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The ITS fall workshop schedule is now available online.

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Due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday, TRFs for this pay period (08/23/04 - 09/05/04) should be submitted to the payroll office by 10:00 am on Thursday, September, 2.

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The next trip is on Saturday, October 23, 2004 to the Seneca Casino in Niagara Falls, New York.

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The Humanities and Sciences Faculty Senate will have its first meeting of the year in the conference room of the Campus Center on Friday, September 3, at 4 p.m. We welcome any interested faculty to attend. Dean Howard Erlich will discuss the upcoming year. The Senate will begin to outline its annual goals.

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Lee Bailey, philosophy/religion, presented a paper at the Second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities in Prato, Italy in July, 2004.

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Lockout/Tagout Program

Contributed by Karen McGavin on 08/30/04 

As required by federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regulations, Ithaca College has a lockout/tagout program that specifies procedures for isolating and controlling hazardous energy such as electricity while employees are engaged in maintenance and repairs of machines, equipment, and facilities.

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The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute 2004 Fall Workshop Series will kick off on Wednesday, September 8.

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Welcome to 2004-2005 at IC

Contributed by David Maley on 08/29/04 

Welcome to the 2004-2005 school year and to Intercom, the faculty and staff information center for Ithaca College. Through Intercom, all campus employees can learn about news, events, and developments across South Hill as well as receive news and notices from their IC colleagues.

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LGBT Center Open House

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 08/28/04 

All Ithaca College students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend an open house for the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Education, Outreach, and Services.

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Welcome Boardman Place

Contributed by Karen McGavin on 08/28/04 

The latest facility addition to the Ithaca College campus is now complete and in the process of being occupied.

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The Ithaca College Weight Watchers at Work is pleased to announce the addition of a new option.

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Starting Tuesday, August 31, through Monday, September 6, 2004, the 8 1/4 percent sales tax on clothing purchases up to $110.00 per article will be removed. Come into the Bookstore and save money during this week. It's a great time to purchase clothing gifts for your loved ones. This exemption also applies to online clothing sales.

Contributed by Art Gilmore

To: All Department Office Supplies Purchasers
From: Gail Wagner, Purchasing Department
Re: Office Supplies Alternative
Date: August 2004

The Purchasing Department is pleased to announce an alternate office supplies company, Boise Office Solutions. Boise may be accessed online at its website to compare pricing or to place online orders with your departmental procurement Visa card. Boise offers free next-day delivery, no minimum order, and as an introductory incentive, you will receive a one-time $15.00 credit on your first Boise order (see No. 6 below).

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The Wellness Clinic is now offering a new membership program. Join our group exercise classes for only $25 (per semester).

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Join IC Toastmasters

Contributed by Kristine Slaght on 08/27/04 

Curious about Toastmasters? Please join us as a guest to learn how our club is working toward improving day-to-day, and public, speaking skills.

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John Hopple, assistant professor of biology, will speak at the next biology seminar at 4:00 p.m. on September 2, 2004, in CNS Room 112. His topic: "Phylogenetic Investigations in the Genus Coprinus (Inky Caps): Mating, Molecules, and Morphology."

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The Department of Sport Management and Media is presenting a new course this fall on baseball and educational leadership, in association with the fall symposium entitled Baseball and Educational Leadership: Finding Common Ground in the American Game.

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The AIDS Ride for Life will be on September 11, 2004. A group of Ithaca College students and staff, along with staff and students from Cornell University, will participate. This 100-mile bike ride around Cayuga Lake is a major fund-raiser for the Southern Tier AIDS Program (STAP). Proceeds assure that the organization can continue to provide valuable services in the Tompkins and Cortland counties.

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The Office of Conference and Event Services will again present "Successful Event Planning" on Wednesday, September 22, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. in the Emerson Suite A. This is an opportunity to discuss the basics of planning a successful event with the experts from the office. There will be a brief formal program followed by a question-and-answer session. Refreshments will be available. Door prizes will be given away. Be sure to RSVP the CES office at 274-3313.

Contributed by Mark Warfle

Resources to support service learning will be the focus of a meeting on Tuesday, August 31, 8:00-9:00 a.m., in the North Meeting Room, third floor of the Campus Center. Open to all, this is part of the follow-up to the June Summer Faculty Institute on Civic Engagement through Service Learning. Our guest will be Kevin Michael Day, director of the New York Campus Compact.

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