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The RIAA and Ithaca College

Contributed by Beth Rugg on 03/30/07 

7pm, Tuesday, April 3rd, Textor 101

Please join us for a town meeting discussion and information session regarding the recent RIAA activity that targeted Ithaca College students, and the related legal, judicial and technical issues.

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ITS Workshops

Contributed by Amy Dembrosky on 03/30/07 

Join us in the Technology Learning Center to learn a variety of software and other skills.

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The deadline for Intramural Softball and Sand Volleyball has been extended to April 9th.

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Summer College Resident Assistants work for the Summer College for High School Students under the Division of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions at Ithaca College. Five or more positions are available under the supervision of the Director and the Residential Coordinator of the Ithaca College Summer College for High School Students.

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All-College Faculty Meetings

Contributed by Esther Radoja on 03/30/07 

A reminder to all faculty from President Williams. . .

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Fiscal Year-End Procedures

Contributed by Vanessa Brown on 03/30/07 

TO: All Budget Managers
FROM: Carl Sgrecci, Vice President, Finance and Administration

I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone about College policy regarding expenditures for the balance of the fiscal year, which ends on May 31, 2007, so you can plan accordingly.

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We all know that severe weather has the potential to decrease donations, but if blood supplies do not immediately increase, those lives that depend on transfusions will be at risk for not getting the blood they need. Now that the weather is permitting, every eligible individual should give blood if not for themselves, but for friends, their loved ones or their neighbors. Please give blood this Monday, April 16th in Emerson Suites from 8:30 to 2:45.

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The Tuesday Salon is a new Handwerker Gallery program aimed at providing students, faculty, staff and members of the community a forum outside of a classroom setting for intellectual discussion and debate. Topics are selected by a guest discussant, who will provide a 10-minute introduction and moderate the ensuing conversation.

April’s Salon will feature Rebecca Plante, assistant professor of sociology, who will lead the discussion “Exploring Intimacy” at 4:00 p.m. on April 4 in the Handwerker Gallery. Issues to be discussed include "Is intimacy a resource available to all?" and "Does everyone have the ability and desire to be intimate?"

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Julianne Lutz (Newton) Warren, an '88 alumna, will join Carl Leopold from Cornell University, son of the late Aldo Leopold, to present "Aldo Leopold's Odyssey: An Assessment of the Emergence of the Aldo Leopold Conservation Vision". This Sustainability Cafe will be held in the McDonald Lounge in the Campus Center from 12:00-12:50 on Thursday, April 5th.

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Join us on Sunday, April 8, 2007 for Easter Brunch Buffet at the Tower Club.

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Be A Personal Trainer

Contributed by Sarah Hawkins on 03/30/07 

Appplications are now available for 07-08 Personal Trainers.

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Applications are available for Fall 2007 Group Exercise Instructors for Recreational Sports

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Work for Project Look Sharp!

Contributed by Victoria Jordan on 03/30/07 

Project Look Sharp, an Ithaca College media literacy initiative, is looking for a student employee to help create electronic K-12 and college-level curriculum kits.

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Fate of Student Aid

Contributed by Terry Martinez on 03/29/07 

This week the New York state budget process is picking up speed, and legislators are making determinations about which programs to restore, where to add additional funding, and what to cut.

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Do you forward your Ithaca College email account to an AOL account? If so, read this!

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Do you know how to play handbells? Have you wanted to be involved in a musical organization but don't know how?

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We’re Counting on You

Contributed by Mark Dixon on 03/29/07 

Submitted on behalf of the Faculty/Staff Campaign Committee

As members of the Ithaca College faculty and staff, we all have a vested interest in keeping the College strong. Ithaca College recently passed a major milestone in the largest comprehensive campaign in its history, having raised a total $100.6 million toward the $115 million campaign goal. (This includes a $4 million challenge grant for the athletics and events center, meaning that we must raise an additional $4 million to receive the funds.) But with the campaign scheduled to run through the rest of this calendar year, we still have a long way to go.

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With sophisticated (or not so) email scams continually being reported on campus, Public Safety and ITS would like to remind the campus community to be extremely cautious with regard to unsolicited email messages that offer business or investment opportunities or that ask for any kind of personal or financial information.

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The Tuesday Salon is a new Handwerker Gallery program aimed at providing students, faculty, and staff a forum outside of a classroom setting for intellectual discussion and debate. Topics are selected by a guest discussant, who will provide a 10-minute introduction and moderate the ensuing conversation.

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Asian Cuisine Dinner at Towers

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 03/29/07 

Come celebrate Asian Heritage Month with Dining Services and the Asian Culture Club on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 during dinner at the Towers Dining Hall.

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