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Starting in the New Year Monday, January 4, 2010 our Window hours will change

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Want to get away for the weekend, meet new people and build your leadership skills? The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is now accepting applications for the annual Leadership Weekend retreat – and you should apply!


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The United Way Stone Soup Philanthropy Corps of Ithaca College is proud to announce that it completed its inaugural allocations cycle on November 15, 2009.

One recipient is Finger Lakes ReUse, who will use their grant to kick-start their Computer ReUse program and help provide the facilities for a showroom to sell recycled computers and make Ithaca more eco-friendly. The other recipient is Challenge Industries, who will use their grant to assist with the foundation of a healthy eating, whole foods program for local residents with physical and cognitive disabilities.

Founded in late 2007, Stone Soup is the first student United Way organization at Ithaca College, and throughout the 2008-2009 school year, the group raised nearly $3,000 by drawing on various funding sources. These included the Ithaca College faculty-staff United Way campaign, the annual family carnival and other campus opportunities.

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 David Turkon of Anthropology presented a paper at the 108th annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) on December 2.  David was also given a Certificate of Award, in honor of Outstanding Service to Anthropology and African Studies.

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ITS will be updating Blackboard on Monday, January 4, 2010 from noon until 5:00 PM. Blackboard will be unavailable during that time. This upgrade will have minimal impact on users -- the look and feel will stay the same!

TIAA-CREF One-on-One Sessions

Contributed by Caroline Stull on 12/16/09 

This is a reminder that Alicia Skaly, our TIAA-CREF Individual Client Services Consultant, comes to campus twice a month to provide personalized advice and planning services to help you in pursuing your retirement goals. 

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The Office of Student Financial Services will be closed on Thursday from 10:45am to 1:15pm so that we may attend the College Holiday Luncheon. You may visit our websites at for financial aid information, and for billing information.

Then you will need to know how to raise funds!

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With an online course you can learn anytime, any place -- at home or while you travel. Ithaca College online courses are as close as your computer. In nine days, you get a nearly immersive academic experience with the convenience of setting your own schedule. It's a great way to learn.

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Coddington Road Entrance Closure

Contributed by Jeff Paddock on 12/15/09 

The entrance to campus from Coddington Road will be closed to all traffic on Monday and Tuesday, December 21 and 22.  The road must be closed to allow installation of storm water drainage piping required for the Athletics and Events Center.

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China Summer 2010 Program

Contributed by Hongwei Guan on 12/15/09 


Are you interested in Chinese Culture, Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sport or Rehabilitation? There are still rooms join the summer 2010 trip.


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Still looking for a class? The Anthropology Department has added a new section of World Archaeology (ANTH 10700-03).

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Deborah King, associate professor of exercise science and chair of the graduate program, was recently interviewed and featured on NBC Learn which, through a partnership with the National Science Foundation, interviews athletes, coaches, and scientists about the science of the Olympic Winter Games.

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Though it seems far away, please mark your calendars on Thursday, January 21, from 9:00 to 11:00 for the spring semester All-College meeting.  It will be held in the Emerson Suites.

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 A Supervised Exercise Program for Fitness Enhancement

What: Fitness Program for Children of IC employees ages 10-16

Where: Ithaca College Wellness Clinic, CHS

When: February 2 – April 29 (12 wks with 1 wk break in March)

      Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 – 5pm

Who: Children interested in becoming more active and improving their fitness level or athletes interested in performance enhancement.

(All will participate in separate, goal specific training sessions in a positive and motivating environment)

Why: Because our children should be HEALTHY & FIT 

How: Email to reserve your child’s spot at a low cost.

Enrollment is limited to 20 participants and applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis. This will allow us to maintain a 5:1 child to instructor ratio.   


Wellness Clinic Newsletter

Contributed by Judy Mauk on 12/15/09 

The new Wellness Clinic Newsletter is now available on our website. It includes articles on Exercise As We Age, Eating to Fuel Your Workouts and Avoiding The Holiday Bulge, among others. Click here to view this issue.

The 2010 Orientation Leader application process will be available in the spring. 

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Amanullah De Sondy, assistant professor in world religions in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, will be broadcasting live on four occasions for BBC Radio Scotland's Thought for the Day in December 2009 and January 2010. Thought for the Day is an early-morning program that unpacks a current affairs piece of news from a particular religious perspective.

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Posted on behalf of Gregory Woodward, dean of the School of Music. 

Many of you may already have heard about the vandalism that occurred this past weekend in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. I wanted to take this opportunity to update members of the School of Music community as well as the wider Ithaca College community about that incident.

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As of December 1, 2009, the responsibility for selecting and hiring photographers for campus events has been transferred to Jill Ahart in IC's Office of Marketing Communications. 

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