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ITHACON, Ithaca’s classic comic book convention, is being held on March 25 and March 25 at the Ithaca College Campus Center. Acres of free parking and all events and activities are FREE. Read more . . . (166 words) Comics Legends Rodger Stern and Jim Shooter in ConversationContributed by Katharine Kittredge on 03/21/17
At noon on Saturday, March 25 in the Klingenstein Lounge. author Rodger Stern and editor Jim Shooter will talk about writing and editing Superman, Spiderman, X-Men and the Avengers. Read more . . . (178 words) Fitness Center - Inner Strength Sign-ups Now AvailableContributed by Sean Reilley on 03/21/17 Inner Strength (as featured by The Ithacan) is now open for block 4 sign-ups. Inner Strength is a group fitness class that differs from our more traditional classes in a few key ways: i. Participants sign up and commit to the entire block of classes rather than signing up 30 minutes before each session. ii. Participants meet with the instructor for pre and post fitness testing and functional movement screenings. iii. Class workouts and movement progressions are tailored to meet each individual participant’s ability. We are offering two sections of Inner Strength this block. Both sections will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a student section running from 4:15pm – 5:00pm, and a faculty/staff section running from 5:15pm – 6:00pm. If you are interested, you may register at the Fitness Center front desk any time before Tuesday 3/28. If you have any questions please let us know.
Read more . . . (26 words) Ed Tech Day is this Thursday, March 23 from 9 AM to 3 PM in Emerson Suites, Campus Center. Meet representatives from Apple, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Zoom and over 50 others!Contributed by Shelli Mekos on 03/21/17
Read more . . . (49 words) Visiting Team Chair Selected for Middle States ReaccreditationContributed by Luke Keller on 03/21/17 Our Middle States liaison, Dr. Tito Guerrero, has named Dr. Joseph Bascuas chair of the visiting review team for our reaccreditation self-study. Visiting team chairs are assigned by the Middle States Commission from a group of potential evaluators who have experience as members of evaluation teams. Read more . . . (308 words) To apply to be a speaker, and gain more information about TEDxIthacaCollege occurring on December 2nd, 2017 from 8:30am-3:00pm follow the link below: THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS MARCH 31ST 2017! The purpose of TEDxIthacaCollege is to allow brilliant ideas to come to life. As a community we have much to offer one another. From our stories to our innovations, TEDxIthacaCollege is about collaboration between discovery and interconnectivity of self. We are seeking speakers that are passionate about their ideas (whatever it may be) for TEDxIthacaCollege 2017. A goal of TEDxIthacaCollege is to sark conversation that will lead to action. If you have any questions or concerns please email If you are hosting an event on campus and are in need of some cash, there is still funding available through SGC! Read more . . . (48 words) Ithaca College is partnering with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier to bring their mobile food pantry to the IC community. The Mobile Food Pantry is used to deliver fresh produce, dairy products, and other food and grocery items directly to distribution sites where people need food. When the truck arrives at a site, volunteers place the food on tables surrounding the truck. Clients are then able to "shop" free of charge, choosing items that they need. Read more . . . (170 words) Thank you to the campus community for your patience as the Shared Governance Task Force reviewed the feedback we received in the fall and completed a second Draft of the Charter of Shared Governance. The Shared Governance Task Force is pleased to inform the campus community of the following timeline for release of the draft of the shared governance document. Read more . . . (238 words)
Read more . . . (109 words) RSVP Deadline! Rainbow Reception for LGBTQA Graduating Seniors and Grad Students- Register NowContributed by Luca Maurer on 03/21/17
Read more . . . (170 words) Tompkins County Public Library to Host Civic Engagement Discussion SeriesContributed by David Harker on 03/21/17
Read more . . . (171 words) Do you love event planning, marketing, advertising, design or finance? Want to be a part of creating and executing on-campus events? Then apply to be a member of the IC After Dark Executive Board for the Fall 2017 semester! There are many open positions in which you can apply your skills, get experience and have fun all at the same time! Open positions are: Co-Vice Executive Chair of Event Planning, Event Planner, Vice Executive of Finance, Vice Executive of Marketing, E-Communications Chair, Photography Chair and Advertising Chair! Vice Executive applications are due on Monday, March 27th 2017 by 11:59pm. Applying for a Board Position? Applications are due Saturday, April 1st 2017 by 11:59pm. Follow the link below to access the application: Questions? E-mail us at Help the Friendship Donations Network with a fun raffle! Read more . . . (131 words)
Parking Lot Closures for Ed Tech Day (Closures Wednesday 3/22 and Thursday 3/23)Contributed by Andrew Kosinuk on 03/21/17 On Thursday, March 23rd, the College will be holding its 27th Educational Technology Day. This exciting event attracts hundreds of visitors to our campus to explore new technologies and learn more about how technology can be used both in and out of the classroom. We are asking that students, staff, and faculty please be aware of the parking impact of Ed Tech Day on both the event date and the preceding Wednesday, as described below. Read more . . . (274 words) Love writing? Apply to be a peer tutor at the Writing Center!Contributed by Jaime Warburton on 03/21/17
Read more . . . (343 words) Update on Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer SearchContributed by Thomas Rochon on 03/21/17 After thorough consultation with president-elect Shirley M. Collado and search committee chair Brian Dickens, we have decided to defer the timing of the search for a Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer to the fall semester, after Dr. Collado officially assumes her role as President. Read more . . . (158 words) Toby Foyeh and Orchestra Africa to Perform with IC African Dance and Drumming EnsembleContributed by Baruch Whitehead on 03/21/17
The concert will feature music from the Ewe, Dagomba and Ga tribes of Ghana by the African Drumming and Dance Ensemble and the Worlds of Music Class. Toby Foyeh and Orchestra Africa is very visual on stage and do an intense performance that incorporates modern African dance to enhance the music with colorful costumes, call and response singing supported by great melodic instruments, guitars, flutes keyboards and percussion featuring the Gangan (Yoruba talking Drum). Read more . . . (337 words) Dan Breen (English) to speak on Christopher Marlowe's Edward II on March 23.Contributed by Michael Twomey on 03/21/17
Read more . . . (279 words) |
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