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The fall 2007 issue of the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, and Services newsletter is now available.

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Fitness Center: We Have Towels

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 09/04/07 

The washer at the Fitness Center has been repaired, and we have towels available.

Don't forget to sign up for classes at the Fitness Center. The classes will begin the week of September 16th. Take your pick from Salsa, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi and Massage. Most of these classes are are offered for 10 weeks for a minimal fee. Check out the links below for the dates and times offered. You sign up and pay for the classes at the Fitness Center front desk.

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Timothy Johnson, associate professor of music theory, presents "The 'Endless Wakefulness' of Premier Chou in John Adams’s Opera, Nixon in China."

The illustrated talk is on Thursday, September 20, 12:10-1:00 in the Cayuga Lake Room (formerly the Conference Room) of the Campus Center.

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Faculty and staff who may have reason to drive College-owned or rented vehicles must arrange to have their driving record checked once every two (2) academic years (not calendar years). However, students must submit a form annually (once every 12 months). Departments employing student drivers must be sure that students are 21 years of age, have submitted the Driver Information Form for approval, and registered to complete the mandatory two-hour driver safety class prior to allowing them to drive. Class dates and times are posted on the Risk Management website at

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Presidential Search

Contributed by Deborah Emnett on 09/04/07 

From C. William Schwab, chair, board of trustees, and Larry Alleva, vice chair, board of trustees

As the new academic year gets underway, we would like to update you on a few matters related to the upcoming presidential search.

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Follow the Bombers Saturday

Contributed by Michael Warwick on 09/04/07 

WICB's coverage of Bombers Football this Saturday begins at 12:30 p.m. as Robert Schroeder and Evan Heidenrich host Countdown to Kickoff, including interviews with Brian Hogan and head coach Mike Welch. Michael Polak and Dan Cassavaugh have the call of the game at 1 p.m. Stay tuned for WICB's postgame show immediately after the game, hosted by Lee Small and Dave Portney -- they'll have live interviews from the field and fans can call in at 607-274-3217.

Robert Schroeder
Sports Director
cell (847) 445-6562

Please join us from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 6 in the Handwerker Gallery for the opening reception for “Equal Rights: Reggae and Social Change," currently on display in the Gallery. Acoustic Reggae for the opening reception will be performed by local singer/songwriter Shaka.

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Organic Harvest Month

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 09/04/07 

Did you know that September is Organic Harvest Month?

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Next Monday, September 10, there will be an informational meeting at 12:10 in Williams 211 on how to volunteer to work for the Olympic News Service for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

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Please join us from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 6 in the Handwerker Gallery for the opening reception for “Equal Rights: Reggae and Social Change," currently on display in the Gallery. Acoustic Reggae for the opening reception will be performed by local singer/songwriter Shaka.

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PCAs Announce Campus Center Hours

Contributed by Robert Earl on 09/04/07 

Beat your competitors and start looking for a job or internship now! How, meet with a Peer Career Advisor (PCA). Do you have a resume that gets you noticed by employers? If not, a PCA can help you get started, or brush-up what you do have. Maybe you have questions about cover letters, or graduate schools. Let us assist you.

Visit with a PCA from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, Career Services, 1101 Gannett Center. For your convenience, you can also meet with PCAs at the Campus Center main lobby, Mondays and Wednesdays from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. We look forward to helping you meet your goal. SEE YOU SOON!

Are you new on campus as an Administrative Assistant?
Or would you like a refresher on what we offer?
Did you know we sent out over 1,200,000 pieces of mail last year?
Have you wondered why we need you to presort your mail?
Do you want to know who to call to answer your questions?
Did you know the design of your mail piece can impact the rate it can be mailed at?
Do you need more information on sending a Bulk Mailing or are you saying to yourself, “What is a bulk mailing?”
Did you ever wonder what the inside of the USPS mail truck looks like after Winter Break? Or the Mail Center at Fall opening?

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Do you want to leave your mark on Ithaca College? Now is your opportunity. Your photography and/or artwork could be selected for ongoing display in Campus Center meeting rooms.

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Asma Barlas, professor of politics and director of Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, presented a paper, "Provincializing Feminism as a Master Narrative," at a workshop on Islamic feminism, held August 31 in Finland.

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The Wall Street Journal notified Mail Services last fall that it is now delivering the Journal to campus without address labels or with incomplete address information. This only affects Wall Streets that arrive by private courier and will not affect subscriptions that arrive through the United States Postal Service. (Those subscriptions are delivered the day after they are printed due to their late arrival on the campus.)

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Friends 110 PC Lab Reservations

Contributed by Beth Rugg on 09/03/07 

ITS has recently had a problem with the reservation system for the Friends 110 PC Technology classroom.

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Voluntary Meal Plan Info

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 09/02/07 

Living off campus, in the Garden or Circle Apartments? Not sure if you should have a meal plan?

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The Center for Student Leadership & Involvement will be hosting a Student Organization Involvement Fair on Wednesday, September 5 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in Emerson Suites.

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Lunch for $5 per day!

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 09/02/07 

Calling all faculty and staff, sign up for the Faculty/ Staff Meal Plan and have lunch for only $5.00 per day!

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