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Hiring for Spring Semester!

Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 11/06/05 

Do you want to make a difference for Ithaca College while earning extra cash?

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Deanne Maxwell and Michael Leary will present a free session entitled, “Choices: Ethics and Leadership” on Thursday, November 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge.

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Kelly Stevens will present a free session entitled, “FISH! Philosophy for Leaders” on Thursday, November 10 at noon in the Klingenstein Lounge

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As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Rebecca Plante will present a free session entitled, “Gender and Leadership” on Tuesday, November 8 at noon in the Klingenstein Lounge

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Great American Smokeout

Contributed by Priscilla Quirk on 11/04/05 

The Great American Smokeout is on November 17th. Smokers who plan in advance to quit are more likely to succeed! Pick up information and get your lung capacity checked at the HR Benefits and Wellness Fair, November 9th in Emerson Suites.

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The Great American Smokeout is coming up. Pick up a QUIT KIT or an Adopt a Smoker Contract on Thursday, November 10th, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the North Foyer. Test your lung capacity with a spirometer.

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Homer to Aid Financial Aid

Contributed by Tom Torello on 11/04/05 

As Homer helps admission get students in the door, this new student information system will also help to streamline the often unwieldy process of determining and providing their financial aid. Due to go live later this month, the financial aid module of Homer will have a positive impact on the College’s ability to grant and service aid packages for our students.

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The third annual Ithaca College Veterans Day celebration will be held this Thursday, November 10th, from 12:05 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, in the Emerson Suites!

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Honor Our LGBT Veterans

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 11/04/05 

The Urban Institute estimates there are more than 1 million lesbian and gay veterans currently living in the United States. An additional 65,000 are currently serving on active duty, in the National Guard, and Reserves.

As Veterans Day approaches, read stories of LGBT veterans, or share your own on the Human Rights Campaign site.

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Smoke-Free Residence Halls

Contributed by Jen Richardson on 11/04/05 

The Office of Residential Life would like to announce that beginning in Fall 2006, all residence halls and apartment areas on campus will be smoke-free.

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Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

Please join us at the Annual Ithaca College Benefits and Wellness Fair for all IC faculty and staff!

DATE: Wednesday, November 9
TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Emerson Suites A & B

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Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources is sponsoring a program with eni, your Employee Assistance Program Provider, during the Benefits and Wellness Fair on how to approach stress constructively and manage your expectations. The session is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th at 2:30 p.m. in Emerson Suite C.

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Cortaca Jug Message to Fans

Contributed by Brian McAree on 11/04/05 

As you know, the annual Ithaca College vs. Cortland State football game is scheduled for this Saturday, November 12, at noon at Ithaca College.

Any person wishing to attend the Cortaca Jug game must have a pre-purchased ticket in hand. At this point, the game has been declared a sell-out and no tickets will be available at the gate. For your information, the Cortaca Jug game will be broadcast live by ICTV (Channel 16 on Time Warner Cable in Ithaca); in addition, Time Warner has tentatively planned to carry ICTV's broadcast live on the local access channel in the Cortland and Ithaca areas. ICTV's broadcast will also be webcast live and available free at A high-speed internet connection is needed to view the webcast.

For those with tickets attending the game, please refer to the letters below from Ray Franco, Vice President for Student Affairs at Cortland State, and myself, and the Ithaca College team captains. The letters contain important information about this exciting event. All students at both institutions received this information, and it will be printed in Thursday’s “Ithacan.”

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Cortaca Jug Message to Fans

Contributed by Brian McAree on 11/04/05 

As you know, the annual Ithaca College vs. Cortland State football game is scheduled for this Saturday, November 12, at noon at Ithaca College.

Any person wishing to attend the Cortaca Jug game must have a pre-purchased ticket in hand. At this point, the game has been declared a sell-out and no tickets will be available at the gate. For your information, The Cortaca Jug game will be broadcast live by ICTV (Channel 16 on Time Warner Cable in Ithaca); in addition, Time Warner has tentatively planned to carry ICTV's broadcast live on the local access channel in the Cortland and Ithaca areas. ICTV's broadcast will also be webcast live and available free at A high-speed internet connection is needed to view the webcast.

For those with tickets attending the game, please refer to the letters below from Ray Franco, Vice President for Student Affairs at Cortland State, and myself, and the Ithaca College team captains. The letters contain important information about this exciting event. All students at both institutions received this information, and it will be printed in Thursday’s “Ithacan.”

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Bruce Thompson has published a paper in the American Journal of Physics entitled "Using retrograde motion to understand and determine orbital parameters."

This research was an outgrowth of pondering questions that came up while teaching Astronomy at IC. It emphasizes the geometrical thinking required to fully understand how the planets appear to move from our point of view on Earth.

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Lisa Maurer was an invited panelist for "Taking it To the Next Level in Tobacco Control for Young Adults: Working With Priority Populations on Campus," a web
seminar that focused on the latest national tobacco control strategies and programs for young adults.

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Biology Club Meeting: Nov. 8

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 11/04/05 

Biology Club Meeting
Tuesday, Nov.8th
12:10 p.m., CNS 112

We will announce our profits from the very successful plant sale and treat you to lunch! Also, this will be
the last day to submit T-shirt designs. We will be voting on the December project and discussing final TriBeta induction details. See you there!

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Chris Sperry of Ithaca College’s Project Look Sharp and Dan Flerlage of Lehman Alternative Community School present at the Sustainability Class:
Wednesday, November 9, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ray VanHoutte classroom, Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Rd. (Rt. 96), Ithaca, NY.

Please join us for this evening discussion, hosted by Sustainable Tompkins and the Museum of the Earth, as we explore how media shape our understanding of environmental issues, influence social consciousness, and affect our sense of responsibility for ecological stewardship and community well being.

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A major colloquium will feature Susan Swenson, Department of Biology, on the topic: "The beginning and end of science: evolution and intelligent design in the classroom." The program will be on Thursday, November 10, from 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center.

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The Comedy of Joel Chasnoff

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 11/03/05 

Mark your calendar -- Joel Chasnoff is coming to Ithaca College Wednesday, November 9th, IC Square at 7:30 p.m. This event is free!

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