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The following Adult CPR/AED class is available through the AED Committee and will be held in Hill Center Room 53:

Sunday, December 11th, from noon to 5:00 p.m.

If there are not enough sign-ups by Friday at noon, the class will be cancelled.

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New Biology Inductees into BBB

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 12/06/05 

The Chi Xi chapter of Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) was installed at Ithaca College in 1992 and has more than 230 past and present members. Founded in 1922 at Oklahoma City University, TriBeta has evolved to become a nationally recognized professional honor society whose purposes are to promote scholarship in the biological sciences, growth in biological knowledge and to encourage research.

Regular Members

* Cassie Kryzak
* Patrice Kurnath
* Jacqueline Scahill
* Lisa Seltzer
* Abby Wilkes

Associate Members

* Amy Fisher
* Elyse Honikel
* Brittany Silvia

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Ithaca College Folk Music Society

Contributed by Seth Weiner on 12/05/05 

Interested in folk music?

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The Class of 2006 is raising funds to endow a scholarship as its senior class gift. We have set a goal of $25,000 for the scholarship, and $35,000 for the overall campaign.

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Three architectural firms participating in the design competition for an athletics and events center facility will be making presentations on Thursday and Friday, December 15 and 16 in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the Whalen Center for Music. All members of the campus community interested in seeing these presentations are welcome to attend.

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When the 2006 version of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival begins next March, it will be housed, for the first time, in the College’s Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies.

"In addition to expanding the range of events being offered, we have also redefined and expanded environmental issues to explore the international connections between war, disease, health, genocide, cultural heritage, and diversity," says Tanya Sanders, assistant provost and dean of the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. "The scope of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival is now being extended to explore sustainability in terms of its economic, social, ecological, political, cultural, and technological forms."

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Less Than Jake Concert

Contributed by Marcy Freedman on 12/05/05 

Less Than Jake Concert at Ithaca College January 29th.

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IC Club Gymnastics

Contributed by Jacqueline Diamond on 12/05/05 

IC Club Gymnastics team informational meeting Thursday December 8, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. in Friends 210!

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Allison Lau (Biology '07) has been chosen for the Fall 2005 Frederick Kastenbaum Award. The award is available through the Premedical Sciences and is awarded each semester. The funds are to be used for assistance with preparation for the required standardized exams associated with admittance to graduate health programs.

Recipients of the award must have a clear indication of career goals and reasons for pursuing those goals, clear indication of how the money will be used to prepare for the exams, and a record of academic performance that is competitive for admission to the indicated graduate program

Temporary Bookstore Help

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 12/04/05 

Do you know someone in your family or in your neighborhood that would enjoy some challenging temporary work and some extra cash?

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Personal Training Sign-ups

Contributed by Franklin Harrison on 12/03/05 

Sign-up for personal training before break to beat the rush in January!

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THINK SPRING (ok spring semester). Sign-ups for the spring semester fitness classes begin Monday, December 5.

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Chess at the IC Square!

Contributed by Joseph Anderson on 12/03/05 

IC Chess Club's Last Fall 2005 Meeting

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The following construction projects will be completed over winter break:

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On Friday, December 9, graduate students in occupational therapy will present their group-research findings on the subject “Inhibitors and Facilitators to the Use of Occupations by Fieldwork Educators in Occupational Therapy Practice.”

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A memorial service will be held on Sunday, December 11, to celebrate the life of Ithaca College senior Trevor Jahn, who was killed in an automobile accident on November 23. The service, which will be attended by members of Trevor’s family, is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. in Muller Chapel.

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Indoor Pool Intersession Hours

Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 12/02/05 

Indoor pool hours over winter break. PLEASE READ.

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Contributed for Vicki Estabrook, Director of Employment and Employee Relations

Have you remembered to say “thank you,” lately? Do you still have a few cards and buttons left that have not found their way to one of our awesome staff members? There is still time to recognize the special contributions of your colleagues.

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ITS is pleased to announce GuestNet, a new online service which will allow faculty or staff members to easily arrange for Internet access for campus guests they are sponsoring.

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Dale Hudson, assistant professor, Cinema and Photography, presented research on Israeli cinema at the National Communication Association (NCA) annual conference in Boston, November 16-20. Earlier this year, he presented research on Israeli cinema at the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference in New York and research on Hong Kong cinema at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) annual conference in London, England.