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Open Forum on Sexual Harassment Policy Revision
April 17, 2003
4:00 pm
Klingenstein Lounge, Egbert Hall

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Sarah Jefferis reads her poems

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 04/03/03 

"What Erases the Coast"
Lyrical poems that explore the Southern Narrative lines between the water and the shore.
Sarah Jefferis, English and Writing
Thursday, April 10
12:10-1:00 pm
Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall

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Campus Events April 6-12

Contributed by Anonymous on 04/03/03 

A selection of recitals, lectures, and other events on campus during the week.

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New Initiatives Fund - Reminder

Contributed by Eileen Jacobs on 04/02/03 

Reminder -- April 22 is the submission deadline for the New Initiatives Fund.
For full details of this program, see the earlier Intercom story, Call for Proposals

Contributed by Michael McGreevey

Thursday, April 10, 2003 the Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Program will have an information table in the campus center lobby from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please stop by.

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BIGAYLA Flag Flies in April

Contributed by Lorelei Becker on 04/02/03 

The BIGAYLA pride flag will be flying April 1-30, 2003 on the Ithaca College community flag pole located by the west entrance to the Campus Center (east end of the academic quad).

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Homophobia and Sports

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 04/02/03 

"Mike Piazza Says He's Not Gay, But Why Do We Care?--Are Sports Fans and Teammates Ready for Lesbian and Gay Athletes to Come Out?"
A presentation by Pat Griffin
Tuesday, April 8
8:00 p.m.
Emerson Suites.

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Help IC Family Now

Contributed by Anita Costa on 04/02/03 

Due to the many requests for help, the Emergency Relief Fund's balance has dropped to a very low level and is in danger of not being able to help some in our community.

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Changes to Intercom

Contributed by Tom Torello on 04/01/03 

Intercom has been up and running for more than four weeks now, and campus response and involvement have been excellent. In fact, the remarkable volume of information that is being submitted by people across campus has prompted us to make several changes to help improve Intercom’s functionality. Many of those changes were based on recommendations from campus users. Thank you!

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New Course on Disability

Contributed by Carole W. Dennis on 04/01/03 

An examination of the historical and sociocultural construction of disability through readings, discussion, film, and personal narrative. The history of several disability groups will be used as case studies to analyze the ideological, socioeconomic, political, and cultural experience of disability. 3 credits, no prerequisites.

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Spring Trip to New York

Contributed by Sue Ann Vrzal on 04/01/03 

Spring Bus Trip to New York City
Saturday, May 24
Cost: $35.00

A day on your own in the Big Apple

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Ithaca College welcomes the following faculty and/or staff members:

  • Julie Dente, program assistant, Support Services for Students with Disabilities (part-time)
  • Douglas Doxtater, lead facilities attendant, Facilities Services
  • Bonnie Belfield, coach for outdoor track, Athletics (part-time)
Contributed by Deborah Merriman

Vince DeTuri, chemistry department, has been awarded the 2003 Summer Research Grant in the amount of $3,350. His grant is titled "Energetics of Proton Transfer Reactions". The objective of this research is to investigate the nature of hydrogeen bonding during a proton transfer reaction and to investigate the interactions of hydrogen bonding solvent molecules to reactive intermediates.

Author: Vincent DeTuri

Multicultural Teaching and Curriculum Transformation
First Ithaca College Summer Institute for Faculty
May 19-22
Campus Center

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Senior Transitions Workshops

Contributed by Deanne Maxwell on 03/31/03 

Senior Transitions Workshop Series
Sponsored by the Office of Career Services

Prizes will be awarded to students who atttend both sessions. Also, refreshments will be provided.

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In order to allow for an objective review of existing library fine policies and the implementation of revised polices, effective immediately, the library is canceling overdue library fines for Ithaca College faculty, administrators, and staff until July 1, 2003.

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Physical Plant Hirings

Contributed by Richard Couture on 03/31/03 

I am pleased to announce the appointments of, Steve Dayton as project coordinator, and Jackie Hopkins as administrative assistant, in the Construction Planning & Design division of Physical Plant.

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The Good Life

Contributed by Christine Haase on 03/31/03 

The Good Life: Everyone Wants It, But What Is It?
-- a public lecture on this ancient and important question by
John Kekes, Department of Philosophy, SUNY-Albany
Thursday, April 17
5:30 - 7:00 pm
101 Textor Hall

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The Latino Challenge! Past, Present, and Future
a lecture by Anthony Stevens-Arroyo
Thursday, April 10, 2003
7:00 pm
Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall

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Thursday, April 3, 2003
7:00 - 8:00 pm
LGBT Resource Center
(located on the ground floor of the Hammond Health Center)

Career Services, the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services, and the Office of Multicultural Affairs will be hosting a program on sexual orientation and gender identity -- Necessary Considerations for Your Career.

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