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Viewing of the Mars Opposition

Contributed by Judith Dresser on 08/21/03 

The Ford Observatory will be open for public viewing of the Mars opposition on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, August 26 and 27, from 10 p.m. to midnight.

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Changes in the Campus Directory

Contributed by Tom Torello on 08/21/03 

The Office of Marketing Communications and the Office of Human Resources have made several changes to this year’s directory:

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Partnership activities involving Ithaca College and Longview, a residential facility for older adults located on Danby Road across from campus, reached an all-time high during the past semester. Approximately 370 students, 28 faculty, and 7 staff members were involved in more than 50 Longview-related activities during spring 2003.

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The president, provost, and board of trustees cordially invite the Ithaca College community to join them Monday morning, August 25, at Convocation to celebrate the beginning of a new academic year.

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This is a reminder that an all-College staff meeting will be held tomorrow morning -- Thursday, August 21 -- from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Emerson Suites of the Campus Center.

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The Ithaca College community is cordially invited to join the Office of Multicultural Affairs at a welcome reception on Monday, August 25, as we celebrate the beginning of the academic year with new and continuing OMA students.

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On Thursday, August 21, 2003, price changes will go into effect at all locations run by Ithaca College Dining Services.

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WICB-FM, the College's student-run station, was the only area radio station on the air during the great blackout of 2003 on Thursday, August 14.

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Fall 2003 Policy Changes

Contributed by Christopher Knauer on 08/18/03 

The following are important policy changes effective for the fall 2003 semester.

Classes begin on Wednesday, August 27. Please be aware that classes will meet that day on a Monday schedule.

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New phone number: 274-1000

Effective August 18, the Office of Information Technology at Ithaca College will be known as Information Technology Services (ITS). We undertook this reorganization in an effort to accomplish several important initiatives.

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Summer Hours Review

Contributed by Martha Turnbull on 08/15/03 

Many staff members have commented to HR that Friday summer hours have added to the enjoyment of the summer season. The College's summer hours schedule was in place from June 6 to August 8, 2003, and enabled full-time staff to work two fewer hours on the designated Fridays and receive their usual compensation.

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Many of you may remember Unity Festival and the Saturday morning relay events held each fall to celebrate diversity in the Ithaca College community. This year we have made several changes to the festival in order to generate greater student, faculty, and staff involvement -- and that includes a new name.

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The mission of the Center for Faculty Excellence is to support our faculty members as complete teachers and scholars. Since the College has a commitment to "share the responsibilities of citizenship and service in the global community," and since the faculty handbook incorporates an expanded definition of scholarship, our faculty development efforts integrate the traditional areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.

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We need at least 10 more people to sign up for the New York State Fair Bus Trip. Without those 10 seats filled, our trip planned for August 23 will have to be canceled.

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The Caring and Sharing Committee of the Ithaca College Staff Council is pleased to announce that it will again be able to provide assistance to employees who may need financial help with back-to-school supplies for their children, ages 4-16, living within the household.

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Fall Yoga and Pilates Classes

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 08/12/03 

Yoga and Pilates class sign-ups will begin on Monday, August 18.

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Fitness Center Hours

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 08/12/03 

Fitness Center Closed:
Saturday, August 16, and Sunday, August 17

Summer Hours
Monday, August 18-Thursday, August 21, 7:00-9:00 a.m.; 11:30-1:30 p.m.; and 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, August 22, 7:00-9:00 a.m. and 11:30-1:30 p.m.

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HBO Airs Documentary by Alum

Contributed by Graham Stewart on 08/12/03 

Uncle Frank
Matt Ginsburg '88 (TV-R) lets us know that after playing to audiences at seven international film festivals and the Smithsonian, his film Uncle Frank will premiere Tuesday, August 12, at 8:00 pm on HBO2.

The award-winning film kicks off the HBO documentary series "Still Kicking, Still Laughing" -- six films featuring older Americans who celebrate aging with style, grace, and gusto.

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Temporary Bookstore Help

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 08/12/03 

Do you know someone in your family or in your neighborhood who would enjoy some challenging temporary work and some extra cash? There are temporary positions available beginning Thursday, August 21, and continuing through Friday, August 29, in the IC Bookstore.

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IC HOPE Team a Success!

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff on 08/11/03 

The IC HOPE Relay for Life team would like to thank everyone for their support. The team was able to raise close to $6,000 for the American Cancer Society.

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