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Whether you knew it or not, when you installed Office 2007 on your office workstation, by default, your files were set to save in the Office 2003 file format (.doc, .xls and .ppt). At the time, the IC community was using multiple versions of Office and the Mac 2004 version couldn't read the new XML file formats used by Office 2007 for Windows and Office 2008 for Mac. That's all changed now. With the release of the Mac converter and Office 2008, plus the compatibility pack for Windows, all users on campus should be able to read documents in the new file formats (.docx, .xlsx and .pptx). ITS would like you to change your default setting and begin using the new file formats.

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Beginning in mid-January with the spring 2009 technology renewal, all Windows computers will come loaded with Office 2007 instead of Office 2003.

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Information Technology Services (ITS) is pleased to announce that Microsoft Office 2008 is now available as a free upgrade for installation on college-owned Macintosh computers.

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5 Days Left for WebCT

Contributed by Beth Rugg on 01/06/09 

On Monday January 12, 2009, The WebCT courseware system will no longer be available.

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Assistant professor Annette Levine's book, Cry For Me, Argentina: The Performance of Trauma in the Short Narratives of Aida Bortnik, Griselda Gambaro, and Tununa Mercado, was recently released by Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

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On behalf of the search committee for the vice president for enrollment management, I am pleased to announce that three finalists will visit campus for interviews during the next several weeks.

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When asked where you were when the first African-American president was inaugurated -- you will be able to say: "I was at Ithaca College in the Emerson Suites, watching with a few hundred of my closest friends!"

Television coverage of the inauguration will be on display in Emerson Suites between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

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Start your year off right. Come back to campus for MLK Day 2009 on Monday, January 19.

You won't want to miss these great learning opportunities offered by IC faculty and staff. You can't beat an opportunity to learn without being graded or having homework -- so sign up and plan to attend!

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Your resolution: "Make the World a Better Place" -- It’s not too late to sign up to participate in the community service activities on January 19, 2009, the MLK Day 09 "Day On, Not a Day Off."

Your resolution: "Learn More about Issues of Social Justice" -- It's not too late to plan to attend one of the many educational workshops scheduled for January 19, 2009. Sign up in advance to help us ensure that we have room for everyone who wants to attend.

Your resolution: "Become More Involved in the Arts" -- Mark your calendar to attend the MLK Day 09 School of Music concert at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall on Monday, January 19, 2009.

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Faculty members: did you teach a course in the fall using Blackboard and want to move the content into your spring course? It's easy!

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Faculty members must submit all final grades for the fall 2008 semester online by 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 23, 2008.

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Ithaca College remains officially open. Because of the severe weather currently impacting the region, however, we want to remind the campus community of our closing policies and procedures. As per the Ithaca College Policy Manual, weather conditions, no matter how extreme, normally will not close the College when classes are in session. Classes or specific activities may be delayed or canceled without an official closing.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 12/18/08 

Quoted in the media: faculty members Kim Gregson and Michael McCall.

For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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Fitness Center Reminder

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 12/18/08 

The Fitness Center and the building will close for winter break at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, December 19.

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The Student Leadership Institute (SLI) is a series of interactive workshops designed to help students develop and refine personal leadership skills. This campus program is coordinated by staff in the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, which is seeking presenters from our campus community.

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The IC Toastmasters Club will meet on Tuesday, January 6, at 9:00 a.m. in the Cayuga Lake Room, Campus Center.

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At this time of year, we're all in the giving and caring spirit. Keep that spirit going by signing up to participate in the service projects occurring as part of MLK Day 2009 on January 19.

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Instructional Development Fund (IDF) grants support direct course improvement as well as interdisciplinary projects.

Proposals are due in the Office of the Associate Provost by February 15, 2009, for spring and summer implementation and April 15 for summer and fall implementation.

Guidelines and Application Forms

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology was well represented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, held in Chicago November 18-20, 2008.

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Asma Barlas has published "Engaging Islamic Feminism: Provincializing Feminism as a Master Narrative," in Anitta Kynsilheto (ed.) "Islamic Feminism: Current Perspectives," Tampere Peace Research Institute Occasional Paper No. 96 (Finland, 2008).

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