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The “Disaster Planning for Older Adults” workshop will be held today, Wednesday, April 17th, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Country Inn and Suites, 1100 Danby Road, Ithaca (just 5 minutes south of the college).

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Rebecca Jemian, Associate Professor of Music Theory, has been elected to a four-year term as Secretary of the Music Theory Society of New York, an organization committed to fostering the development of all aspects of music theory.

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Intro to Sanskrit and Pali

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 04/16/13 

Sanskrit and Pali are dominant languages in Buddhist texts

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ENVS’s natural history and wildlife ecology guru Jason Hamilton will be teaching two classes this spring/summer that can bring you into closer contact with the local landscape.

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A detailed evaluation tells you everything you need to know and do.

Sign up today: Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as you can. Call 866-843-5640, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET)

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Jewish Studies is offering several exciting courses for Fall 2013: Jews in the Modern World, The Holocaust, Jewish American Writers, Elementary Hebrew, and Israeli Culture Through Literature.

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This is a reminder that if you are registered with Student Disability Services, you should sign up for all final exams that you plan to take with the office as soon as possible.

You can sign up until 4:00 pm on Friday, April 26, 2013. The office cannot accept exam requests after this date.

You can accomplish this by:  filling out the Final Exam Request Forms in 110 Towers Concourse or by phoning your request to 607-274-1005.
Forms can also be downloaded from the website at but they must be submitted in person.  PLEASE  DO NOT EMAIL FINAL EXAM REQUESTS.

You will be notified by email (your IC account) where you will be taking your exam the day before administration.  Make sure your inbox is not over quota!

If you have special circumstances or are having difficulty figuring out when to schedule your exams, please come to 110 Towers Concourse and someone will be available to assist you.

Thanks very much.

Student Disability Services
110 Towers Concourse
Telephone: 607-274-1005

Submitted on behalf of Provost Marisa Kelly:

Last year I created (through internal reorganization) the new position of Special Assistant to the Provost. The position, while intended to be ongoing, was a one year appointment in order to give me time to evaluate the specific responsibilities and title.  I have now done so and am ready to conduct an internal search for this position.

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April 2013

To all Ithaca College Students,

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In response to Monday’s bombing in Boston, the Ithaca College chaplains have organized an interfaith gathering at Muller Chapel on Thursday, April 18. Members of the IC community are invited to drop by between noon and 1 p.m. to pray for those who were killed or injured and their families, for the emergency responders and others who reached out to help care for those in need, and for peace in our troubled world.

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It has come to the attention of the staff in the Office of Residential Life that there is a lot of confusion about the schedule for residence halls closings and final exams.

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If you are a faculty or staff member, please take a minute to help with a research survey on exercise behavior for a class project.

You can participate in this survey by clicking on the following link:


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The Marketing Department in the School of Business and the Ithaca College chapter of the America Marketing Association are pleased to recognize this year's inductees into the Alpha Mu Alpha international honorary marketing fraternity.

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The Transmedia Studio, Park's newest cocurricular organization, is recruiting its first student executive staff. All interested students from any academic discipline are encouraged to apply. Terms on the student executive staff begin immediately and run through the academic year 2013-14.

The following positions will be appointed this semester: Director of Creative Development; Director of Production & Post Production; Director of Budgets & Finance; Director of Marketing, Public Relations & Distribution. All executive staff position descriptions and Studio handbook are available here:

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Juniper Network Connect, commonly used to access the Mentor file server from off campus, is being upgraded to a new version on Thursday, April 18 between 7:30-8:00 am. Active Juniper connections will be disconnected during the upgrade. The first connection after the upgrade will prompt users to download some new Juniper-related software. Juniper will now support Mac OS 10.8 and Windows 8. However, support for Mac OS 10.5 is being discontinued.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Join members of the Environmental Leadership and Actions Network (ELAN) and our DivestIC coalition at a groundbreaking rally to tell IC to divest from fossil fuels!


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This year, REMP (Resource & Environmental Management Program), in collaboration with other student organizations on campus, will be hosting the 12 DAYS OF EARTH WEEK! Each day we will celebrate a different theme in anticipation for one of the most exciting days of the season: Earth Day!

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SLI Session: Culinary Demo

Contributed by Stephanie Piech on 04/16/13 

   Ithaca Dining Services is hosting an Earth Week Celebration Sustainable Food Discussion and Demonstration.

Monday April 22, from 2:30-4:00pm in the Food Lab at Terrace Dining Hall

*a meal plan is not required to attend this event.

* this is an SLI session

*samples will be provided! 




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All are welcome to attend Professor Adams's talk on Thursday, April 25, 5:30-6:30 in Business 103.  This event is proudly sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society.

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  Ithaca Dining Services is hosting an Earth Week Celebration Sustainable Food Discussion and Demo.

Monday April 22, from 2:30-4:00pm in the Food Lab at Terrace Dining Hall

*a meal plan is not required to attend this event.

* this is an SLI session

*samples will be provided! 


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