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Professor Barbara P. Hansen announces that there are still spaces open in the Spring 06 course "The Cancer Experience" (672-21000), which she will be teaching on Wednesdays from 3:00-5:40 p.m.

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John Rosenbaun was recently elected to the Executive Board of European
Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).

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Staples 2006 Catalogs

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 12/14/05 

If you have not already received your Staples Office Supplies 2006 catalogs with your latest supplies order, you may now order both the in-stock item catalog and the larger supplemental catalog free.

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The Food Court will be CLOSED beginning Friday, December 16, 2005, as it is scheduled to be remodeled during the Winter Break. La Vincita, located in IC Square will be open for your convenience (see times below).

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To help everyone celebrate the holidays, the Tower Club Restaurant will be featuring the all you care to eat lunch buffet, each day from December 19 to December 23rd. The Tower Club is open Monday to Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

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Career Services and Alumni Relations wish to remind students that the deadline to sign up for Network Nights is December 16.

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This is a reminder to check the Fitness Center closing times during break.

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Don’t forget to bring your equipment back after winter break. IC Staff Council is sponsoring a bus trip to Windham Mountain in February.

  • Saturday, February 25, 2006
  • $67/person – includes round-trip bus and a lift ticket
  • Payment due: February 8, by 4 pm
  • Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, friends, and family
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    Beginning Jan. 1, 2006, admission will be charged for regular-season games in the following Ithaca College sports: baseball, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, gymnastics, men’s lacrosse, women’s lacrosse, men’s soccer, women’s soccer, softball, men’s swimming and diving, women’s swimming and diving, and wrestling.

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    It's simple. Just flip, point, and shoot.

    That's the premise of Cellflix, the first student film festival for work shot on cell phone, sponsored by Ithaca College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications. Create a 20-30 second movie on the topic of your choice. Contestants will compete for a grand prize of $5,000.

    Deadline for entries is January 10, 2006. For more information, visit

    Mr. Dick Pound, chancellor of McGill University, member of the International Olympic Committee, and one of the top 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine, will visit Ithaca College on April 4 and 5, 2006. He will deliver an all-campus lecture open to the community at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 102 on April 4.

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    Lisa Maurer, LGBT Coordinator in the Office of Multicultural Affairs, presented work on cross cultural issues in sexual and reproductive health in
    the context of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic at the 18th Annual Creating Change conference in November in Oakland CA.

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    AOL Instant Messenger users should be aware of some new threats (worms) that have recently been announced.

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    MLK Week Events at Ithaca College

    Contributed by Kate Brown on 12/09/05 

    Monday, January 16, 2006, begins a week of activities at Ithaca College to celebrate the life, legacy and teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. A detailed listing of Monday’s events is below. For a complete list of activities scheduled throughout the week visit

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    MLK Week Events at Ithaca College

    Contributed by Kate Brown on 12/09/05 

    Monday, January 16, 2006, begins a week of activities at Ithaca College to celebrate the life, legacy and teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. A detailed listing of Monday’s events is below. For a complete list of activities scheduled throughout the week visit

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    The Ithaca College Web server (WWW) is being upgraded with new hardware on Wednesday, January 11, 2006.

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    Ithaca College Peer Volunteer Corps is looking for 3-5 faculty or
    staff who are willing to help with this year's Alternative Spring
    Break program.

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    Need a ride home for break? Have an extra spot in your car? Post it to iMPrint's new Ride Board.

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    Shakespeare is a pleasure to read, but the height of his genius is revealed in performance.

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    Think you have good taste? Help us decide on the color and fabric for new Campus Center lobby and McDonald Lounge furniture.

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