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The Celebration of Service Committee is looking for volunteer shuttle drivers for the South Hill cleanup on Saturday, April 12. Drivers are needed from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm -- volunteer for half an hour or for the entire cleanup! Help beautify our neighborhood!

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April is LGBT Awareness Month

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 03/30/03 

April is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) Awareness Month, or -- as it is sometimes referred to on our campus -- "Gaypril." This April will bring a variety of LGBT-themed special events, speakers, a new feature lecture series, and films to campus. Events will take place almost every day of the month.

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Media and War

Contributed by Peter W. Bardaglio on 03/30/03 

This is a followup to the presentation on "Media & War" given by Chris Sperry of Project Look Sharp on Sunday night. That presentation is now available on video from the multimedia center at the College library (call number PLS 001).

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The Health Promotion Committee is proud to present the next session in the Health Promotion Series "Taking Care of You"
Monday, March 24, 2003
7:00 pm
Klingenstein Lounge

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Thursday, April 3
3:00 p.m
North Meeting Room, Egbert Hall

The campus community is invited to an open meeting with Mr. Kingsley Greene, one of three candidates interviewing for the position of college librarian.

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Andy Smith, biology, has been granted a $3,350 2003 Summer Research Grant. The project is entitled "A Mechanical Analysis of Molluscan Proteins that Appear to Convert Non-Adhesive Gels into Glues".

Contributed by

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H&S Associate Dean Appointment

Contributed by Lynda Walters on 03/27/03 


I am pleased to announce the appointment of David Garcia as associate dean in the School of Humanities and Sciences. David comes to us from New York University, where he directed their very successful General Studies Program. Anticipated starting date is mid to late June. Special thanks to those who participated in the interview process.

Contributed by Howard Erlich, Dean, H&S

Partnership in Teaching Program

Contributed by Alice Rockey on 03/27/03 

Have you heard about Ithaca's Partnership in Teaching Program through the Center for Teacher Education? The Partnership in Teaching Program is a vehicle for making connections between people at Ithaca College and local public schools of surrounding communities. At the core of the program are the Ithaca College faculty and staff who have volunteered to give their time and expertise in support of area schools.

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John Confer Presentation

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 03/27/03 

John Confer, biology department, presented "Extirpation of Golden-winged Warblers: Habitat Loss and/or Hybridization?". Joint meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and the Association of Field Ornithologists. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. March 2003.

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Saturday, March 29
7:00 p.m.
Ithaca Holiday Inn

Some faculty members in the School of Humanities and Sciences will be reacquainting themselves with the dictionary this week, as they prepare to take part in the "Scrabble for Literacy" fund-raiser being held by Literacy Volunteers of Tompkins County (LVTC). The event will pit teams of Scrabble players against one another to support LVTC's adult literacy initiatives.

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Faculty Recital: Ithaca Brass

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 03/27/03 

Thursday, April 3
8:15 p.m.
Ford Hall,. Whalen Center

The Ithaca College School of Music's resident faculty brass quintet, will give a free concert featuring works by Viktor Ewald, Robert Sanders, and Dmitry Shostakovitch.

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Ariadne String Quartet

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 03/27/03 

European Tour Program

Monday, April 7
8:15 p.m
Hockett Family Recital Hall, Whalen Center

The Ariadne String Quartet will give an Ithaca audience the chance to hear the program the group performed on a recent tour of England and the Republic of Ireland.

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A day after making his Carnegie Hall debut with a performance of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto no. 1 in B-flat Minor -- the piece that won him a gold medal at the 2001 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition -- Stanislav Ioudenitch will travel to Ithaca College to perform the work in a free concert on Sunday, April 6.

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Back from Baghdad

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 03/26/03 

Maura Stephens with two young friends
"What Sanctions and War Are Doing to the People of Iraq"
A Faculty Development Colloquium
Maura Stephens, College Relations
Tuesday, April 8
12:10-1:00 pm
Clark Lounge

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A Faculty Colloquium Discussion
Granger Macy and Bill Tastle, School of Business
Thursday, April 3
12:10-1:00 pm
Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall

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Reza Baraheni: Readings and Conversation
"The most important living writer of Iran"
Internationally admired poet and novelist, now living in exile

Wednesday, April 2, 2003
7:30 p.m.
Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall, Ithaca College
Free and open to the public

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Health and Safety Fair

Contributed by Jen Richardson on 03/26/03 

Annual Health and Safety Fair
presented by the Ithaca College Health Promotion Committee and the Safety Awareness Committee

Tuesday, April 1, 2003
11:00 am-2:00 pm
Campus Center

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