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The last colloquium of the year is a conversation with colleagues led by Michael Smith, history, and Stacia Zabusky, anthropology. It takes place on Thursday, April 20, from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m., in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Inspired by the 2005 Summer Institute and other sources, these two faculty members introduced learning portfolios in fall 2005. This presentation includes their own experiences and those of their students.

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Assistant professor Gossa Tsegaye will screen his film, "Vision of the Struggle: The Willard Straight Take Over," as part of a faculty colloquium on Tuesday, April 18, at 12:05 p.m. in the Park Auditorium.

This film documents a local campus event that took place in 1969. At first it seemed of interest only to the Cornell campus community, but it later became of national and international significance.

Join Ithacappella Friday evening (4/14) for our Block Four Concert...the last one for the year! Come say goodbye to our seniors at 7pm in the Emerson Suites...admission is free! CDs will also be available after the concert. Don't miss it!

Need a job for Fall Semester?

Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 04/13/06 

Do you want to make a difference for Ithaca College while earning extra cash?

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Ken DeGraff Retiring

Contributed by David Priester on 04/13/06 

Ken DeGraff will be retiring from Ithaca College on May 31 after 34 years with the School of Communications.

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A sixth cohort of LeaderShip participants completed the year-long program with a celebration on April 12, 2006. The select group of 24 engaged in 14 learning workshops designed to build leadership capacities in an ever-changing work world.

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Check out the Fitness Center Hours this weekend

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A brief presentation and discussion with Rob Gearhart, IC’s new director of online learning, certificate and professional programs in the Division of Graduate Studies. Rob will be joined by Kathy Barbieri, coordinator of instructional support services, and Susanne Morgan, director of the Center for Faculty Excellence. The group will facilitate an informal discussion about good practice in using tools like WebCT for online learning and campus courses, as well as how to best support this initiative.

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Prof. Matt MacKenzie of Muhlenberg College will lead a lecture/discussion entitled "Karma: Self-Making and World-Making in Buddhist Philosophy" on Friday, April 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Textor 101.

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The 2006-2007 RHA academic planners are in and are available for purchase

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Want to make some extra cash? Want to get rid of some stuff before move-out day? If so, come to the Ithaca College Flea Market on April 24th and 25th!

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Michael Horne, a senior history major, presented his research at the annual conference
of the West-Central New York chapter of Phi Alpha Theta,
the national history honor's society.

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Rotary Roses!

Contributed by Katherine Ulicky on 04/13/06 

Wednesday April 26th is Administrative Assistants Day! Show you care by getting your assistant, friend, or loved one a dozen beautiful roses!

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One of the most influential conservative commentators in the country will give a defense of the war on terror in a talk at Ithaca College. Rich Lowry, editor of "National Review," will speak on Tuesday, April 25, at 8:00 p.m. in Park Hall Auditorium. Titled "The Benign Superpower: In Defense of the President's Bush's War on Terror," his talk is free and open to the public.

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On Monday, April 17, Mark Hertsgaard, author of “Earth Odyssey,” will kick off the series of EarthWeek observances and campus activities at Ithaca College. Hertsgaard will present “Three Feet of Water: Global Warming and How to Beat it” at 8:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites in the Campus Center.

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Amnesty International will be sponsoring three fabulous programs on campus each Thursday for the remainder of the month. They include a presentation by a former woman sold into slavery, a presentation by one of the most renowned scholars on sexual trafficking and tourism, and a film showing on child soldiers.

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"Submitted for Your Approval: The Rod Serling Conference" will bring together scholars and industry professionals for talks, panel discussions, and screenings focusing on the man who rose to fame during television's "golden age." The conference will be held on the Ithaca College campus April 21-22.

The Ithaca College community is invited to particpate in the following events during the conference:

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This year we will reflect on the progression of the Erase the Hate Rally. We ask that everyone come to the Free Speech Rock to receive and wear their green bands (representing peace) in support of the effort to erase hate. There will be literature provided that will describe what the college has done to eradicate hate at IC.

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Remembering Mark Alderman

Contributed by Deborah Harper on 04/12/06 

Join us Monday, April 17, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Muller Chapel as we come together to grieve, process, and reflect.

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Deadline for returning Resident Assistant applications.

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