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On Monday, January 12, iServiceDesk will not be available due to server maintenance. If you have an emergency maintenance issue, contact the Physical Plant office at 4-3225; otherwise, please wait until Tuesday to submit service requests through iServiceDesk.

Thank you!

Contributed by Sue Shipos

Staff Discussion Opportunity

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 01/09/04 

Have you read James McBride's book, The Color of Water? Why not make a reservation to join fellow employees in a group discussion about this memorable book?

This past summer, incoming freshmen participated in the Freshman Summer Reading Initiative. This event introduced them to the Ithaca College community of learners and offered them a shared academic experience that included students, faculty, and staff. (See "Book Binding" in the President's Corner of the Ithaca College Quarterly for more information about the initiative.) The initiative was an overwhelming success. As a result, many employees across campus have requested a discussion session for staff.

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Stephen Sweet (sociology) recently had two articles accepted for publication:

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Faculty, administrators, and staff can now request books from the online collection available at the Ithaca College Library website, under Faculty Services, and have them delivered to their departments.

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A New Look for iProcurement

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 01/06/04 

iProcurement has a new look! The Purchasing Department would like Parnassus users to note the overall new look of iProcurement.

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New Assistant Director for OMA

Contributed by Kate Brown on 01/06/04 

It is with great pleasure that the Office of Multicultural Affairs welcomes Stephanie Adams in her new role as assistant director, effective December 16, 2003.

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We, at the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, are pleased to announce an opportunity for faculty and staff to participate in the annual Polar Plunge on Friday, January 16, 2004. We are holding the plunge in conjunction with the weekend-long celebration of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, observed this year on Monday, January 19.

King once said, "Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve." On January 16, you can serve by working with a group of 7-8 students at over 10 community agencies doing a variety of hands-on projects.

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The next meeting of the informal education and support group for employees with aging family members will be on Friday, January 9, 2004, at noon in the Gerontology Resource Room (413 CHS).

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Brian Martinson has accepted the position of Executive Assistant to the Vice President in the Division of Finance and Administration.

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For the past seven years, the Ithaca College Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program has provided free tax service, including preparation and advice to members of the Ithaca College community. We are pleased to announce that we will again be offering this service.

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We at Recreational Sports and the Fitness Center are very pleased to announce that Franklin (Frank) Harrison has been hired as the new assistant manager of Recreational Sports. He will begin on Monday, January 5.

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Staples/Avery Hands-On Seminar

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 01/03/04 

The Ithaca College purchasing department and Staples Business Advantage are cosponsoring a hands-on learning lab for Avery label office products on Wednesday, January 19, at the TLC computer lab in Friends Hall room 101.

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There will be some changes to Parnassus after the upgrades currently being applied are completed on Jan 5.

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Fitness Center Offers Classes

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 12/22/03 

The Fitness Center is offering the following classes for the spring semester. You can sign up until classes are full for group exercise. You can drop in anytime for the aerobic classes.

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Employees in the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety have approved the formation of a collective bargaining unit affiliated with the International Union of United Government Security Officers of America.

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Eloise Greene, television operations manager, was named spring convention chair by Collegiate Broadcasters Inc.

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Due to unanticipated delays in payroll processing schedules, pay slips for the December 31 semimonthly pay date will not be available for viewing online until tomorrow, Friday, December 19. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

The Parnassus Steering Committee

Contributed by Ed Fuller

Improve Your Speaking Skills

Contributed by Deborah Emnett on 12/18/03 

As you consider your resolutions for the new year, think about improving your public speaking and communication skills.

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The Ithaca College Story

Contributed by Graham Stewart on 12/16/03 

Want a great free gift to give to someone for the holidays? The Office of Alumni Relations has extra copies of John Harcourt's history of Ithaca College from 1892-1975.

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Fitness center and pool hours during the holiday break:

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