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Help Promote and Organize the Chess Club!

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Where's the Script, Olivia?

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 02/17/06 

Olivia is one of the best team members of "Law and Order: SVU" but she is a bit frantic. Where is her script for the upcoming show? Where else? It's at the Bursar's Benefit Auction! The rumors you have heard are true. We are auctioning off a full "Law and Order: SVU" script signed by every one of the show's star actors. Admit it. You are dying to own that script! Don't put your money away yet though. There are even more great items to bid on, arriving even as we speak!

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Intramural Deadlines Coming Up

Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 02/17/06 

Registration Deadlines for Broomball, Floor Hockey, and Quickball are next Friday, February 24th by 5pm.

The sign-up forms are available in the Intramural Office (102 Hill Center). Stop by and pick one up! Any questions, email us at

The goal of the Ism Project is to bring -isms into the awareness of the campus community through presentations done by students, faculty, staff and administrators. The use of creative methods such as poetry, art, film, dance, music, and others will bring -isms into our awareness and give us ways to challenge the -isms we may unconsciously hold.

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The Office of Human Resources and the School of Health Sciences & Human Performance are pleased to offer a college-wide, staff development opportunity for February 28, 2006 in Emerson Suite C. Marja L. Freeman, a dynamic speaker with over 15 years experience in employment consulting /career development training, and over 5 years experience in motivational speaking and training, will be on campus to present the following two sessions:

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Parking and Traffic Services staff will be in the Campus Center at the check cashing booth to exchange parking permit/bus passes and bus passes only. Staff will be available from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the following days:

Monday, February 20
Tuesday, February 21
Wednesday, February 22

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Enhance your understanding and enjoyment of Ithaca College’s production of The Merry Widow by attending a pre-show talk on Wednesday, February 22 at 7 p.m. in the theatre lobby of Dillingham Center.

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Ithaca College and the Roy H. Park School of Communications will host a two-day conference this spring to honor Rod Serling, one of television's most prolific writers.

Serling, best known for his science fiction television series, The Twilight Zone, taught at Ithaca College from 1967 to 1975. Ithaca College’s library houses the Serling archives, consisting of television scripts, movie screenplays, stage play scripts, films, published works by Serling, unproduced scripts, and secondary materials.

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On Monday, February 20, at 6:00 p.m. in the Handwerker Gallery, Paisley Currah, executive director of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York; John Hanson, assistant professor and director of Hope College's DePree Art Center and Gallery; a Hope College student; and several Ithaca College faculty members will hold a roundtable discussion, "The State of the Closet in Academia."

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BOC executive board applications available now in the Student Activities Center. Anyone can apply.

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WomenSpeak 2006

Contributed by Ann Cusmano on 02/16/06 

The Women’s Studies Program of Ithaca College warmly invites you to attend WomenSpeak 2006: Women and Beauty.

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A free evening of faculty chamber music will feature the music of Nikos Skalkottas on Thursday, February 23 at 8:15 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. School of Music faculty pianist Charis Dimaras has spearheaded the event and will collaborate with colleagues oboist Paige Morgan, bassoonist Lee Goodhew Romm, and trumpeter Kim Dunnick.

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Guest clarinetist Eric Mandat, joined by pianist Jeanne Golan, will give a free recital, "American Music Spectrum," at Ithaca College on Wednesday, February 22. Featuring Mandat's own works for clarinet and piano as well as compositions by Aaron Copland, Dana Wilson, Leslie Bassett, and Eric Moe, the performance will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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The Ithaca College Wind Ensemble will welcome guest conductor Cynthia Johnston Turner to the podium for a free concert on Tuesday, February 21, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall. Turner is director of wind ensembles at Cornell University.

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Leigh Ann Vaughn (Psychology) has published an article with co-authors from The Ohio State University and the University of Oregon on how we understand the motivations for the behaviors of others.

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Sunday, February 19th at 8:00 pm and Monday, February 20th at 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Located in Studio 2, the basement of Dillingham.

FREE!!! First come, first served.

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Join us for the Nutrition and Fitness Fair on Tuesday, February 21 in the Campus Center Lobby from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Enjoy healthy food samples, pick up info on good nutrition, have your blood pressure and cholesterol tested. (For best results on the cholesterol test, please do not eat in the morning.)

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Thursday, February 23
6:00 pm
101 Career Services Office

John Bradac, Director, Career Services Office,
"Personal Statement/Interviewing Seminar".

This workshop is MANDATORY for premed students who are planning to interview this year.

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Nutrition & Fitness Fair

Contributed by Priscilla Quirk on 02/16/06 

Join us for the Nutrition & Fitness Fair on Tuesday, February 21st in the Campus Center Lobby from 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 pm. Enjoy healthy food samples, pick up info on good nutrition, have your blood pressure & cholesterol tested. (For best results on the cholesterol test, please do not eat in the morning).

Prizes include: free passes to the new climbing wall, sessions with a personal trainer, yoga mats, pedometers and more!

Sponsored by the Health Promotion Committee

Make a difference during Spring Break, help build a house with Habaitat for Humanity. There are still spots available on the Spring Break trip to Birmingham, AL. The group leaves on Sunday, March 5th and returns on Sunday, May 12th.

The trip costs $140, which includes travel. A discounted rate is available to 21-year old students who are approved Ithaca College drivers.

If you are interested in the trip or have questions about the trip, please contact us at