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Seniors: Get Your Mug

Contributed by Gretchen Van Valen on 05/01/06 

IC's Online Community connection! It's kind of like Facebook... only it's for alumni.

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The Senior Class is now working towards getting an amazing graduation speaker for Commencement 2007. Before we forward any suggestions, we want to hear about what the members of our class have to say about a graduation speaker.

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The Class of 2007 Senior Class is now accepting applications for cabinet positions. If you are interested in applying, please e-mail

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Commencement Eve Invitation

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 05/01/06 

You and your family are invited to the Commencement Eve Gala Concert Saturday, May 13, at 8:30 p.m., in Ben Light Gymnasium. Admission is free. Directed by Professor Dana Wilson, this year’s theme is “Rebel with a Cause: Music That Provides Strength Amidst Adversity” and features the orchestra, choir, marimba band, jazz workshop, and soloists, in an exciting and entertaining one hour program.

If you prefer to avoid the packed house and traffic of this popular concert, you and your family (and friends) are welcome to attend the dress rehearsal on the previous evening, Friday, May 12, at 8:30 p.m. The dress rehearsal is a polished performance that is attended each year by hundreds of people, and provides a wonderful opportunity to experience the concert in a more relaxed setting.

Organic Garden 2006

Contributed by Andres Perez Charneco on 05/01/06 

In Ithaca for the summer and want to get your hands dirty? Come participate in the thrid yearf for the ICES Organic Garden!

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iMPrint Magazine: College Life's Internet Magazine has added an Editor's Blog, linked off the homepage. Editor Chris Baxter will use the blog to give readers an insider's look into iMPrint, including production, projects, future goals and relevant issues in digital journalism.

iMPrint hopes to provide full access to readers, while also engaging its audience in the ever-changing landscape of media content presentation on the Internet. For example, the blog's first post addresses the on-going problem of the 'feedback' option on articles and how (and if) they should be moderated.

As always, keeping you, the reader, informed.


Chris Baxter, editor

Raymond Ghirardo (professor, art) and Megan Roberts (associate professor, TV-R) will premiere their new media art installation, “Image Stream” at the Maselnice Gallery in Cesky Krumlov (a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Czech Republic) in May and June 2006. They will also be presenting and participating in Cesky Krumlov's annual art symposium which is concurrent with the exhibition.

Student Book Buyback

Contributed by Michael Bovi on 04/29/06 

Book buyback all week at the Bookstore buyback window down the hall
past the post office. Monday - Friday May 1 - May 5, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Student ID Required.

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The students in the Styles of Acting classes would like to invite you to see their scenes from several of Shakespeare's serious plays and one of Oscar Wilde's comedies.

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The Fitness Center will be offering personal training packages for summer time.

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Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

As you know, in order to be enrolled in the College’s health plans, any dependent child beyond the age of 19, must be enrolled as a full time student in accredited college or university. Therefore, it is necessary to verify student status for any dependents age 19 to 25. Healthnow will be sending student certifications forms out starting next week for all dependent children who fall within this age group. It is important to complete this form and return it to Healthnow within 30 days to avoid interruption of coverage. Children who are graduating at the end of this academic year will be covered through August 31, 2006. In addition to completing this form, please contact the Benefits department at 4-3245, to notify us of any changes to your dependent coverage.

Cram Jam/Food for Thought

Contributed by Debra Meeker on 04/28/06 

Dining Services is proud to bring you "Cram Jam/Food For Thought"
Quiet Study (with munchies) at Terrace Dining Hall and Campus Center Dining Hall
from 9:00pm to Midnight, Sunday, April 30th thru Wednesday, May 3rd.

Because You Can't Make A's on E!

This event is FREE and open to all Ithaca College Students.

The Center for Faculty Excellence will coordinate the formation of small groups of faculty or staff members who wish to meet regularly as they work on scholarly projects. The program is described here:

Katharine Kittredge has offered to help guide the formation of groups. Her communication to the campus community follows:

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The indoor pool will be available for recreational swim Monday through Fridays from noon to 1:30 p.m. starting Monday, May 8 and ending Friday, June 2.

The pool will be closed Monday, May 29 for the Memorial Day holiday.

Library Services: Finals Week

Contributed by Bernard Hogben on 04/28/06 

It's finals week. Look at what the library can do for you.

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Library: Extended Hours!

Contributed by Jennifer Richards on 04/28/06 

For finals week, May 1 - 5: Open at 7 am - because you asked for it! Look for free lemonade set up to the right of the Circulation Desk. Get quick "live" help from the library without leaving your computer. Chat with us...

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Bonus Bucks Buys

Contributed by Debra Meeker on 04/28/06 

Remember to check out the Bonus Bucks Buys at BJ's/Sub Connection and at the Food Court.
You can purchase many items in Case Lots for the summer.
Stock up now! Before these deals are gone!

A new music download service, being launched by Napster founder Shawn Fanning, is coming to Ithaca College next week to sign up local bands and musicians.

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Head Start Program Opening at Longview for Child of IC Employee

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The Ithaca College Adoption Support Group will meet on Tuesday, May 2, from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Seminar Room.

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