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The Office of Judicial Affairs is currently seeking Staff and Faculty Justices for the 2007-2008 academic year.

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The Fitness Center will be offering specialty classes for the fall semester. These classes have a fee because outside instructors are paid to teach them.

The Aerobics classes will be posted soon. You can pick up all flyers in the Fitness Center.

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Theresa Souchet, lecturer in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, presented a paper entitled, "The Multicultural Imperative in the U.S.: One Lecturer's Perspective."

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I am pleased to announce that Jeff Paddock has accepted the position of Director for Facilities Planning, Design & Construction.

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Colleges Against Cancer hopes everyone is having a great summer. Filled with sun and sunscreen (reapply, no sunscreen is waterproof!!)

Remember there is no such thing as a safe tan or base line tan. The best way to lower your risk of skin cancer is staying out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

Colleges Against Cancer is a American Cancer Society recognized club. CAC brings awareness and education to campuses nationwide through programs, ads, Relay for Life, and more.

We are greatly expanding our exec board this year. No experience? No problem! Email if you are interested.

Microsoft Office 2007 (for Windows) was released earlier this year and the new version uses different file formats than previous versions of Office.

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There are 150 classrooms all equipped with a computer, projector, DVD/VHS, remote control, screen and laptop harness. Take advantage of eClassroom training during the week of August 20-24 to familiarize yourself with the equipment before you need to use it for your class.

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Ithaca College is pleased to be welcoming His Holiness the Dalai Lama to campus on Wednesday, October 10. While tickets for the general public have already sold out, a limited number of seats for his 2:00 p.m. presentation in Ben Light Gymnasium have been reserved for members of the Ithaca College community.

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The College's web communications team is looking for volunteers to help document the moving-in process.

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The bursar's office invites the College community to join us in bidding farewell to Kathie Owens on Friday, August 17. Please stop by our office, 210 Job Hall, between noon and 3:00 p.m. to wish Kathie well in her new ventures.

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The new Catholic chaplain, Fr. Carsten P. Martensen, S.J., invites the Ithaca College community to join in the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) at 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15.

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Psychology faculty members Jeffrey Holmes and Barney Beins each made presentations at the Eastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology in Staunton, Virginia.

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New Catholic Chaplain

Contributed by Mary Anne Steinmetz on 08/09/07 

This story is submitted on behalf of Roger G. Richardson, Ph.D., Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs

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This is a reminder that an all-College staff meeting will be held Thursday morning, August 23rd, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Emerson Suites of the Campus Center. Breakfast refreshments will be available beginning at 8:30 a.m.

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I am very pleased to announce that Malinda Smith has joined us as the Assistant Director for the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

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By flying this flag we are commemorating the 19th anniversary of 8-8-88 (August 8, 1988), when Burmese college students and teachers led millions of their compatriots nationwide in peaceful demonstrations against the brutal military regime in power. On that day and in the weeks that followed, the military killed or drove into exile thousands of students, teachers, and other peaceful protestors.

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Closing of O lot, by Park Hall, has been extended through Wednesday, August 15.

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Are you new on campus as an administrative assistant?
Or would you like a refresher on what we offer?
Did you know we sent out over 1,200,000 pieces of mail last year?
Did you know the design of your mail piece can impact the rate it can be mailed at?
Do you need more information on sending a bulk mailing or are you saying to yourself, “What is a bulk mailing?”
Did you ever wonder what the inside of the USPS mail truck looks like after winter break?

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Over the years, Elliot Mayrock ’73 has established a substantial philanthropic legacy at Ithaca College in the name of the Mayrock family. Most recently, he made a significant contribution to the new School of Business building, and in recognition of his gift, a classroom in a prominent location will be dedicated to his parents, Harry and Marjorie Fortunoff Mayrock.

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Associate professor of writing Katharyn Howd Machan's collection of poems, FLAGS, has just been published by Pudding House Publications in Columbus, Ohio. The cover drawing was provided by Ithaca College art major Katie Leach '07.