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Salman Rushdie to Speak at IC

Contributed by Lynn Tordella on 09/13/03 

The School of Humanities and Sciences is pleased to announce Salman Rushdie as its next Distinguished Speaker in the Humanities. The public lecture will take place on Sunday, November 2, in the Ben Light Gymnasium, Hill Center. It will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be followed by a book signing. Further details to follow.

Contributed by Lynn Roberts

The 2003 conference of the Upstate New York Regional Peace Studies Consortium is being held at Ithaca College on Saturday, October 18. The event is being cohosted by the Office of the Provost of Ithaca College and the Peace Studies Program of Cornell University.

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Please join Mike Taves, director, and David Coleman, instructional Web and e-media developer, for an overview of instructional support services. They will demonstrate recent faculty projects and solicit your ideas for additional exciting projects.

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On September 17, the senior class executive board is making applications available to all seniors interested in joining the senior class cabinet for the class of 2004. There will be seven committee chair positions offered to make up the cabinet.

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ITS Fall Workshops

Contributed by Michelle Hammond on 09/12/03 

The fall 2003 workshop schedule for Information Technology Services is now online. For registration and complete workshop descriptions, please go to ACCS Workshops. These workshops are available to faculty, staff, and students.

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The Nachi/Welchia worm has been detected on college-owned computers. Most college-owned computers should have been automatically patched and protected. However, if your college-owned computer displays a McAfee virus alert message regarding the Nachi worm, the computer is infected and MUST be patched and cleaned.

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Please join the Center for Teacher Education at this year's first Conversation at the Center. Professor Poonam Dev will present a workshop on "Inclusive Classrooms: Meeting the Needs of Our Students" on Wednesday, September 17, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. The workshop will be held in 208 Friends Hall and is free and open to the public. Please contact the Center for Teacher Education at 274-1488 for more information.

Contributed by Timothy Glander

As outlined in the September 11 issue of the Ithacan, the Department of Physical Therapy is proposing a curricular change that includes the awarding of a clinical doctoral degree.

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Over the past couple of years the proliferation of peer-to-peer (P2P) programs such as KaZaA and LimeWire have made it extremely easy to share copyrighted material such as music, movies, computer programs, and the like with others without the permission of the copyright holder. We are writing to remind you that engaging in this type of activity, without an educational purpose for doing so, is a violation of copyright law and College policy, and can put you at significant financial risk.

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You'll think you're dreaming ... you won't believe your eyes!

Join IC After Dark at its Cafe de Reve event, Friday, September 19, from 9:00 p.m. until midnight in the Pub/Coffeehouse. You won't recognize the Campus Center as we transform the Pub/Coffeehouse with lights, draping, stars, scenery, and much more!

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New Series Begins

Contributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald on 09/11/03 

The yearlong lecture series "Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Water" will kick off with three evenings of lectures exploring issues of citizenship, activism, and the environment.

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A workshop on using Degree Navigator in advising, a chance to meet our new College librarian, and a conversation about new instructional support services with Information Technology Services are the regularly scheduled faculty development events of the week for the Center for Faculty Excellence. In addition, we have two special workshops connected to the "Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Waters" series.

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Janice Levy, Military Band Instruments, 2001
Janice Levy, Military Band Instruments, 2001
The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce that its first exhibition of the 2003-2004 academic year, Out of Place: New Color Photography by Janice Levy, opens September 18.

Janice Levy is an associate professor and chair of the cinema and photography department. Out of Place focuses on the work produced during her 2001 sabbatical in Madagascar and explores its impact on her current photography.

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SIS Vendor Presentation

Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins on 09/10/03 

Faculty, staff, and students interested in viewing current advancements in student information systems are invited to attend the last in a series of vendor presentations, the Oracle Student System, in Emerson Suite A beginning at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, September 11.

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You're Invited to IC Our World

Contributed by Deanne Maxwell on 09/10/03 

This is a reminder that IC Our World, formerly known as the Unity Festival, will take place at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 19, on the Campus Center Quad. All faculty and staff are invited to attend this free event, which will include a variety of music, food, and crafts.

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The fall 2003 Oracle Honor Society induction ceremony will be held on Monday, October 20, at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites. The ceremony honors students who have completed their first year at Ithaca College and who are in the top 10 percent of their academic schools.

Contributed by Vickie Clairmont

The first two speakers in our Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Waters series are offering workshops open to all faculty and staff members.

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The beginning of each academic year brings a new crop of students either ready to test the waters of the job market or searching for internship opportunities. Fortunately for them they've got some champions in their corner in the form of Ithaca College alumni. And as homecoming weekend approaches, those alums are stepping up to the plate again!

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The fall 2003 edition of the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute's newsletter is now available on line as a PDF document: ICGI Newsletter

If you would like printed copies of the newsletter, please let me know: Terry A. Beckley, ICGI Newsletter Editor, 274-1967

Contributed by Terry A. Beckley

In order to protect your computer from e-mail viruses, we have been removing any viruses that are attached to e-mail messages and then delivering the "stripped" message to your account.

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