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Read more . . . (112 words) CAPS Is Seeking Ambassadors for Student Advisory GroupContributed by Brittany McCown on 04/24/18 Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is looking for ambassadors for our Student Advisory Group. We need a combined committee of both faculty and students. Read more . . . (15 words) Phi Kappa Phi Coin Drive for Family Reading PartnershipContributed by Maria McGuane on 04/24/18
Read more . . . (111 words) Grant Writing 101: Producing a Competitive ProposalContributed by Stephanie St. John on 04/24/18 Dear IC Faculty and/or Staff Member, We would like to make you aware of an exciting opportunity that will be taking place on our campus. The Office of Sponsored Research and the Center for Faculty Excellence are co-sponsoring a grant writing workshop to be taught by former Department of Writing faculty member, Patricia Bogaczyk Spencer, M.Ed., Professional Writing Consultant ( Read more . . . (607 words) Reminder: Connect with Collado lunch series, contingent faculty this Thursday, April 26: Seats still available!Contributed by Kaleigh Keating on 04/24/18 President Collado and her team have scheduled a variety of gatherings designed to help her get acquainted with the members of our campus community. Please consider joining the president and fellow colleagues for a casual, catered lunch in the Founder's Room of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center. This installment of the lunch series will include contingent faculty, and will take place on Thursday, April 26 from 12:00 - 1:15 p.m. Sign up now to reserve your spot! Further details can be found here. Read more . . . (26 words) The Office of Career Services will be closed May 4, 2018Contributed by Cheryl Boyer on 04/24/18 The Office of Career Services will be closed Friday, May 4, 2018 due to a Staff Retreat. We will reopen Monday, May 7, 2018. We apologize for any inconvenience. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Cheryl Boyer at or (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. IC career info: Working Behind the Scenes in Elite SportContributed by Jackie Wandell on 04/24/18
Read more . . . (115 words) The Afterparty: How to use LinkedIn in your college to career transitionContributed by Catrina VanAtta on 04/24/18
Read more . . . (83 words) Michael Smith (History/ENVS) co-authors article on the history of the underground press.Contributed by Jonathan Ablard on 04/24/18 "Chronicles of Discontent, Tribunes for Change: Columbia and Its Underground Press in the Vietnam Era", co-authored with Seth Smith and appearing in the April issue of the Missouri Historical Review, examines the historical significance of alternative and underground newspapers in Columbia, Missouri, in the 1960s and 1970s.
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Read more . . . (54 words) Felice Russell (Education Department) presents at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in New York CityContributed by Bonita L. Hogben on 04/24/18 Felice Russell, Assistant Professor in the Department of Education, presented her paper, "Teacher and Leader Perceptions of Co-Teaching to Meet the Needs of Multilingual Learners," at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting last weekend. This year the meeting was held in New York City. Dr. Russell's work was recently highlighted in the Ithacan. Here is a link to the article:
Are you taking classes over the summer and would like to work part-time while doing so? This may be the perfect opportunity for you. Read more . . . (49 words)
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VoiceThread is an asynchronous online tool that allows you and your students to engage with a variety of media and integrates with Sakai. The use of VoiceThread is free with an IC login. Many faculty on campus are already using it as part of their course design with promising results. Please join us as you plan for increasing student engagement in your upcoming summer or fall courses. Read more . . . (178 words) Asma Barlas (Politics) gives plenary address at the ILA Annual ConferenceContributed by Kenesha Chatman on 04/23/18 The International Linguistic Association invited Asma Barlas (Politics) to give a plenary address at its 63rd annual conference on April 21. Read more . . . (52 words) Information Technology has resolved the problem with HomerAdmin and the latest version of Java (update 171), and users of HomerAdmin should now be able to update as prompted. Please contact the Service Desk if you encounter any problems. Information Technology Service Desk Come and learn about the ever-changing health care landscape in Summer 2018! The Economics of Health Care will be offered from May 14-25, 2018. We will talk about how the economics of health care is different from other types of economics, and delve into the Affordable Care Act and its implications, disability policy, end-of-life care, and pharmaceutical pricing and access.
Read more . . . (136 words) Online Summer Course: ENVS 25200 Environmental Ethics (earn ICC credits!)Contributed by Craig Duncan on 04/23/18
ENVS 25200 (also cross-listed as Philosophy 25200) is a critical examination of moral problems associated with humanity's effects on the environment. ICC credits: Humanities perspective; Quest for a Sustainable Future theme.
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