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Are you interested in playing music for a gospel choir? Do you enjoy playing gospel, or just music?

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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the launch of its Fall 2006 “Thursdays at the Handwerker” series on September 7 at 7:00 p.m. The reading, themed "Dirty Secrets," will feature Professor Joan Marcus and senior Delilah Heshmat of the Department of Writing. An open reading will follow; faculty, students staff and members of the community are encouraged to participate.

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Friday, September 29, 2006
7:15 p.m. Cinemapolis Theater, Downtown Ithaca
Live Music, Silent Film

SPEEDY (starring Harold Lloyd, 1928, USA) with a new live musical interpretation by the Swing Gypsys

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A paper titled "Integration of OPNET Modeler with External Development Tools in Linux/Solaris" by Ali Erkan and Sigurd Teigen (CS major, class of 08) was accepted at the OPNETWORK 2006 Conference.

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The 3nd annual “Where's the Counseling Center” campaign is well underway!

Hurry on over to the Counseling Center before September 15, 2006, and enter our free drawing to win some pretty cool stuff. Check out what we're giving away in the display case near the Campus Center's information booth.

Before a need arises, the staff of the Counseling Center wants every IC student to know a Counseling Center exists, where it exists and the services that are available.

We are located on the lower level of Hammond Health Center; our entrance faces the adjacent parking lot. We offer short-term individual relationship counseling, group counseling, consultation and referral services. We welcome you to consult with us if you have personal concerns you would like to address, or if you have concerns about another student.

There is no additional cost for Counseling Center services; therefore, take advantage of the resources available to you.

The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) has received two grants for festival development from the Experimental Television Center and the New York State Council on the Arts.

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iMPrint Magazine: College Life's Internet Magazine, named best online magazine in the nation by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, will hold rush night on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. in Clark Lounge in Campus Center.

iMPrint is seeking enthusiastic writers, editors, web designers, promoters and advertisers to continue to become the hub for college life on the Internet.

Lectures, Multimedia, Speakers

Contributed by John Hickey on 09/01/06 

Another academic year brings to the College creative writers, challenging academics, and insightful media...

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The School of Health Sciences and Human Performance is proud to announce the start of our year-long Diamond Jubilee, celebrating 75 years of excellence.

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Faculty and staff who may have reason to drive College-owned or rented vehicles must arrange to have their driving record checked once every two (2) academic years (not calendar years). However, students must submit a form annually (once every 12 months). Departments employing student drivers must be sure that students are 21 years of age, have submitted the Driver Information Form for approval, and registered to complete the mandatory two-hour driver safety class prior to allowing them to drive. Class dates and times are posted on the Risk Management website at

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It's Intramural Time Again

Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 09/01/06 

Intramural Soccer and Softball Deadlines Coming Up.

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Library copy checked out? No money to buy your own copy? Don't give up, read on.

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The "Out of the Closet and onto the Screen" film series continues on Thursday, September 7, with a showing of "Key West, City of Colors" at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 103. In this film, Key West becomes the inspiration for the 25th anniversary of the original Rainbow Flag, a metaphor for the community and diversity.

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Don’t forget, Tuesday, September 5, Dr. Azar Nafisi, author of Reading Lolita in Tehran and this year’s First-Year Experience guest speaker, will give her public presentation at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites.

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Campus Center Balloons

Contributed by Sybil Conrad on 09/01/06 

Ordering balloons from the Campus Center? Please note that we have condensed our stock of balloons.

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We are pleased to announce that the eighth offering of LeaderShip will begin on November 2 – 3, 2006. Please visit the website, LeaderShip, for a detailed explanation of the program including an application form. We encourage you to consider participating in the program OR you may nominate individual(s) whom you feel have demonstrated leadership capacity or potential and have expressed a desire to grow. We will select a group of 24 employees. Participants must commit to all aspects of the program.

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LeaderQuest is a leadership development program designed for first year students interested in exploring their leadership potential and meeting fellow students. In this program, you will explore the topic of leadership in an interactive, engaging environment.

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Teach in Antigua

Contributed by Rachel Gould on 08/31/06 

The Office of International Programs (OIP) would like to invite faculty and staff members to submit proposals for new short-term study abroad programs in Antigua for the winter, spring break, or summer 2007.

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September 15-16 brings us the annual Professionals Symposium. The keynote speaker for this year's annual award banquet is Carlos Perkins '99, who currently serves as the Executive Director of G 12 Youth Empowerment Center at the Greater Mt. Nebo African Methodist Episcopal Church in Prince George's County, Maryland.

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New Premedical Science Website

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 08/31/06 

The premedical sciences URL has been changed to

Please direct interested people to the site for events/announcements/information.

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