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Join us Friday, March 28, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Clinton B. Ford Observatory (weather permitting).

This event has been canceled due to inclement weather.

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Join us Friday, April 11, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Clinton B. Ford Observatory (weather permitting).

This event has been canceled due to inclement weather.

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On April 6, 2008, 115 physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students from the central region of the state enjoyed a full day of events at the New York Physical Therapy Association Regional Student Conclave. The event was designed by students and faculty from Broome Community College, Clarkson University, and Ithaca College, and took place at Ithaca College.

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Associate professor of politics Chip Gagnon made a number of public talks and scholarly presentations over the last several weeks.

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The spring 2008 issue of the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, and Services newsletter is now available.

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Please note that the Legacy of Service day-long service projects and celebration is Friday, April 25th and will conclude with the presentation of Presents for Peggy. Don't miss your opportunity to participate and to allow your student organization to make a lasting impact on the Ithaca community while honoring President Williams and her service to Ithaca College.

In lieu of traditional retirement gifts, the Presents for Peggy program will allow Ithaca College students, faculty, staff, and alumni to fulfill the wishes of local nonprofit organizations in honor of President Williams.

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Reception for Dean Art Ostrander

Contributed by Cindy Neal on 04/11/08 

The Office of the Provost and the School of Music invite you to a reception on Friday, May 2, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. (formal program begins at 4:00 p.m.) in the McHenry Lobby of the James J. Whalen Center to celebrate Art Ostrander's tenure as dean of the School of Music. All members of the campus community are invited to attend.

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Are you interested in interacting with first-year students outside of the classroom? Would you like to be part of fostering a culture of interaction between students and faculty within the first-year residence halls? If the answer to this question is yes, please consider serving as a faculty fellow for the First-Year Residence Hall Program.

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Join the Ithaca College MS Walk team, "IC a Cure for MS" on May 4, 2008 at Ithaca High School. Registration begins at 9:00 am. The Walk steps off at 10. This is a great way to get your blood flowing and your energy moving during finals weekend. Premium Blend will be performing as part of the entertainment during registration.

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Message from C. William Schwab '68, chair, Ithaca College Board of Trustees, and Lawrence Alleva '72, vice chair, Ithaca College Board of Trustees.

It gives us great pleasure to announce to the Ithaca College community that we have reached a successful conclusion to our search for the College's next president. Dr. Thomas R. Rochon has accepted the offer of the board of trustees to become the eighth president of Ithaca College. Dr. Rochon will succeed Peggy Williams, who retires on June 1 after 11 years as president. Dr. Rochon will assume the presidency as of July 1, 2008.

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Career Services is pleased to announce that Ithaca alumnus Don Smith will visit campus on Thursday, April 17, to conduct information sessions about Aclipse. Aclipse offers English teaching positions in Korea and other parts of Asia.

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Reception for Dean Howard Erlich

Contributed by Cindy Neal on 04/11/08 

The Office of the Provost and the School of Humanities and Sciences invite you to a reception on Wednesday, May 7, 2008, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. (formal program begins at 4:30 p.m.) in Dillingham Center lobby to celebrate Howard Erlich's tenure as dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences. All members of the campus community are invited to attend.

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The final round of RHA Hall Wars is here!

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There currently is one opening for summer employment in Mail Services. Check out the "JobShop" link from the Financial Aid web site.

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The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) has coordinated with the Office of Human Resources to conduct a Q&A session with representatives from the Emeriti Program and TIAA-CREF. This program has been designed to address the needs of faculty and staff who anticipate retirement within the next few years.

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The Department of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology invites the college community to join us in wishing “Skip” Testut a wonderful retirement!

Skip joined the department in 1985 and has served as both Department Chair and Graduate Chair during his past 23 years.

A farewell reception will be held on Tuesday, April 15th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge in the Campus Center. Please join us.

The latest issue of Fuse will hit the streets very soon, but we're so excited about it, we want to give you a sneak peak right now.

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Movie Monday: Jacob the Liar

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 04/10/08 

Jacob the Liar is the Movie Monday choice for April 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the Phillips Room, Muller Chapel.

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Hillel's First annual Semi-Formal Matzah Ball

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Ivy Buterbaugh in Recital

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 04/10/08 

Mezzo-soprano Ivy Buterbaugh, assistant professor of music performance, will present a free faculty recital assisted by Andrea Merrill on Wednesday, April 16, at 9:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. They will perform music of Bach, Bolcom, Handel, and Mozart.