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The City of Ithaca’s Aurora Street Sewer Pipes Replacement Project is expected to begin after the first of September 2006.

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Scott R. Hamula, Associate Professor and Director of the Integrated Marketing Communications degree program, had his research, “Sales Promotion as Nontraditional Revenue: A Comparison of Television and Radio,” published in the most recent issue of the <a href="">Journal of Promotion Management, Volume: 12 Issue: 2 p19-33</a> (2006).

The Roy H. Park School of Communications is happy to announce that Dr. Diane Gayeski has been named to a three-year term as the associate dean for academic initiatives in the Park School.

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Two Invitations

Contributed by Winsome Wade-Compton on 08/22/06 

Submitted on behalf of Asma Barlas, professor and program director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity.

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to extend two invitations. First, please join Sean Eversley-Bradwell, Alan Gomez, Winsome Wade-Compton, and myself on September 22 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. for an open house at the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CHS 101). (If you'll be teaching then, feel free to drop by any time from 10:00 a.m. onwards to see where we are located and to meet us.)

Second, I am in the process of reconstituting the Steering Committee of the Center and am writing to ask those of you who teach about (or work on) issues of race /ethnicity to consider serving on it for a three-year term. The Committee functions in both a policy-making and an advisory capacity and works with the director to establish the Center's programs and priorities.

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The Purchasing Department is pleased to announce negotiated special 2007 rates for the new Country Inn and Suites 58-room hotel currently being constructed south of our college on Route 96B near the corner of King Road (across from Sam Peter Furniture and Big Al’s).

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Ithaca College Concerts announces its 2006–7 season of “Extreme Chamber Music” featuring several nontraditional chamber ensembles in three concerts. All concerts begin at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

* Tuesday, October 24: Piano soloist Menahem Pressler and the Prague Chamber Orchestra.
* Friday, February 2, 2007: The Turtle Island String Quartet will perform with the guitar duo the Assad Brothers.
* Tuesday, March 20: The Imani Winds woodwind quintet.

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Changes in the Provost’s Office

Contributed by Cindy Neal on 08/21/06 

From Peter W. Bardaglio, provost and vice president for academic affairs:

With the new academic year just around the corner, I wanted to inform you of important changes I am making in the Provost’s Office.

Effective immediately, Cindy Neal assumes the duties and responsibilities of my chief of staff.

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On August 25, 7th Arts Corporation and the Finger Lakes Environmental Film festival will present the third film in its ongoing Film Forum Series. "Heart of the Game" is the true story of a Seattle girls’s basketball coach and his team’s star player. A discussion will follow.

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The following are the facility hours of the Campus Center and its services from August 21, 2006 until Tuesday, October 17, 2006 (fall break begins Wednesday, October 18, 2006). These times are subject to change based on college events or unforeseen circumstances. If you foresee any conflicts with your area in the Campus Center facility, please contact me immediately at 274-7905.

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Information Technology Services is pleased to announce that 16 eClassrooms have been installed this summer. This brings the total to 114.

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ITHACA, NY—U.S. News & World Report America’s Best Colleges has ranked Ithaca College in the top ten of “Best Master’s Universities by Region” for the tenth year in a row. Furthermore, once again, the publication named Ithaca College in the top ten “Great Schools, Great Prices,” based on the quality of education at a reasonable cost.

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Beth Harris, associate professor in the Politics Department, presented her
paper, “Ethics and Politics of Prophetic Witnessing: Blood on the Flag and
Kippah in the Rubble,” July 28 during a 2-week institute at the Berlin
Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Germany. This was the
second year that Professor Harris has participated in the summer
institute, “The Political: Law, Culture, Theology,” which was co-sponsored
and funded by National Humanities Center and Wissenschaftskolleg zu
Berlin: Institute for Advanced Studies.

Professor Harris also chaired and presented on a panel, “Challenges to
Teaching Justice/Injustice to Undergraduates,” July 8 at the Law and
Society Association Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. The session
was co-sponsored by the Conditions of Work Committee and the Consortium
for Undergraduate Law and Justice Programs (CULJP).

Annette Levine’s translation of Sofia Kaplinsky Guterman’s En cada
primavera renace la alegrIa de vivir / The Joy of Living is Reborn Every
Spring will be presented in Buenos Aires on Sunday August, 20th. The book
is a significant work devoted to the memory of those killed during the
1994 bombing of the central Jewish community building in Buenos Aires, the
AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina).

Student Driver Safety Class

Contributed by Tammy Lindsay on 08/17/06 

If students need to drive College-owned or leased/rented vehicles for your department, please have them register for a mandatory driver safety class. Students should register by visiting the Office of Risk Management in Job Hall, 3rd floor. For more information, please visit

Nancy Rader presented research on infant language at the meeting of Association for Scientific Psychology in May; Al Sahlstrom ’06 coauthored the presentation. She also co-authored a presentation with Patricia Zukow-Goldring of the University of Southern California for the International Conference on Infant Studies, held in Kyoto, Japan, in June, 2006. Both presentations focused on her NSF sponsored research using eye tracking to study the effects of gestures in early infant language and attention.

Kirk Swenson

Contributed by Todd Bowers on 08/17/06 

Kirk Swenson has accepted a new position at the University of Rochester.

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NYC Holiday Bus Trip

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 08/16/06 

Mark your calendars! The IC Bus Committee has reserved two 55-passenger buses for this trip. Enjoy the spirit of the season in the Big Apple. Do some holiday shopping, take in a show, go out to eat, or do it all! You have eight hours all on your own.

  • Saturday, December 2, 2006
  • $35/person – round trip
  • Payment due: November 17, by 4 pm
  • Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, friends and family
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    Undergraduates Eric Callahan and Bryan Reynolds publish paper with Tom Pfaff (Math Dept). The paper, The Interleague Home Field Advantage, appeared in the May issue of By The Numbers, which is The Newsletter of the SABR (Society for American Baseball Research) Statistical Analysis Committee.

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    Dell Laptop Battery Recall

    Contributed by Karen Compton on 08/16/06 

    Please be aware of a recent Dell announcement of a world-wide recall for a large number of rechargeable laptop batteries that Dell has determined may pose a safety risk. Dell makes the following statement with regard to affected batteries: "Batteries subject to recall should not be used while awaiting a replacement battery pack from Dell. You may continue to use your notebook computer using the AC adapter power cord originally provided with your notebook."

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    The Phillips Hall Post Office renovations have been completed. The post office will be closed at noon today so the move from Friends Hall to Phillips Hall can take place. Mail service will resume tomorrow morning. We apologize for the interruption of mail services and any inconvenience this may cause.