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An open meeting with David Garcia and Virginia Mansfield-Richardson, candidates for associate provost, will be held on Tuesday, April 4, from 12:10 to 1:05 p.m. in Emerson Suite B. Read more . . . (64 words) No Pressure Blood Pressure -- Friday, March 31Contributed by Mel Ginsberg-Stevens on 03/29/06 Don't be an April Fool, get your blood pressure checked tomorrow. On Friday, March 31, the Ithaca College Wellness Clinic's No Pressure Blood Pressure screenings will once again be holding a campus wide blood pressure screening. Read more . . . (70 words)
Read more . . . (98 words) $1,000 Sustainability Curriculum Development Summer 2006 Mini-Grant Program – Call for ProposalsContributed by Marian Brown on 03/29/06 The I.C. Coordinating Team for the Ithaca College-EcoVillage at Ithaca Partnership for Sustainability solicits applications for curriculum development initiatives in the area of sustainability. $1,000 curriculum development mini-grants will support work conducted during the summer of 2006. Read more . . . (105 words) Elisabeth Nonas, cinema and photography, is an active screenwriter and novelist. In this colloquium she reflects on teaching and scholarship, writing screenplays and novels, and the multiple identities she integrates. Read more . . . (62 words) Pick up an application for summer employment at the Fitness Center. Read more . . . (96 words) Last Chance -- Undergrads: Planning on Summer School Financial Aid?Contributed by Larry Chambers on 03/28/06 Students seeking financial aid for the 2006 summer sessions are required to complete the Undergraduate Summer Session 2006 Financial Aid Application by the priority deadline date of April 1, 2006. Don't miss the deadline! Read more . . . (39 words) Are you interested in a great leadership opportunity for your senior year? Would you like to enhance your resume and learn new skills? Read more . . . (120 words) The annual James J. Whalen Academic Symposium will be held on Monday, April 3, 2006, in the Ithaca College Campus Center (Emerson Suites, Clark Lounge, Klingenstein Lounge, and North Meeting Room), beginning at 9:00 a.m., and continuing throughout the day. Read more . . . (129 words) Bomber Women's Track and Field Team Donates $1,250 to Red CrossContributed by Michael Warwick on 03/27/06
Read more . . . (133 words) The Ithacan has been named a Gold Medalist for the Fall 2004 and Spring 2005 semesters in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association's annual College Newspaper Critique. Read more . . . (49 words) Bill Sheasgreen, director of the London Center, will be on campus from March 31 to April 4. The Office of International Programs will be hosting a Coffee Talk reception to welcome him on Friday, March 31, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the North Meeting Room, Campus Center. Read more . . . (68 words) Artist’s Talk and Workshop: Jonathan Moller, "Refugees Even After Death"Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 03/27/06
The talk and workshop are held in conjunction with "Refugees Even After Death: A Quest for Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation," a traveling photography exhibition that portrays the exhumations of clandestine cemeteries in Guatemala. Read more . . . (270 words) Leigh Ann Vaughn, Psychology, Addresses Flowerbulb IndustryContributed by Bernard Beins on 03/27/06 Leigh Ann Vaughn gave the plenary talk at the North American Flowerbulb Wholesalers Association (NAFWA) Conference at Cornell on Saturday, March 25. The address was entitled "Will the experience be a good one? A psychological perspective on buying and caring for plants." Read more . . . (25 words) Department of Sport Management and Media: Golf Tournament and Awards ProgramContributed by Cynthia Turo on 03/27/06 Ithaca College students, parents, faculty, and alumni are invited to play in the Department of Sport Management and Media's third annual Hole-in-One Golf Tournament on Saturday, April 22, at the Hillendale Golf Course. Read more . . . (93 words) During the next several days the Registrar's Office will be preparing to "go live" with Homer on Monday, April 3. We appreciate your patience; calls and emails will be responded to as quickly as possible. We welcome feedback regarding the experiences of the campus community with Homer. Please send feedback to and we will answer as quickly as we can. There is also a HomerConnect: Frequently Asked Questions document available on the Registrar's Office Homepage: Bursar's Benefit Auction: Get Those Bidding Arms ReadyContributed by Anne Woodard on 03/27/06 With just a few days left until the Bursar's Benefit Auction, we thought we'd leave you with a little ditty for inspiration. Sing the following to the tune of "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" as you pad your wallet and head towards the Clark Lounge on Wednesday. Read more . . . (188 words) Thaler Violinist Series Brings Christian Teztlaff to Ford HallContributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 03/27/06 Called a "powerful musician and an intense performer" by the New York Times, violinist Christian Tetzlaff will give the fourth performance in the Louis K. Thaler Concert Violinist Series at Ithaca College. Named in memory of the prominent Ithaca attorney, the series was established in 2002 to honor Louis Thaler's lifelong love of the violin. The free concert will take place on Sunday, April 2, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. The program will include music for unaccompanied violin by Bach and Bartok, widely regarded as some of Tetzlaff's signature works. In addition to the concert, he will also give a master class in the School of Music on Monday, April 3, at 5:00 p.m. Read more . . . (214 words) Help lead first year students by leading volunteer activities all over the Ithaca community and make their transition into college life a little easier. Team leaders are dedicated current IC students with a taste for service and fun. Applications are due by 5:00pm April 7, 2006 at 319 Egbert Hall, 3rd floor Campus Center. You can pick up an application from the CSLI Community Service desk (3rd floor Campus Center) or just print one out from Please join us to wish Paula Davis farewell on Monday, April 3, at 3:30 p.m. in the Alumni Hall Conference Room. Cake, beverage, and other goodies will be provided. |
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