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The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE) continues its fall 2007 discussion series, "The Prison Machine: Race, Torture, and the State." The series explores the incarceration of people of color with a focus on intersections of race, torture, and the state.

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Dear IC students, faculty, and staff:

The Do Anything Nice Club is offering free hugs to anyone who needs a bright moment in their day ... or who just likes hugs! There will be a table set up in the north foyer of the Campus Center (in front of Emerson Suites) on Wednesday, November 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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Relay For Life Kick-Off

Contributed by Daniel Wald on 11/04/07 

Relay For Life Kick-Off
Brought to you by Colleges Against Cancer and the American Cancer Society

Monday, November 12, 7:00 p.m.
IC Square

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IC Cycling Apparel for Sale

Contributed by Matthew Plumb on 11/04/07 

For a short time, the Ithaca College Cycling Club is making our team jerseys, shorts, and socks available for a discount to the IC community.

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This is your chance to get involved with campus life helping plan exciting and fun events for the Ithaca College community to enjoy! IC After Dark is seeking energetic, driven and passionate students to apply for the Spring 2008 Executive Board!

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The Organization Development Series is a set of workshops and presentations designed to assist student organizations in the fulfillment of their missions. The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement will be offering several sessions in the next week, including:

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The Relay For Life website is now live!

Make a team, get ten friends, raise money, and help find a CURE for cancer!

Save the date: March 29, 2008, 7:00 p.m., Barton Hall, Cornell University.

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Richard Eaton ’70, a judge on the U.S. Court of International Trade, credits his IC studies in international relations and the solid communications skills he developed at the College with establishing the foundation for a distinguished career on the bench. Richard and his wife, Susan Henshaw Jones, provided a $25,000 campaign gift to the School of Business building and hosted an exciting campaign event in New York City.

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Ithaca Idol Returns November 7

Contributed by Andrew Kosinuk on 11/02/07 

Ithaca Idol is the must-see concert of the season! This year's competiton is set for Wednesday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m. in I.C. Square.

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Assistant professor Maria DiFrancesco and professor Gladys M. Varona-Lacey presented papers at the annual meeting of the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica (AILFCH), held October 24-27 in Seville, Spain.

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I recently sent a letter to the parents of all Ithaca College students with an update on the College's efforts to enhance the safety and security of our campus. It included information on our new Emergency Notification System (ENS), plans to install an outdoor public address system, and our 24-hour locking policy for residence halls.

I wanted to share the text of that letter with the entire campus community. We will continue to provide information during the course of the year, as we further develop our plans for responding to emergency situations.

Brian McAree
Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Fred Chandra will present a free session, entitled "Social Justice: It's Not Just a Catchphrase," on Thursday, November 8, at 7:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge.

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Susan West Engelkemeyer will present a free session, entitled "Women's Issues in Leadership," on Tuesday, November 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge.

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Lis Maurer will present a free session, entitled "Dancing on Slippery Floors: Leading in the Age of Chaos," on Tuesday, November 6, 12:10–1:05 p.m. in the Clark Lounge.

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"Eye Care and Health Care Concerns in Northern Ghana"

Dr. Seth Wanye
November 7
8:00 p.m.
Textor 101

Dr. Seth Wanye is an ophthalmologist at Tamale Teaching Hospital's eye clinic in Northern Ghana and a member of Unite For Sight's medical advisory board. He will discuss his work with the international eye care organization Unite for Sight, and about health care in Tamale, Ghana. The program is cosponsored by Unite for Sight.

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WICB-FM was honored with a Grand Prize for Best Newscast in the College Broadcasters, Inc., (CBI) student production competition. The national award was announced at the College Media Convention in Washington, D.C. on October 27. The winning newscast was produced and presented by Cody Holyoke '07 on March 23.

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Jennifer Kellington, career counselor, and Tiffani Ziemann, coordinator of judicial and educational programs, copresented a program October 9 in Albany at the annual state conference of the College Student Personnel Association of New York (CSPA). Their program was entitled, "Successful Transitions for New Professionals."

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Plan to attend the Veterans Celebration, and you can hear what Rev. Henery has to say about boot camp and other exciting thoughts.

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One hundred and twenty-eight individual panels of the Quilt will be on display in the Emerson Suites at Ithaca College from November 26-28, 2007.

We are looking for dedicated volunteers to spend one or two hours volunteering to read names, greet visitors, monitor the display and facilitate small groups of visitors.

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"It takes a village ... " Well, maybe not a whole village, but it sure does require the talents and energy of a bunch of people to put on a successful campus event. On Wednesday, October 24, the Emerson Suites in the Campus Center became "ground zero" for things sustainable at Ithaca College, as we again observed Campus Sustainability Day.

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