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Tamara Acosta, Assistant Professor of Performance Studies, chosen as a semi-finalist for The American Prize in Vocal Performance.Contributed by Kirsten Marshall on 10/17/17 The American Prize is a series of national competitions in the performing arts providing cash awards, professional adjudication and regional, national and international recognition for the best recorded performances by ensembles and individuals each year in the United States. Read more . . . (49 words) Ithaca College Senior Capstone Course Launches Lab17Contributed by Jessica Caruso on 10/17/17 Lab17, Roy H Park School of Communications Lab17, a communications lab course housed in the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College that simulates a public relations agency entered the fall term with twenty clients committed to its portfolio for the semester. Read more . . . (329 words) Do you need help with your ICC Portfolio? Read more . . . (78 words) New ENVS research on the cannabis agricultural frontierContributed by Cheryl Gunther on 10/17/17 With colleagues at UC Berkeley, ENVS geographer Jake Brenner has published new research on an emerging cannabis agricultural frontier. Read more . . . (125 words)
Faculty are encouraged to take advantage of the internal funding initiatives housed within the provost’s office. Academic Challenge Funding Academic Mini-Grant Funding The deadlines are as follows: Fall Selection Process: November 1st Deadline (for grants whose funds must be used between December 1 and May 31). Read more . . . (27 words) Queer Identities Online in Ireland: Rural and Urban DynamicsContributed by Katherine Cohen-Filipic on 10/17/17 How do gay and same-sex oriented men in Ireland meet romantic and sexual partners? How does technology help men in small villages or big cities meet? Read more . . . (172 words) Giovanna Rivero, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Participates in Literature FestivalContributed by Maria DiFrancesco on 10/17/17 Assistant Professor of Spanish Giovanna Rivero was recently invited to participate in the Instituto Cervantes' 8th annual celebration of the "Festival de la Palabra" (Festival of Words), which brings readers and writers together in a series of readings, lectures, and workshops to promote the exchange of literature and ideas. Read more . . . (69 words) Professor Crystal Peebles publishes article about incorporating service learning in the music classroomContributed by Crystal Peebles on 10/16/17 The most recent volume of Engaging Students: Essays in Music Pedagogy, vol. 5 features an article by Crystal Peebles: "Engaging Community in a Twentieth-Century Analysis Class." Read more . . . (95 words) Tuesday, October 17th from 8:00am through 12:00pm in Emerson Suites, Ithaca College will be holding our annual Point of Dispensing (POD) for all faculty, staff, and students to receive a free flu vaccination. Read more . . . (254 words) Park Tank & Pitch It To Produce It - Now Accepting SubmissionsContributed by Tyler Finck on 10/16/17
Read more . . . (99 words) The Thanksgiving Break Housing registration form is now open and available via IC Workflow! Residents can register to stay in their current Fall assignment during the Thanksgiving break period. Read more . . . (131 words) New Login Process with Egencia – the week of November 13, email addresses will replace usernames to log in to the Egencia booking website and mobile app. There is no action required from you. The username to email address change will be automatic and the password will remain unchanged. Each Egencia traveler and arranger will be informed before the change via email. A reminder message will also be displayed on the login screen when you enter the former username instead of the email address.
Read more . . . (185 words) Brandy Bessettle-Symons (Psychology) Publishes an Article on Emotional Memory in the journal Memory.Contributed by Bernard Beins on 10/16/17 Brandy Bessette-Symons has published an article on memory for emotional pictures in the journal Memory. The nine-experiment article provides evidence of how people remember and misremember based on its positivity or negativity and on arousal level. Read more . . . (310 words)
Read more . . . (233 words) IC Books Thru Bars to Host Activist Amin Drew Law on October 26!Contributed by Don Austin on 10/16/17 IC Books Thru Bars is proud to host spoken word poet, youth advocate, performer and activist Amin Drew Law for an on-campus performance. Amin has traveled the country and is featured on the popular poetry media outlet: Button Poetry. He will be on campus Thursday, October 26th at 7PM in Textor 101 for a spoken word performance, lecture and Q&A. You can find one of his poems here: Amin Drew Law - "Unsaid" Read more . . . (65 words)
Read more . . . (155 words) The spring and winter 2018 course schedule will be available for view on Homerconnect beginning Monday, October 23rd. The summer course schedule will be available for view on Homerconnect beginning Friday, December 15th. Read more . . . (488 words) The Student Leadership Institute's Block 2 sessions are now available to sign up. There are over 30 program offerings from the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs and our partners. Read more . . . (89 words)
Read more . . . (97 words) 2018 Summer Sessions Course Proposals Due November 15thContributed by Jennifer Wofford on 10/15/17 The deadline for summer sessions 2018 undergraduate course proposals is November 15th. If you'd like to propose a summer session undergraduate course, contact your department chair for approval to be included in the department's submissions. Read more . . . (97 words) |
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