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OOPS!! DO YOU HAVE A STUDENT WHO NEEDS TO TAKE THE DRIVER SAFETY CLASS AND JUST REALIZED YOU MISSED THE LAST ONE?Contributed by Diane Rogers on 04/29/10 The Office of Risk Management is checking to see what interest there would be in having one more Student Driver Class between now and the end of May. Please let us know ASAP if you have a student who needs the class. If there are enough students interested we will make arrangements to schedule another class. Please call us at 607-274-3285. Thank You. Biology Junior Research Symposia: Wednesday and Thursday, May 5 and 6Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 04/29/10 Each day begins at 4:00 p.m. This course involves original research at the leading edge of an important and growing area. The answers to the questions we are asking are unknown at present. Some students may end up co-authoring papers in scientific journals based on their research and others will go on to give posters or presentations at scientific meetings. View the Schedule and Presentation Titles (.pdf) Refreshments served 3:40 p.m. in CNS first-floor lobby. ALL ARE WELCOME! Read more . . . (25 words) IC AMA Presents: Chicken Wing Fling! ALL YOU CAN EAT WINGS!!Contributed by Catrina VanAtta on 04/29/10
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Summer Session, May 17-28 This is an intensive, hands-on introduction to the world of animation. We’ll be making several short films as a group, experimenting with different 2D techniques as well as 3D stop motion and claymation. Bring your dirty cloths, paintbrushes and your laptop computers (optional) to explore all the exiting ways you can bring images to life! No art or animation experience required.
The Golden Doorknobs are Back! Screening Tonight, April 30Contributed by Melissa Gattine on 04/29/10
Why a doorknob? Ithaca College professor emeritus of cinema and photography Gustav "Skip" Landen (1924 -2009) started the Golden Doorknob competition in 1970 and continued it until his retirement in 1991. Back in those days the films were silent, black and white, and all of the Park School's film students had the assignment: make a very short film that presents the most imaginative way to kill someone with a doorknob. Read more . . . (144 words) Students will lead both Reform and Conservadox Kabbalat Shabbat services this Friday at 6pm, Muller Chapel, followed by Shabbat Dinner at Terrace Dining Hall Balcony. Read more . . . (22 words) Fridays at noon, Phillips Room, Muller Chapel April 30 and May 7 All levels of Hebrew are welcome!
Read more . . . (86 words) Come win a gift certificate to Ithaca Bakery! Read more . . . (62 words) Barney Beins (Psychology) Co-Edits Book, Authors ChaptersContributed by Judy Smith on 04/29/10
Read more . . . (92 words) ***Did you come to the Student Employee Appreciation Day Celebration??***Contributed by Alison Bowman on 04/29/10
Read more . . . (129 words) Want to Tour Germany, Austria, and Switzerland next Dec/January?Contributed by James Pfrehm on 04/28/10
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Read more . . . (131 words) Five psychology students present research at the University of VirginiaContributed by Nancy Rader on 04/28/10 Michelle Rhoades, Elizabeth Stuprich, Danielle Hibbard, Sascha Clapper, and Caitlin Reilly presented research supervised by Nancy Rader at the L. Starling Reid Undergraduate Psychology Conference April 16th. Their trip was funded by the H&S Educational Grant Initiative, the University of Virginia, and the IC Psychology Department. Their papers have been published in the conference proceedings. The titles and authors of the papers are "Developmental Changes in Eye Gaze to a Speaker in Typically Developing Preschoolers" by M. Rhoades and E. Stuprich, "The Influence of Dynamic vs Static Gestures in Early Word Learning" by D. Hibbard, and "A Visual Cocktail Party Phenomenon: Intentional Filtering during Selective Attention" by S. Clapper and C. Reilly. I wish to share with you the news that Marsha Eger '70, director of the President's Associates, will be leaving Ithaca College to pursue a master's degree in ritual chant and song at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick Read more . . . (215 words) Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Announces Appointment of DirectorContributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald on 04/28/10 Submitted on behalf of Tanya R. Saunders, Dean, Interdisciplinary and International Studies. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Asma Barlas as Director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE). Dr. Barlas will begin her duties on June 1st. Dr. Barlas is a full professor in the Department of Politics in the School of Humanities and Sciences and has served as a faculty member at Ithaca College since 1991. She is the author of the acclaimed Believing Women in Islam and a recipient of the internationally prestigious Spinoza Chair in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. Read more . . . (191 words) IC Men's Club Lacrosse Advances To National ChampionshipsContributed by Sarah Hawkins on 04/28/10 The Ithaca College Men's Club Lacrosse team defeated SUNY Oneonta on Saturday, April 24th to advance to the National College Lacrosse League National Championships. Read more . . . (87 words) The School of Business Welcomes Bethany Kilgore as the Professional Development CoordinatorContributed by Stefany Fattor on 04/28/10
Read more . . . (172 words) Career Services Webinar: A Conversation With Wendy Kopp, Founder of Teach For AmericaContributed by John Fracchia on 04/28/10 Career Services is pleased to announce that members of the Ithaca College community have been invited to a special live, interactive event with Teach For America founder, Wendy Kopp. Read more . . . (85 words) Two IC students, Andrew Fry and Sujin Kim, have won Fulbright grants for 2010-2011, and a third IC student, Allison Girasole, has been chosen as an alternate. Read more . . . (270 words) Submitted on behalf of Tanya R. Saunders, Dean, Interdisciplinary and International Studies. After 4 years of outstanding service as Assistant Dean of the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies (DIIS), Dr. Mary Turner DePalma is returning full-time to the Department of Psychology. Dr. DePalma’s collaborative spirit, attention to detail, work with Homer, concern for DIIS faculty and students, and experience in building community will be sorely missed. Read more . . . (52 words) |
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