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Friday, November 10, from 1:45-3:00pm Read more . . . (82 words) Muller Chapel, Friday, Nov. 10, from 1:45-3:00pm Read more . . . (89 words) Applications now open for FLEFF Blogging InternshipsContributed by Patricia Zimmermann on 11/03/17
Read more . . . (472 words)
Read more . . . (252 words) All members of the Ithaca College Community are invited to attend Mass this Sunday at 9 AM, 1 PM and 8 PM in Muller Chapel to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Ithaca College, Family and Alumni Weekend.
Read more . . . (34 words) Apply for Alternative Spring Break 2018! Application Open Now!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/02/17
OSEMA's Alternative Breaks program will give you the chance to gain personal and professional growth through direct volunteer experience, place-based learning, and teamwork. Students can apply to lead a trip, as well! This year, ASB will take place from March 10th - March 17th, 2018. To learn more about this unique opportunity, check out the ASB website! Read more . . . (23 words)
ICIC 12000-04 Insight: Combining Expertise Topic: What’s Your Why? Description: What motivates us? What gives us determination, focus, and courage? How do we find meaning? How do we develop our “whys?” Why do we act in certain ways and why do we chose not to act? Uncover how experts developed their “whys” and what motivates them to pursue their disciplines. Instructors: Jacqueline Winslow and Sean Reid TR 4-5:15, January 23 – February 22 CRN 43272 Read more . . . (419 words)
Read more . . . (108 words) Come support the football team this Saturday (11/4) as they dedicate their game to Ithaca College Unites for HER, an organization that works to raise money to provide complementary services to those diagnosed with breast cancer in our Ithaca College community. Please wear pink! Read more . . . (18 words) Placing and Displacing Memories: Globalizing Visual and Sonic Histories Research ForumContributed by Patricia Zimmermann on 11/02/17 Research Forum Monday, November 13, 2017 This international forum engages faculty from a range of disciplines across Ithaca College to address the question of what happens to site-specific memories and histories when mediated in the era of uneven globalization. As historical events, places, and nations are increasingly understood as embedded within wider networks of transnational and other global connections, this interactive, discussion-driven forum explores how visual and sonic media reflect as well as intervene in this transition. It explores a series of questions, case studies, and dialogues. Faculty-led conversation and dialogue. Students are welcome to come and observe. Convenors: Matt Holtmeier, Sueyoung Park Primiano, Andrew Utterson, Patricia Zimmermann (MASS) Read more . . . (231 words) QUASQUI: OPENING TONIGHT! Celebrating 125 years of Ithaca College at the Creative Space GalleryContributed by Bill Hastings on 11/02/17
Read more . . . (134 words) Spring 2018 Technology Renewal Questionnaire RemindersContributed by Karen Compton on 11/02/17 Spring 2018 Technology Renewal questionnaire notifications have been sent out to all guardians and area coordinators, and should be completed by 5:00PM Wednesday, November 15th. To complete a questionnaire, go to the Technology Renewal website, and click on the “View Assets / Complete Questionnaire.” You will need to log in with your Netpass username and password. If an asset is due to be replaced, you will see a red “Questionnaire Due” link that will take you to the on-line questionnaire. More information, including replacement computer configurations, is also available on the website. If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk, 104 Job Hall, at or 274-1000. Windows 10 Self-Service Reminder and Tips to Assist YouContributed by Nick Farthing on 11/02/17 On Monday October 30, Information Technology released the Windows 10 Self-Service install that allows you to upgrade to Windows 10 without assistance from IT. At the time of this notification, 57 individuals have successfully upgraded their PC’s to Windows 10 and 6 are in progress. This notification is to remind those of you who have not initiated the Windows 10 Self-Service upgrade to do so at a suitable time for you. Please refer to the October 27 Intercom announcement for more details: Read more . . . (356 words)
Read more . . . (99 words) Kidde Recalls Fire Extinguishers with Plastic Handles Due to Failure to Discharge and Nozzle Detachment Read more . . . (292 words) As we celebrate the Weekend on South Hill November 3-5, members of our campus community should anticipate an impact on traffic and parking availability on campus, as well as some parking lot closures. Read more . . . (206 words) Sakai Virtual Conference - Nov 14 - Registrations Available for FacultyContributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 11/02/17
Read more . . . (116 words) The Fitness Center will be open for reduced hours on Saturday 11/11/17, our hours of operation will be 7:00am - 10:00am. We will resume our regular academic year hours on Sunday 11/12/17. Read more . . . (26 words) Library Staff Dan Taylor and Terri Ann Coronel Present at ENUGContributed by Calida Barboza on 11/02/17 Dan Taylor and Terri Ann Coronel, staff members at the Ithaca College Library, presented “Group Fun: Moving to Alma in the Cohort Model” at the ExLibris Northeast User Group (ENUG) conference in Jersey City, NJ. Read more . . . (35 words) |
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