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$10 Haircuts or Donate 8'' for a Free Haircut at The Shoshana Rudnick Inch-a-Thon 3/3Contributed by Allison Copquin on 02/27/17
Read more . . . (86 words) IC Students Being the Change: The African American Student Leadership Experience WorkshopContributed by RahK Lash on 02/26/17
Read more . . . (448 words) Looking for a way to turn your midterms stress into a midterms dessert? Ithaca College Project Generations has just the thing! Come by the campus center lobby on Thursday, March 2nd from 12:00pm-1:30pm and purchase some chocolate covered espresso beans from Ithaca’s own Life’s So Sweet Chocolates. Not only will they taste great and give you the energy to ace all of your midterms, all the proceeds will go to our 5th Annual Intergenerational Prom. The Intergenerational Prom is a wonderful night where we invite our student volunteers, older adults in the Ithaca community and the whole student body to dance, eat great food, and build strong intergenerational relationships.
Read more . . . (26 words) Career Services Workshop - How to Connect With IC Alumni Mentors TODAY!Contributed by Cheryl Boyer on 02/26/17 Career Services Workshop - How to Connect With IC Alumni Mentors Read more . . . (125 words) IC PRSSA Skypes w/ Lindsey Schnitt of NBCUniversal EventsContributed by Colby Daboul on 02/26/17 (Rescheduled event) IC Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) will be holding a Skype session with Lindsey Schnitt of NBCUniversal Corporate Events on Wednesday, March 1 in Park 285 at 7:00 PM. Lindsey graduated from Penn State University in 2012 and has been with NBC for over four years. Lindsey’s most recent work-related travels include the 2017 Super Bowl LI and Rio Olympics. Read more . . . (87 words) Take our Dining Survey and enter for a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet!Contributed by Rachel O'Campo on 02/26/17 Take our survey and win big! Click here to let us know how we're doing. You'll receive a prompt at the end of the survey, to enter the drawing to win a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. We look forward to hearing from you! Because Your Health Matters. And for a chance to win a $50 ID Express Card. Check your Inbox for an invitation to complete the IC Student Health Survey today!Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 02/26/17
Read more . . . (96 words) National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: It’s Time to Talk About It. Part 1 of 3Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 02/26/17
February 26 - March 4 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW), and the focus this year is on getting screened. The earlier an eating disorder is recognized and treatment begins, the better chance there is for a full recovery. For some, getting screened is their first step toward a life free of an eating disorder. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder, and 30 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their life. Eating disorders are complex potentially life-threatening bio-psycho-social illnesses, not lifestyle choices. They profoundly impact not only those who are ill, but also their friends, family, and the whole community. Read more . . . (237 words) WGST presents a talk by Shehnaz Haqqani on ISLAMIC FEMINISM, Tuesday, February 28th, 4-5 pm in the Handwerker GalleryContributed by Carla Golden on 02/26/17
The talk, "Islamic Feminism: Objectives, Methods, and Trends" will introduce Islamic feminism as a significant development in - and part of broader conversations within - Religious Studies and Women's and Gender Studies. Shehnaz Haqqani will discuss the origins of Islamic feminism, highlight some pioneers of the field, and address major themes and trends in current feminist scholarship as well as the future of Islamic feminism as a field of study.
Read more . . . (26 words) Enter to Win an XBOX One (1T ) with 6 games. We will also draw for a pair of SOL headphones!! Customers will also receive Burt's Bees Samples (while supplies last). Don't miss out on this event! Read more . . . (96 words) Contingent Faculty Responds to February 24 Update from Administration on NegotiationsContributed by Rachel Fomalhaut on 02/26/17 As usual, the administration has released information about the bargaining process that contains several misleading or outright false statements. As a member of the Contingent Faculty Union bargaining committee for the past 16 months, I am writing to correct several of the inaccuracies put out by the administration: Read more . . . (532 words)
Read more . . . (37 words) From Senior Vice President Nancy Pringle, Provost Linda Petrosino, and Professor Gwen Seaquist, representatives of the Ithaca College bargaining committee. The college’s bargaining team met with a federal mediator and SEIU representatives on Tuesday, February 21, and Friday, February 24, for continuing contract negotiations with the bargaining units for our part-time, per-course faculty and full-time contingent faculty. Read more . . . (273 words) Now accepting nominations for the 2018 Senior Class Gift CommitteeContributed by Alyssa Cooper on 02/24/17
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As the chair of the Presidential Search Committee, I’m delighted to be able to express to the Ithaca College community how pleased we are with the selection of Dr. Shirley M. Collado as the ninth president of Ithaca College. It has been deeply rewarding to see how enthusiastically our community has embraced her selection. Read more . . . (1564 words) SPJ Discusses Press Freedom with Fmr. Pakistani JournalistContributed by Brandy Hawley on 02/24/17 The Ithaca College Chapter of the Society Professional Journalists will host IC Professor Raza Rumi Ahmad for a discussion on the state of Press Freedoms in the U.S. as well as across the globe. The event will take place on Monday February 27th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Park School Lounge. Read more . . . (124 words) Monday, Feb. 27- Making Excellence Inclusive: Teaching, Learning, and Classroom ClimateContributed by Rachel Gould on 02/24/17 Submitted on behalf of the Inclusion, Cultural Fluency, and Global Citizenship Committee. As we continue to address the challenges of inclusion, cultural fluency, and global citizenship and what they will mean for Ithaca College, we invite you to join us on Monday, February 27th from 3pm to 6pm in the Klingenstein Lounge to participate in Making Excellence Inclusive: Teaching, Learning, and Classroom Climate, a panel presentation and discussion. Read more . . . (285 words) Digital Images for Faculty: Finding High Quality Images for Lectures, Presentations, and PublicationsContributed by Wade Pickren on 02/24/17
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