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MAY SESSION : Introduction to Drawing ART 13000

Open to all levels of experience - we'll cover the basics and explore a variety of approaches to drawing. If you've ever wanted to draw, learned to draw as a child and want to get back into it, or need 3 credits and would like to try something new, this two-week workshop is for you!

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 Bruce Henderson, Communication Studies, has been invited by Carole Blair, First Vice-President of the National Communication Association, to be one of six panelists to participate in the Opening Plenary Session of the National Communication Association in Chicago in November 2014.  

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Like any organization that deals with sensitive information, Ithaca College must be in compliance with a variety of security standards. To ensure this compliance, our security practices and policies are regularly reviewed by external auditors, and often result in recommended or mandated changes to our security practices. One such recommendation that the college as a whole has been asked to comply with is the enforcement of screen saver passwords on virtually all college-owned computers.

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Yvonne Rogalski, assistant professor in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, had her research highlighted on the University of Florida website this week.

Rogalski, who did her doctoral work at UF, conducted a study showing older adults remembered more details from a text when they read it and described it to someone else compared to those who just re-read it several times.

The study was inspired by a training technique Rogalski developed at UF called "Read Attentively, Summarise and Review." This method, known as RASR, calls for participants to read a passage out loud and then summarize what they’ve read after each paragraph.

Rogalski’s research was originally published online by Aphasiology in February and appeared in the journal’s print edition in April.

To read the full article on Rogalski’s research, visit the UF website here.

Instagram De-Stress Contest!!

Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 05/06/14 

Submitted on behalf of Julia Herman '14, CHP Intern.

Terrace Dining Hall and The Center for Health Promotion are partnering to create a contest through the social media site, Instagram. 

We want to see how you prepare for finals!

Instagram pictures of yourself eating healthy, staying active or relaxing with the hashtags: #ICStressFree & #ICStudentHealth101 

Each time you post a picture with those hashtags, you will be entered to win awesome prizes from local businesses around the Ithaca area. 

This Tuesday, from 11-2pm & Wednesday, from 4-6pm, come by the pub in Campus Center where we will be handing out healthy snacks to boost your energy and help you better prepare for finals!!

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AAF Stickell Internship Awarded to Taylor Flynn

The Office of Human Resources presents faculty and staff our newest Work/Life Mission Series. This series brings staff from various departments across campus to you to share their expertise on all different aspects of wellness. The Work/Life Esteemed Staff Series covers topics ranging from the basics of dancing to career and life happiness to being healthy at your desk. So, be sure to come out and see the great things that our staff members have to share!

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New section: ANTH 29010 ST: Culture, Sex and Gender at 9:25-10:40 Tues. and Thurs. CRN 23799

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The Office of Facilities, in collaboration with the Campus Center and Event Services Office would like to inform the campus community of upcoming mechanical renovations in the Campus Center from May 19, 2014 through June 16, 2014

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The concert will take place on Sunday, July 20, 2014 at 8:00 pm at the Breakers Mansion. Reitz will be performing with Theater Street Productions.

Who has time to get their computer fixed during finals week? The fixIT Shop is here for you! Come to the on-campus computer repair shop, and receive expedited services this week! The fixIT Shop is fully staffed, and stocked with additional parts for the end of the semester rush to ensure the fastest turn around time possible to meet your computer repair needs.

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 Music Education student and horn player, Grace Demerath has been elected as the President of the 2014-15 National Association for Music Education (NAfME)-Collegiate/ New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Executive Board.  Congratulations Grace, for this prestigious honor!

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Order up for your Senior Week and Commencement Celebrations! Pizza, Sandwiches, Salads and more!

Simply to Go Catering is ready to deliver a menu of freshly prepared items right to your door!

Seniors, Faculty & Staff, plan for your pre-Commencement celebration with the convenience of on campus delivery.  Order online and get the party started right!

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Congratulations to the following School of Business seniors who scored in the top ten percent of Ithaca College students taking the ETS Major Field Test (MFT) in Business this year:  

Alex Behrens
Andrew Ebert
Steven Episcopo
Ryan Ewing
Luke Garvey
Sarah Gibson
Fernando Goncalo
Colton Herrington
Connor Jones
Rebecca Kabel
Samuel Lee
Ryan Meister
Danielle Puleo
Van VanArsdale
Andrew Weaver

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* short courses on systems thinking, synthesizing expertise, creativity, and character

* active hands-on learning; no lectures

* lots of fun

* the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors

* this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges

* courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail

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The school year is coming to a close and Dining Services has posted its Finals Week and Senior Week schedules to Please click on the links for more information and feel free to contact us should you have any questions..

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Cheaper than FedEx and UPS!

Contributed by Anna Isachenko on 05/05/14 

If you have anything you need to ship, BRSS will pick it up from you anytime and send it anywhere in the country. Storage includes door-to-door serivce! They pick up your stuff, store it for the summer, and drop it off when you get back. Schedule an appointment online at anytime.

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 These HEALTH courses are open to ALL students

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I.C. Annual Assessment Summit

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 05/05/14 

I.C. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT SUMMIT (register here) (Registration does not require you to attend all sessions.)
Monday, May 19, 2014, Klingenstein Lounge
Keynote Speaker and Morning Workshop Leader:
Jodi Levine Laufgraben, Ed.D.
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Assessment & Institutional Research, Temple University

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The new Oxford Handbook of Sondheim Studies will feature an essay by IC Theatre Arts Assistant Professor Garrett Eisler among its collection of new perspectives on the work of Stephen Sondheim, the great composer-lyricist of the modern musical theatre.

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