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Contributed on behalf of David E. Newman, MD, Director of Health Services

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Former Ithaca City Council member Roey Thorpe, who has worked on behalf of civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans for the past 20 years, will serve as this year's National Coming Out Day speaker. Thorpe's talk will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall.

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Women's Studies presents Running in High Heels
Wednesday, October 3 in Emerson Suites B
7:00 p.m. film screening
Open mic discussion and refreshments to follow.

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Open sessions for candidates for the position of director for academic enrichment services.

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Geshe Dawa, from India, will speak about the Tibetan understanding of His Holiness the Dalai Lama as an Embodiment of the Buddha of Compassion.
Tuesday, October 2 at 1:00 p.m. in the Taughannock Falls Meeting Room.

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The second in a series of panel discussions, at which faculty colleagues talk about different models of experiential learning that they have offered in H&S courses, will take place on Wednesday, October 3, in the Six Mile Creek Meeting Room, from 4:00 to 4:50 p.m. At this panel, Professor Barbara Adams (writing), Professor Steve Ten Eyck (theatre arts), and Professor Cheryl Kramer (art history) will share their thoughts and ideas about professional practice courses they have provided for students in both on-campus and off-campus settings.

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The women's studies program will host a brown-bag discussion on Monday, October 8, from noon until 1:00 p.m. in Williams 211 for all faculty, staff, and students who are (or might be) interested in getting involved in women's studies.

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Have you turned in your RA Application? RA Applications are due October 5, 2007!

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Margaret L. Arnold, associate professor of recreation and leisure studies, recently delivered two presentations at the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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To the Ithaca College Community:

On Monday, October 1, a draft of IC's Middle States Reaccreditation Self-Study report was placed on the web for public viewing:

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Presidential Search Committee

Contributed by Deborah Emnett on 10/01/07 

Contributed on behalf of C. William Schwab, chair, Board of Trustees

It gives me great pleasure to announce the following individuals will serve as the Presidential Search Committee, charged with identifying finalists for the eighth president of Ithaca College.

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You see our campus groundskeepers out and about, busily maintaining our fields, lawns, and flower beds. Did you ever wonder who "watches over" the undeveloped sections of Ithaca College property? Well, wonder no longer: the ever-vigilant Ithaca College Natural Lands committee (ICNL) is on the job.

Check out ICNL's new and improved website. Additional committee members are always welcomed. The meeting schedule is posted on the website. Come join us in helping watch over IC's "green spaces."

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National Coming Out Day Events

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 10/01/07 

National Coming Out Day is approaching. Our campus observances of National Coming Out Day will be held on Tuesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 11.

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In July 2007, Katharyn Howd Machan's poem, "Bessie Fenton: Redwing, 1888," was published in Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2nd edition, ed. Margie L. Kiter Edwards, Laura L. O’Toole, and Jessica R. Schiffman (New York: New York University Press).

As announced in Intercom on September 26, the consultants for the presidential search, board chair Bill Schwab, and board vice chair Larry Alleva will be on campus on October 3 and 4 to meet with members of the campus community. The purpose of these meetings will be to hear the campus community's thoughts on the qualities desired in Ithaca College's next president.

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The Ithaca College Bookstore is please to announce a new Adobe CLP software program for Ithaca College departments. This is not a program for staff or faculty to purchase Adobe software for their personal use on their personal computers.

The Ithaca College Bookstore CLP Departmental purchase program for Adobe Contractual Licensing Program (CLP) software products provides a significant price reduction to departments for Ithaca College users.

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I’m pleased to report that we’ve raised a total of $109 million toward our $115 million goal for the Campaign for Ithaca College: Making a World of Difference. In these final months of the campaign, we’ll be working even harder to bring in the remaining $6 million.

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Faculty Regalia Ordering Event

Contributed by Denise Duve' on 09/30/07 

Fine Quality Faculty Regalia Ordering Event

The Bookstore
October 4 & 5
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the first reading of its fall 2007 "Thursdays at the Handwerker" series on October 4 at 6:30 p.m. The reading, themed, "Just Getting Started," will feature Professor Tom Kerr of the Department of Writing and senior Nethra Samarawickrema of the Department of Politics.

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Accounts Payable and Travel Services would like to take this opportunity to provide the campus with additional details regarding the upcoming credit card provider transition. As mentioned in earlier communications, the College will be changing from our current credit card provider, Elan Financial Services, to GE Corporate Payment Services. GE will be providing both travel cards and procurement cards as two separate cards.

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