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Paul Hansom of the Department of English is offering an ICC Themes and Perspectives course this semester on the role of literature in defining, shaping, and responding to environmental concerns. The title of the course is "Earth Works: Literature, Nature, and the Environment," and it carries with it a themes designation of both Mind, Body, Spirit, and Quest for a Sustainable Future. Read more . . . (201 words) Dana Professor Michael Twomey of the Department of English is offering an advanced course this semester in literature and environmental literary criticism, also called "ecocriticism." The course is open to all students who have taken at least three courses in the humanities. The title of the course is "Environmental Criticism: Green Reading." Read more . . . (229 words) The IC Department of English still has a few seats available in the following sections of these ICC Themes and Perspectives courses, full descriptions for which can be found here: Read more . . . (66 words) Get ready for IC After Dark's annual Super Bowl Party!Contributed by Katie Andresen on 01/26/16 Need Super Bowl plans? Look no further! IC After Dark is hosting its annual Super Bowl party in Emerson Suites! Read more . . . (41 words) Diversity and Inclusion Webinar Series “Gender Discrimination Sexual Misconduct on Campus Understand Your Climate Protect Faculty, Staff Students” on February 2ndContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 01/26/16
Specific Learning Outcomes: · What colleges and universities must do to be compliant · Training and prevention education requirements and examples · Maintaining a safe reporting climate and victim centered approach Read more . . . (444 words) In early December, Staff Council administered a survey to solicit feedback from staff at Ithaca College on the topics of racism & bias, workforce analysis, accountability, employee morale, and disrespect & bullying. It is our intent to use the survey results as a roadmap to guide our efforts in working with the administration and other campus partners to improve the campus climate here at IC. At this time, we would like to invite all staff to a series of town hall meetings during which we will discuss possible solutions to the issues our campus community is currently facing. The meeting schedule is listed below. We hope to see you there. Read more . . . (85 words) The Fitness Center's Group Fitness Schedule is now available on our website. Classes will begin on Monday 2/1/16, and most are open to all members of of the Ithaca College campus community on a first come first served basis. Tai Chi, Gentle Yoga, and Iyengar Yoga are available to faculty and staff only. Enjoy! Read more . . . (24 words) Faculty Needed for Vice-President for Enrollment Search CommitteeContributed by Peter Rothbart on 01/26/16 Faculty Council seeks 2 faculty members to serve on the search committee for the Vice-President for Enrollment. The search will begin shortly and conclude by the end of this semester. Interested faculty should send a short statement to the Faculty Council chair, by Friday, January 29. The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce our new employee onboarding program for staff, designed to create a year-long experience to educate, support, welcome and encourage our new employees as they begin their career at Ithaca College. Read more . . . (120 words)
Read more . . . (38 words) Building a Diverse and Inclusive IC Community Does Not Pause Over Winter BreakContributed by Stephen Shoemaker on 01/26/16 Posted on behalf of Roger "Doc" Richardson, Interim Chief Diversity Officer Dear campus community: Welcome back for the start of a new semester. I hope the holiday break enabled each of you to relax and enjoy special times with family and friends, and that it provided you occasions to renew your energy for the challenges and opportunities that await us this spring. As we continue through our annual week-of activities and events celebrating the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., let our words and actions be testament to our efforts to realize King's global dream and our aspirations for a more diverse and inclusive IC community! Read more . . . (861 words) The 2016 Campus Life Award Committee is Seeking Student NominationsContributed by Shelli Mekos on 01/26/16 The 2016 Campus Life Award Committee is seeking nominations from faculty, staff and students for outstanding graduating seniors who would like to be considered for this honor. Read more . . . (107 words) Our next "Brown Bag Lunch with the Provost"—open to faculty and staff in Educational Affairs--is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3, during the lunch hour (12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.). It will be held in the Human Resources Mini Conference Room (garden level of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center). Please bring your lunch; beverage and cookies will be provided. Read more . . . (119 words) Last day to sign up for the Student Organization Fair!- No exceptionsContributed by Theresa Johnson on 01/26/16 The Spring 2016 Student Organization Fair is Wednesday, February 3, 2016 from 10am-3pm in Emerson Suites. There will be over 150 student organizations promoting events, recruiting members, and showcasing their student organization. The student organization is free to attend. Take this opportunity to network with student leaders, find your passion and sign up for so many amazing student organizations. All recognized and new student organizations are able to sign up. Deadline to sign up is January 27 by 5pm. *Please note OSEMA Recognized and Recreational Sport Clubs have top priority. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Theresa Radley at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Read more . . . (157 words) Apply to be IC After Dark's new Ad Chair! Read more . . . (36 words)
Susan is resigning her position as an Accountant in Financial Services to return to her former position as the Controller at Wells College. Susan’s last day of employment at Ithaca College will be February 3rd.
Susan began her employment at Ithaca College in January 2010. She has been an instrumental member of the Financial Services team, serving as an Accountant/Senior Accountant during her six years at the College. In her role, she has been responsible for the reporting of Grant and Title IV funding and expenditures, among other duties. Susan could always be counted on to take on new assignments and to complete them in a thorough and reliable manner. She will be missed a great deal by those that worked closely with her. We will especially miss her sense of humor and light hearted personality. Please join me in wishing Susan the best in her return to Wells College.
Read more . . . (1 words) Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for study abroad - deadline approaching!Contributed by Rachel Gould on 01/26/16
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Williams has over two decades of experience in operations management, financial management, strategic planning, budget/forecast planning, proposal preparation and capital projects. Since 2012 she has served as director of finance and administration for the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University, with oversight of all finance, procurement, facilities, human resources and information technology functions. Read more . . . (202 words)
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