the new version. However, Thunderbird 3.1 was recently released and has different upgrade steps than version 3.0. If you haven't yet attempted the upgrade, please hold off for a short while until we release a new guide. If you've already upgraded and are encountering difficulty, please contact the Helpdesk for assistance. A new upgrade guide will be available soon!

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

The next IC Toastmasters Club meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20.  We will be meeting in the Cayuga Lake Room of the Campus Center from 9-10 AM.

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Learn about graduate, law, medical, business, or pharmacy school, and what it can do for your career.

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Planning a long drive before summer ends?  Be sure that your vehicle is up to par before you hit the road by checking all the pieces, parts and fluids for safety.  Instead of paying to have your car given the "once over" by a mechanic, learn what the pros do and learn how to check your car yourself!

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Mac's & Bookstore delay opening.

Contributed by Denise Duve' on 07/14/10 

The Bookstore and Mac's will be opening at noon on Monday 7/19 and Tuesday 7/20 due to  floor maintenance.  The Bookstore will also delay opening until noon on Wednesday 7/21 and Thursday 7/22 because of carpet cleaning.  Mac's will resume regular summer hours on 7/21.  If you have any questions regarding this please contact Rick Watson or Denise Duve'

Please join me in congratulating longtime administrator Larry Chambers on his new appointment as Director of Financial Aid at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. As Larry prepares to leave, I thank him for providing his expertise, advocacy, creativity and leadership to the College’s enrollment division. His 20 years of good work have enabled many students to afford an Ithaca College education and have also contributed to our sustained enrollment success.

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Members of the Ithaca College community are invited to attend a memorial service scheduled for Saturday, July 17, to celebrate the lives of the Rev. George Clarkson and Elizabeth Clarkson. The service will be held at 11:00 a.m. at the Danby Federated Church, 1859 Danby Rd.


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Are you looking to add a little variety to your fitness routine?  

Do you want to learn new ways to keep fit in summer?

Sign up for Personal Training at the Fitness Center. 

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Because of a special event reservation, the Indoor Pool hours for Wednesday, July 14th are modified.

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You are invited to join Career Services for a free lunch and sneak-peak of our new office! 

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Thunderbird 3 Upgrade Reminder

Contributed by Karen Compton on 07/13/10 

ITS announced support for Thunderbird 3 for Windows in April, and encourages all faculty and staff to upgrade to the new version.

Thunderbird 3 has several new features including tab-style messaging, improved search capabilities, new toolbar options, attachment reminders and more. Our one-page upgrade guide provides detailed steps for upgrading from Thunderbird 2 to 3, as well as information about other resources for learning all about the new version.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Are you an Ithaca College employee in need of assistance with school supplies for your children? The Caring and Sharing Committee can help!

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