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Lis Maurer, coordinator of the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services, has authored a book chapter.

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Yes, the May Faculty Institute is useful, and you will move forward in your own work on course design or assessment. But you will also laugh and connect with new people as well as old friends.

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Biochemistry students Colleen O'Loughlin and Raleene Gatmaitan and chemistry department chair Scott Ulrich coauthored a paper in the Molecular Cell journal.

The paper is titled "A Quorum Sensing Antagonist That Targets Both Membrane-Bound and Cytoplasmic Receptors Controls Bacterial Pathogenicity."

In addition to O'Loughlin, Gatmaitan, and Ulirch, the paper's other coauthors were Lee Swem, Danielle Swem, and Bonnie Bassler of Princeton University. The article has just been accepted and will appear in print and online shortly.

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Are there any cool or unusual jobs in your future? How about interesting internships or life-changing experiences like Teach for America?

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ITS is pleased to announce that wireless coverage has been expanded to include the following areas:

  • Cerrache Center
  • Facilities Vehicle Maintenance Building
  • Link Connector and Classrooms
  • Terrace One Dining Hall
  • Terrace One ID Office Area
  • Towers Dining Hall

For more information about wireless networking and a complete list of wireless locations visit the ITS wireless support page.

ITS Helpdesk
Muller 102

The IC Bureau of Concerts will presents Ambulance LTD plus local openers at this year's IC Kicks Back event on Friday, May 1, in the Campus Center quad.

The event runts from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. This is a free concert, and will take place during IC Kicks Back, which features inflatable bouncers and lots of free food. We look forward to seeing you there!

ITS would like to remind faculty and staff Mac users to upgrade to Office 2008 at their earliest convenience. ITS will stop supporting Office 2004 as of August 31, 2009, and Microsoft has recently announced that the company will discontinue support and software updates for Office 2004 in October of this year.

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Come support your classmates to take part in a 3-week international study program with grassroots community organizations in the Dominican Republic. 

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The International Trumpet Guild (ITG) has recently elected Kim Dunnick, professor of music, as vice president/president-elect.

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Speech Communication student Kyle M. Truscott '09 won the Top Paper Award at the 2009 Rochester Institute of Technology Undergraduate Communication Conference for his paper, "Environmentalism versus Environmentalism: The Parallel Rhetoric of Cape Wind."

It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community of the death of one of our students. Andrea Celeste Morton '10, a clinical health studies major in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, passed away on Wednesday, April 29, as the result of a sudden medical condition. Her death is not a public health issue and is not related to the swine flu outbreak.

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The Tower Club Restaurant will offer lunch buffets during finals week from Wednesday, May 6, through Friday, May 8, during finals week. Seating will be available from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

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Come join the Tower Club restaurant on Tuesday, May 5, for a Cinco de Mayo lunch buffet from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.!

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The Fitness Center hours will change during finals and senior week.

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Ithaca College’s Parking & Traffic Services is pleased to announce our new on-line vehicle registration option to better serve our customers.

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If you are interested in organic gardening, digging around in the dirt, and having fun outside, join the Organic Gardening Club!

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Finals can be tough, so treat yourself or a friend to a Finals Survival Pack!

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Students from the Park School's Ad Lab Class presented their advertising campaign Tuesday, April 28, in the Park Hall auditorium.

Each year students in the senior capstone course spend a semester researching and developing a campaign for American Advertising Federation's (AAF) National Student Advertising Competition contest. This year's client is Century Council, a not-for-profit organization that serves as a leader in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking.

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Faculty, Staff, AND Students!

Thursday, April 30, from noon to 2:00 p.m. in the Clark, Klingenstein, and MacDonald lounges in Campus Center, Stop Wasting Ithaca's Food Today (SWIFT) and the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement are doing a fund-raiser for Food Banks of the Southern Tier.

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Sign up for a faculty and staff meal plan and start saving TODAY!

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