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Ithaca College bus trip to Six Flags Darien Lake
Saturday, August 2, 2003
$35.00 per person -- includes bus, all-day ride pass, and water park admission.

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E-mail System Down for Upgrade

Contributed by Karen Compton on 07/22/03 

Beginning at 3:00 pm on Friday, 7/25, the Ithaca College e-mail system will be unavailable while upgrades are performed.

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Help your students become media literate by helping them access, analyze, critically evaluate and produce media in a variety of forms in your classroom.

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Three Park School students and Park distinguished chair and professor Christopher Harper spent one month at Rostov State University in June and July for the first of three summer institutes for junior faculty and journalists.

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Mark Book '05 and Emma Rasmussen '04, both cinema and photography majors, spent the summer as interns on a feature film in Antigua and Barbuda. They worked in every aspect of the project with Howard and Mitzi Allen of HAMA Productions.

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We are pleased to announce that David Priester has accepted the position as director of media production facilities and services at the Roy H. Park School of Communications. He will be joining our communications family on August 1.

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Election Center 2002, a live election-night production of Ithaca College Television, won the award for election coverage in the non-professional division of the national Hometown Video Festival.

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There will be an interruption in the completion of SIS data requests and reports during the weeks of July 28- August 1 and August 4-8.

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Project Approval Request Form

Contributed by Richard Couture on 07/17/03 

The Department of Physical Plant's Division of Construction Planning and Design would like to announce the implementation of the Project Approval Request (PAR) form.

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Bear Sighted on Campus

Contributed by Norman Wall on 07/17/03 

At about 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 17, a black bear was seen on Route 96B near the South Hill fire station, adjacent to the Ithaca College campus. The bear traveled across the campus, through the parking lot nearest the Terrace residence halls and upper athletic fields (L-lot), and entered the woods south of the College near Terrace 12 and Ford Observatory.

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The National Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) invited assistant professor of journalism Mead Loop to be the guest speaker at the 2003 Ted Scripps Leadership Training conference in journalism in June.

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IC Toastmasters Meeting

Contributed by Deborah Emnett on 07/16/03 

The next meeting of the Ithaca College chapter of Toastmasters will be held on Tuesday, July 22 in the North Meeting Room of the Campus Center.

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For an upcoming story in the Ithaca College Quarterly about returned Peace Corps volunteers, we are looking to identify faculty and staff members who have served in the PC.

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Grand Central Cafe Hours

Contributed by Debra Meeker on 07/15/03 

Grand Central Cafe will be open 11:00am to 3:00pm, Monday - Friday through July 25. Come enjoy a delicious, ice cold smoothie made with real fruit and fruit juices.

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2003-2004 Theater Season

Contributed by Brian Falck on 07/14/03 

Ithaca College Theatre's 2003-2004 season promises to be another unique opportunity for Central New York audiences to experience a blend of contemporary and classic live theater.

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All year long there are many reasons to be proud of our association with Ithaca College and happy about living in Ithaca. Last Thursday night proved no exception with the opening of My Fair Lady at the Hangar.

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Emerson Suites Audio Renovation

Contributed by Phil Huber on 07/11/03 

The Office Conference and Event Services is pleased to announce the renovation of the Emerson Suites audio system. Please bear with our dust and noise as this project takes place Saturday, July 19, through Friday, July 25.

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Sample Chairs

Contributed by Jackie Hopkins on 07/11/03 

Construction Planning and Design has chairs of all varieties for IC employees to test out before purchase. To test out a new desk chair, guest chair, ergonomic chair, or many others, call 4-1537 and set up a test-drive appointment.

Contributed by Jackie Hopkins

The Ithaca College Concerts 2003-4 series, "Sounds of Home," will offer three concerts featuring music that is native to the performers' homelands.

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Kelli Grant ’04, a journalism major and award-winning Ithacan reporter, was selected in a national application process to serve as an intern for the Society of Professional Journalism’s (SPJ) Working Press.

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