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Sign the petition online!

We, the students of Ithaca College and concerned citizens of the world, demand that plastic bags and disposable plastic water bottles be banned from Ithaca College stores and vending machines.

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Day of Silence - IC Greens

Contributed by Joshua Kelly on 04/08/14 

The National Day of Silence is a day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools. The IC Greens are proud to sponsor this event at IC to combat intolerance, and to help erase hate.

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Inspired by the example of Beethoven, one of the first musicians to understand his own society's music market and to operate as a free agent within that market, becoming a 21st century musician requires skills of perception, innovation in programming, entrepreneurship, networking, and writing skills which go beyond the musical skills honed and refined within the practice room. This festival will offer seminars and performances, open to all IC students, to celebrate and encourage these skills. 

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Who are You?

Contributed by Lisa Calcasola on 04/08/14 

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”    ― George R.R. MartinA Game of Thrones

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Inspired by the example of Beethoven, one of the first musicians to understand his own society's music market and to operate as a free agent within that market, becoming a 21st century musician requires skills of perception, innovation in programming, entrepreneurship, networking, and writing skills which go beyond the musical skills honed and refined within the practice room. This festival will offer seminars and performances, open to all IC students, to celebrate and encourage these skills. 



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The 2014 Finger Lakes Landfill Summit will be held at Hobart and William Smith Colleges on April 9, 2014 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm at Albright Auditorium on the HWS Campus. The Summit is co-sponsored by the City of Geneva and the Colleges, and aims to foster regional dialogue and greater understanding of the impact of solid waste management on the economy and communities of the northern Finger Lakes area.

While the 2013 Landfill Summit focused on answering the question, “Where are we?” with regard to the solid waste situation in the northern Seneca Lake region, the 2014 summit will present information about “Where should we try to go?”

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Anthony Adornato, assistant professor in the Department of Journalism, served on two panels at the 2014 Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Convention in Las Vegas.

BEA is the professional association for “professors, industry professionals and graduate students who are interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises."

Adornato participated in the following panels: Out and On-Air: Openly Gay TV News Professionals with Real World Advice and the Twitter’s staying power and how to teach your students to be responsible using it.

He also gave a presentation at the conference titled, "Using Vine to Teach Video Sequencing.”

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Peter Melcher has been elected to serve as a member of the Executive Committee for the Northeastern Section of the American Society of Plant Biologist.

Stephen Tropiano, director of the Los Angeles Program and associate professor of screen studies, is a juror for the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for the 7th Annual Television Academy Honors, which recognizes television "with a conscience--programming that inspires, informs, motivates, and even has the power to change lives," and the College Television Awards. In addition, Tropiano is currently serving as one of three judges for the Richard Wall Memorial Book Award sponsored by the Theatre Library Association.

ITS is currently planning for software upgrades in ITS-managed computer labs for the 2014-15 academic year.

If you need specific software installed or upgraded to support instruction, please notify Lisa Efing-Guida ( and Brian Brashear ( no later than Sunday, June 1, 2014.

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In case you haven't heard, employers ARE researching candidates online before hiring them. Make sure you're not putting your candidacy in jeopardy because of your tweets, pictures, comments, blogs, etc. Come to this workshop to learn what employers are saying and what you should be doing to protect your professional image.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Megan Wolk on 04/08/14 

Quoted in the Media: Faculty members Deborah King, Michael McCall, Rebecca Lesses, Jeff Cohen, Paul De Luca, Annemarie Farrell and Diane Gayeski; staff member Maura Stephens; and student Isabel Galupo. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page.



IC in the Media

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M-Lot, S-Lot, O-Lot and U-Lot will be reserved beginning Saturday, April 12th, at 5:00 a.m.

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The Whalen Symposium Program  is now available on the website.   

The Whalen Symposium celebrates the tradition of student research and creative activity at Ithaca College.  Come and show your support by attending one or more of the 200+ sessions of student posters, presentations, and performances on Thursday, April 10, from 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM in the Campus Center.

Facebook: JamesJWhalenAcademicSymposium

Twitter: @WhalenSymp_IC


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Want to eat some FREE PANCAKES topped with Maple Syrup produced right on Ithaca College's Natural Lands? Non Timber Forest Products is hosting an open house of its Sugar Bush on April 12 from 11:00-3:00, and we will be giving samples of our Maple Syrup!

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Do you have questions about how Flexible Work Arrangements work for your department? Have you received a request from an employee that you have questions about? Are you considering all options when you review a Flexible Work Arrangement? Let us help you! 

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There will be a Location Sound Recording Workshop on Sunday, April 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Park 223 with production sound mixer Jeff Pullman.

Pullman has worked on more than 100 films and TV series including: Damages, In Treatment, Boardwalk Empire, Monster’s Ball, Rachel Getting Married, and Requiem for a Dream.

To register for this workshop, please email Marlena Grzaslewicz at by April 10.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marlena Grzaslewicz at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

 This Sunday is Palm Sunday. There will be services at Muller Chapel put on by the Catholic Community during our normal service times at 1PM and 8PM

The Ithaca College Catholic Community is hosting a hunger homeless sleepout on the academic quad on Friday April 11 to Saturday April 12.

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Effective communication builds strong business and personal relationships. Read the BalanceWorks April Newsletter to learn simple principles that can be applied immediately and will make you a more effective communicator.