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ICGI Newsletter On-line

Contributed by Terry Beckley on 06/10/04 

The spring 2004 ICGI newsletter is now on-line for your reading enjoyment. Find out what's new in the world of aging: Gerontology Institute Newsletter.

Contributed by Terry A. Beckley

The deadline is extended for sign-up for the bus trip to New York City on Saturday, June 19.

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Summer Workshop Schedule Available

Contributed by Dan Barrow on 06/09/04 

ITS is excited to announce our summer workshop series. We can teach you about Word, PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Excel, or FileMaker Pro in two hours or less!

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People who work together are like extended families. We spend a tremendous amount of time with our coworkers and often become friends.

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At the annual recognition and awards program, assistant professor of music performance Read Gainsford was presented with the Energy East Foundation Teaching Excellence Award; professor of organizational communication, learning, and design Diane Gayeski was given the Excellence in Scholarship Award; and associate professor of therapeutic recreation and leisure services Janice Elich Monroe received the Excellence in Service Award.

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Day of Learning Thursday

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 06/08/04 

Three days and counting -- have you signed up for your Day of Learning sessions?

If you haven't heard yet, our special Day of Learning will be held on Thursday, June 17, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. for Ithaca College employees. A variety of professional and personal development programs will be offered throughout the day.

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A feature piece by WICB's co-news director Karl Palsgaard '06 won a first place award for broadcast excellence in the 2003 competition sponsored by the New York State Associated Press Broadcasters Association.

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IC Family Picnic Reminder

Contributed by Bernard Hogben on 06/05/04 

This is a reminder that the Ithaca College family picnic will be held this Saturday, June 12, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. rain or shine.

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Elections were recently held for executive officers of the Ithaca College Toastmasters club. The following individuals were elected to serve for 2004-5:

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As you may be aware there are a number of events and programs at Ithaca College that bring hundreds of guests to campus during the summer months. Guests often inquire about the availability of Internet access while they are here, especially those who are staying in the Residence Halls.

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Seats are available for the bus trip to New York City. The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, June 8.

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The Department of Physical Plant is pleased to announce the addition of the Toyota Prius to the college's fleet of rental vehicles.

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Ithaca College on

Contributed by David Maley on 06/02/04 

The perspectives of Ithaca College seniors as they prepare to enter the "real world" are featured in a story on, the website of the all-news cable network.

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President Williams invites you to the All-College staff meeting to be held in the Emerson Suites on Thursday, August 19, from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

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During the week of June 7, the bookstore and Mac's will be opening later so that routine maintenance can be done.

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Hundreds of the finest trombonists from around the world will converge on Ithaca June 15-19 as the Ithaca College School of Music welcomes the 2004 International Trombone Festival.

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Professor Michael "Bodhi" Rogers and physics student researchers Greg Shear '05 and Kevin Faehndrich '06 are traveling to Silver City, New Mexico, to conduct cesium magnetometer studies at Gila Encantada site, a Late Pithouse (A.D. 550-1000) period site.

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Members of Ithaca's 2004 national champion crew celebrate the program's first NCAA title on the award stand.
The Bomber varsity 8 boat, whose members are pictured here, capped the weekend by winning a gold medal in the grand final.

Sacramento, Calif., May 30 -- Ithaca College has won the 2004 women's crew national championship, recording the lowest score at the NCAA championships, held at Lake Natoma in Sacramento.

Contributing to the achievement was a first-place finish by the varsity 8 boat in the grand final and an unprecedented performance by the second varsity 8 boat. The national title is the first for the IC women's crew program; Ithaca had placed third in each of the previous two NCAA Division III championship events.

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Summer Changes at Intercom

Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins on 05/30/04 

Starting this week, e-mail roundups of new Intercom stories will be sent only once a week (Monday), and the roundups will include only the headlines.

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The health promotion and substance abuse prevention program and the Center for Faculty Excellence announce the availability of two modest stipends to help support faculty members develop a course activity that uses recent Ithaca College data.

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