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"BEING", a Skills Processing Group for Students From the African DiasporaContributed by Jacque Washington on 01/12/17 Do you know any students who identify from the African Diaspora who could benefit from a group that integrates learned skills and processing with the goal of achieving effective and healthy lifestyle solutions? Read more . . . (136 words)
Read more . . . (167 words) Terri Stewart, who has served since 2009 as director of the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, has accepted an offer to become director of the Office of Campus Safety at Nazareth College in Rochester. Succeeding Stewart will be Bill Kerry, who had left IC last summer to become associate director of the Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) Campus Police. Stewart’s last day at Ithaca College will be January 23; Kerry will assume his new role on February 13. Read more . . . (536 words) This month's BalanceWorks Newsletter focuses on New Year's Resolutions, specifically eating healthy. Click here for great healthy recipes such as Grapefruit Brulee! NEW CA PERSPECTIVE COURSES: Sustainability, III, Identities, Power & Justice, and Mind, Body, SpiritContributed by Jennifer Jolly on 01/11/17 The Art History Department has space in the following newly designated ICC courses: Read more . . . (94 words) Wireless: Reminder to Use New Networks; Old Networks to be Turned Off Today (1/11)Contributed by Karen Compton on 01/10/17 The new wireless networks, IthacaCollege and IthacaCollege-Guest, have been operating reliably since late November, so DIIS will be turning off the old networks (ICAirnet and ICAirnet-Secure) as of today (Wednesday, January 11th) at 8:00 AM. Read more . . . (244 words) This is a reminder to the campus community that the All College Meeting will be held in Emerson Suites on Thursday, January 19 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Read more . . . (66 words) Office of Analytics and Institutional Research (AIR) Open HouseContributed by Leslie D'Arcy on 01/10/17 Save the date! Read more . . . (119 words) Submitted on behalf of the Office of Energy Management and Sustainability Read more . . . (103 words) Reminder: Next Diversity and Inclusion Discussion Circle on Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 12-1 pmContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 01/10/17 Posted on behalf of Janet Williams, Interim VP for Finance and Administration. Members of the campus community are invited to join our weekly D&I Discussion Circle on Wednesdays at noon in Klingenstein Lounge. Once a month, a guest presenter will join the group to talk about a topic related to diversity and inclusion. This month our scheduled presenter will be the following: Read more . . . (78 words) Join Ages & Stages in Our Community Intergenerational ProjectContributed by Elizabeth Bergman on 01/10/17
Ages & Stages in Our Community is an intergenerational project involving collaboration between South Hill Elementary School 2nd Grade students, Ithaca College students, and “Community Elders.” We seek adult participants (age 55+) to serve in the “Community Elder” role (Note: The 55+ age requirement is completely negotiable!). Participants do not need to be employees of Ithaca College. Please feel free to invite friends and loved ones.
Read more . . . (140 words) First Class Postage will Increase on January 22, 2017Contributed by Karen Serbonich on 01/10/17 First class postage will increase 2 cents to $.49 on January 22. A few departments order rolls to use on outgoing mail. Departments must email Pete Schlough or call Pete at 4-3332 to order stamps before the rate increase by end of day Thursday 1/12/17. Stamps need to be paid for by Friday January 20 to receive the current pricing. Mail Services will contact your department when the order is available. The Phillips Hall Post Office currently has 4 rolls of 100 stamps on hand and numerous books and sheets. Read more . . . (47 words) DIIS is continuing our work to upgrade the Internet connections for the campus. While we continue that work, there will be no Internet connectivity during our maintenance window of midnight to 6am on Thursday, January 12th. The objective is to improve reliability and performance by replacing outdated equipment and increasing our capacity to 2 Gigabit/Sec. The upgrade will impact the ability to access many systems and services (Outlook email, Sakai, myHome, Parnassus, etc.) based on whether you are on or off campus. See the chart of system availability for details. Service Desk Fire Alarm Testing and Drills For Academic Buildings During BreakContributed by Charlie Sherman on 01/10/17 Ithaca College Environmental Health and Safety personnel will be conducting fire alarm testing followed by an evacuation drill in some academic building during break. Read more . . . (233 words)
Have you tried the Cinnamon Dolce Latte at Starbucks? They pair nicely with our delicious stone oven-heated cinnamon rolls! Come down and sample today!
Read more . . . (60 words) MLK Week 2017: Civil Rights Tour Presentation & FilmContributed by Martin Petrella on 01/08/17
Read more . . . (309 words) Justice for All: A Writers Resist Reading on January 15thContributed by Jack Wang on 01/08/17
Read more . . . (144 words)
Read more . . . (171 words) Interested in being a Student Organization Adviser?Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 01/06/17 The sophomore class council is looking for a new adviser! SCC plans events for the sophomore class, whether that be a de-stress event during finals or a movie night! Your role as adviser is to guide them into making the best decisions for the student organization. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Lynn Pierce.
THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR FOR NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES, CSCRE/ANTH COURSE NO. 10900 ON MWF FROM 11:00-11:50 AM IN 218 WILLIAMS HALLContributed by Penny Bogardus on 01/06/17 This course examines what culture is and explores the roles that culture plays in the lives of individuals and social groups. It looks at what people do; how they explain what they do; and the things they produce as they go about their daily lives. The course explores how culture shapes and is shaped by the physical environment and how it is used to adapt to that environment. Please e-mail Michael Taylor at for more information.
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