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ICTV and a group of four students producers received honors at the Region 1 meeting of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), held in Stamford, Conn. on April 9.

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Ghirardo & Roberts exhibit DVD installation

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More Awards for the Ithacan

Contributed by Michael Serino on 04/12/05 

While the New York Press Association was presenting the Ithacan with its top award in Albany last Saturday (see "Ithacan Sweeps New York State Awards," posted 4/10/05), the Society of Professional Journalists was holding its region 1 meeting in Stamford, Conn. -- and presenting the paper with additional honors.

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Earth Week Activites April 17-22

Contributed by Mark Darling on 04/12/05 

Earth Week is coming! The Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES) is planning a full week of events from April 17 to the 22. A full schedule is below:

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In this digital age, come meet the man who created AOL News! Also have some cake with us as we celebrate the end of another great year of SPJ.

Monday, April 18, 7:00 p.m., Park 283

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Shannon Werner (Chemistry '03) has been awarded a prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowship.

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I've done a basic "webliography" of articles (with full-text available to us online), books, and web sources to help incoming students and staff facilitators with Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried. All the references are listed at Resources List.

What other sources should I add?

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Jairo Geronymo, assistant professor of music performance, recently presented at the Music Teachers National Association National Conference in Seattle.

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One Hundred and Growing

Contributed by Terry Beckley on 04/11/05 

On April 22, at noon, Peter Martin, Ph.D., professor and director of the gerontology program of the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research at Iowa State University, will be at the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute for a brown bag lunch.

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On Sunday, April 17, the Ithaca College Choral Union and Symphony Orchestra will give a free Ithaca performance of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, a work the ensembles will perform two days later at New York City's Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.

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The Ithaca College Chamber Orchestra will present a free concert on Friday, April 15, at 8:15 pm in Ford Hall.

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Jazz aficionados will have concerts by two IC groups to enjoy this weekend -- the Ithaca College Jazz Workshop and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble.

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Please keep the following guidelines in mind as you plan your end of year / start of next fiscal year computer-related purchases and activities.

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Save the date! A reception honoring Sandra Herndon on the occasion of her retirement from Ithaca College will take place May 16, 3:00-5:00 PM, in Clark Lounge. Come help us celebrate Sandra's enormous contributions to the College and wish her well.

Saturday, April 8 several Biology students and faculty travelled to Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, CT to conduct research presentations at the 59th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference (

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The Ithaca Seminar, the new all-College first-year seminar program will be initiated during the fall 2005 semester. The pilot program will offer 400 first-year students, from all five schools and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Programs, the exciting opportunity to enroll in one of ten interdisciplinary courses with a total of 19 sections being offered by faculty members from across the College. Class sizes will be small. Some of the courses have multiple sections that sometimes meet as a larger group. Each section has its own faculty member. All seminars will fulfill liberal arts and general education requirements.

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April 11, 2005, 3:00-5:00 PM
North Meeting Room, Campus Center
Come learn about exciting new projects for improving campus access for people with disabilities.

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The Ithacan has been named "Best College Newspaper in New York State" for 2004 by the New York Press Association.

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Student Government Online Elections will run from April 11 - April 15th. Go to to cast your vote!!

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