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Submitted for Mark R. Coldren, associate vice president for human resources.

The Office of Human Resources would like to announce some organizational changes in the areas of payroll and compensation and organizational design.

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Due to a technical error, not all members of the campus community received an Intercom roundup on Monday, while others received multiple e-mails.

Hence, the roundup for Thursday, July 3, will contain some stories that readers may have received in an earlier roundup this week.

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Because of the Independence Day holiday Friday, the deadline for Monday's Intercom roundup will be this Thursday, July 3, at 3:00 p.m.

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The Fitness Center will be closed on Friday, July 4, for the Independence Day holiday. It will reopen for normal weekend hours on July 5 and 6, from noon to 3:00 p.m. each day.

The outdoor pool, however, will be open regular hours on Friday, July 4 (noon to 7:00 p.m.).

Please note the Fitness Center and outdoor pool operating hours via their respective websites, linked below.

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Have You Upgraded Your Office Yet?

Contributed by Beth Rugg on 07/01/08 

Do you use Word, Excel or PowerPoint on a Windows computer? Are you looking for a change? If so, consider upgrading to Office 2007 over the summer while it's a little quieter.

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It's no secret that academics are just part of the college experience. That's why Admission's student writers decided to devote so much of the summer issue of Fuse to life at Ithaca outside the classroom. The print issue will be available soon, but you can check out these stories online right now:

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July 16 Blood Drive

Contributed by Patricia Phelps on 06/30/08 

Please give blood if you can on Wednesday, July 16.

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Staples Lunch 'n Learn Seminar

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 06/30/08 

The Office of Purchasing and Staples Business Advantage are pleased to sponsor another office products "Lunch 'N Learn" seminar on Thursday, July 10, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center.

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Steve Seidman, associate professor and chair of the Department of Strategic Communication, will be featured on National Public Radio's Bryant Park Project on Monday, June 30. The program airs 7:00-9:00 a.m. and is also available online:

NPR: The Bryant Park Project

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On behalf of the Office of Enrollment Planning and the Gannett Library, please join us in a farewell reception honoring Chris and Becky Knauer, who will be leaving the college next month to begin anew in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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Your Novell password is used to log into Windows computers in labs and offices, and is the password that allows you to access Memphis, Pulsar or Nova files on either a Mac or PC. Have you changed your Novell password lately? Do you know how to change it?

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Ithaca Community Fireworks: July 2

Contributed by Anonymous on 06/26/08 

The 61st annual Ithaca Community Fireworks show will be held at Ithaca College on Wednesday, July 2. The display will begin about 9:45 p.m.

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Attention sophomores, juniors, and seniors!

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It seems as if every day we learn of another family member or coworker who is battling cancer. Many of us on campus are trying to do something about that by participating in the Tompkins County Relay for Life July 11-12. Please support us by stopping by our tables in the Campus Center lobby July 1, 2, and 8 (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. each day) by taking a chance on a raffle, buying some goodies, or buying a luminaria bag to honor someone fighting cancer or who has lost a life to cancer. Here's what we will have:

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Contributed by Peggy Williams on 06/25/08 

Last July I wrote you all about my plans to retire in the summer of 2008. That time has come -- June 30 will be my last day as president of Ithaca College.

As I leave this rewarding position, I want to thank you all for the work we did together to advance the mission of IC. I am proud of what we have accomplished over these 11 years, and will be forever grateful for your "commitment to excellence." I will miss you and this wonderful place.

I wish you and Dr. Rochon all the best. Thank you.

IC Hope, Ithaca's award-winning Relay for Life team, is pleased to announce six awesome fund-raisers to get you through the summer! Tickets for most of these will be on sale July 1, 2, and 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each day in the Campus Center lobby. From cash to gas, we've got you covered! Here is what we are featuring:

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Season subscriptions are available with reduced rates for Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Call 607-274-3224 for details.

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The search for the associate director of the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement (CSLI) is in its final stages. Over the next few weeks, our final candidates will be on campus for their interviews starting as early as Monday, June 23.

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Toner Scam

Contributed by Wayne French on 06/24/08 

Please be advised of a toner scam that is targeting various individuals and departments on campus.

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Phoebe Constantinou, assistant professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, presented a paper, entitled "Enhancing Your Physical Education Program Using a Tactical Approach" at the fourth International Conference on Health, Fitness, and Active Living in Athens, Greece, on May 9, 2008.

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