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Diversity & Inclusion Discussion Circle Program -- Islamophobia: A Dangerous FearContributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 03/07/17 The Diversity and Inclusion Discussion Circle invites members of the campus community to attend its weekly gatherings on Wednesdays at noon in Klingenstein Lounge (Please note this week we will be in Clark Lounge). One to two times a month, a guest presenter leads a discussion to take a deeper look at a topic related to diversity and inclusion. During the Wednesday sessions where there are no presentations scheduled, we share reactions to current events and/or discuss presentations and articles that relate to the topic of diversity and inclusion. This month our scheduled presenters, Kayla Wheeler, diversity fellow in the department of philosophy and religion; and Dr. Rumit Singh Kakar, assistant professor in the department of physical therapy, will explore how Islamophobia impacts Muslims and people who are read as Muslim, especially in a post-9/11 context. Read more . . . (26 words) Official Notification to the Campus Community Regarding Network Maintenance During Spring BreakContributed by Michelle Doucette on 03/07/17 Network and Unified Communications will be upgrading network equipment at 12:01am Monday March 13th through Friday March 17th. Read more . . . (86 words)
Read more . . . (104 words) Rainbow Reception for LGBTQA+ and Allied Seniors and Grad Students- Register NowContributed by Luca Maurer on 03/07/17
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Read more . . . (135 words) Tompkins County Public Library to Host Civic Engagement Discussion SeriesContributed by David Harker on 03/07/17
Read more . . . (171 words) National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: It’s Time to Talk About It. Part 1 of 3Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 03/07/17 Submitted on behalf of Cathy J. Saloff-Coste, MS, RD, CDN, Ithaca College Nutritionist February 26 - March 4 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW), and the focus this year is on getting screened. The earlier an eating disorder is recognized and treatment begins, the better chance there is for a full recovery. For some, getting screened is their first step toward a life free of an eating disorder. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder, and 30 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their life. Eating disorders are complex potentially life-threatening bio-psycho-social illnesses, not lifestyle choices. They profoundly impact not only those who are ill, but also their friends, family, and the whole community. Read more . . . (241 words) Board of Trustees Approved Budget and Salary Increment Pool for 2017-18Contributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 03/07/17 Posted on behalf of President Tom Rochon and Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration Janet Williams. The $234.5 million revenue budget represents a 1.6% decrease compared to 2016-17. The decrease is due primarily to the fact that the larger-than-usual class that arrived in fall 2013 will graduate in May of this year. As a consequence, even if fall 2017 enrollment targets are met our overall enrollment is expected to drop, resulting in lower revenue. Read more . . . (335 words) Leave your car in S-Lot ext. if you are not going to be around for Spring Break and your car is going to be here. Read more . . . (49 words) Get a closer look at SGC! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, February 27th! Read more . . . (3455 words) Friday is the Deadline to Nominate a Rising Senior (Class of 2018)Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 03/06/17
Read more . . . (27 words) Asian American Alliance bring the campus together with DumplingsContributed by Theresa Johnson on 03/06/17
The Ithaca College chapter of American Marketing Association (ICAMA) hosted a fundraiser during the week of Valentine’s Day in support of the Tompkins County SPCA. Members of this student organization lined their tables with a vast, colorful array of sweets to draw in an audience and potential donors from afar. Mitch Wajda caught up with ICAMA’s President, Kat Fischer, while she was handing in her donations raised from the weekend. She was excited to chat about the student organization’s raised earnings and donations that is going to a wonderful cause. Here is what she had to say: “$84 was raised to support their initiatives by selling various types of candy. The SPCA is a great organization and the Ithaca College community was happy to provide support! We promoted the event using social media and by putting up vibrant posters around campus. ICAMA plans to coordinate additional fundraising event to support a variety of community organizations.” Read more . . . (57 words) posted on behalf of C. Vivian Lorenzo, M.D., Medical Services Director In 2015, the FDA approved a new meningitis vaccine that provides immunity to a strain of the meningitis bacteria that is not covered by the original meningitis vaccines (Menveo or Menactra). Many IC students have not yet had this newer meningitis vaccine. The Hammond Health Center recommends that all Ithaca College students protect themselves against meningitis by receiving the MenB vaccine. The brand names of the new vaccine are Bexsero or Trumenba. The Bexsero vaccine is available at the Hammond Health Center by appointment with a nurse. Insurance coverage for the cost of the vaccine is often better if it is administered by a physician at home that is considered in-network with your insurance plan. Since the vaccine is expensive, you may want to consider getting the MenB vaccine if at home over the Spring Break.
Are you interested in taking a survey about how confident you would be communicating with a person with aphasia? Even if you don't know what aphasia is, we are interested in receiving your feedback. Read more . . . (173 words) Dr. Orlando-Marquez C. Kittrell selected to present at the 14th Biennial Tri-State Conference for the 2017 Tri-State Consortium of Opportunity Programs in Higher EducationContributed by Tiffany Valentin Huff on 03/06/17
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Athletic Training Major Attends Major Concussion SymposiumContributed by Paul Geisler on 03/06/17
Read more . . . (215 words) All Manner of Marvels: Wonders Seldom seen! Group art exhibition featuring Art Department Assistant Professor Bill Hastings ('92)Contributed by Bill Hastings on 03/06/17
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