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Energy and the Environment with Congressman Bob InglisContributed by Kyle Stewart on 12/01/16
Read more . . . (99 words) Biochemistry Jr. Research Symposia: Mon., Dec. 5, 4 pm, CNS 333Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 12/01/16
As a result, they are able to travel to present their work, as well, as to present locally. All are welcome to attend. Read more . . . (29 words) Patricia Zimmermann publishes tribute to Screen Studies Professor John HessContributed by Patricia Zimmermann on 12/01/16
Professor John Hess was a faculty member in the Department of Cinema and Photography from 1992-1998. He taught Introduction to Film Aesthetics and Analysis, Fiction Film Theory, and specialty courses on Latin American Cinemas. Professor Hess passed away in July 2015 from complications from Parkinson's Disease. He was one of the founders of Jump Cut, a leading journal in screen and media studies, now celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Zimmermann's tribute, entitled "Viva John Hess," can be accessed through the link on the title.
An epic varsity experience is one email away. Read more . . . (165 words)
Read more . . . (158 words) Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Clinical Faculty Co-authored Two papers Presented at iCERi-2016 in Seville, Spain.Contributed by Maureen Forrest on 12/01/16 Clinical faculty from the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology co-authored two papers presented at iCERi-2016 (International Conference of Education Research and Innovation) in Seville, Spain. These presentations featured outcomes from an ongoing clinical program called ICreate (Ithaca College Ready to Explore/Expand All Transition Experiences), a communication support group for young adults with autism spectrum disorders. Read more . . . (47 words)
Make this Friday game night! Join IC After Dark for IC a Winner on Friday, December 2 from 8-11 pm in IC Square for Minute to Win It, Family Feud, board games, prizes and of course free food!
Thank for you participating in the EASDC Fall Social Fundraiser!Contributed by Tati Herold on 12/01/16 Thank you to everyone who helped organize and participated in the Educational Affairs Staff Development Committee's Fall Social Fundraiser. We raised $702.00 to donate to the campus emergency relief fund which provides support to faculty, staff, and students in need!! If you were unable to attend, but would still like to contribute to the relief fund, the chapel is always accepting cash and check donations. Thank you again! Office of Human Resources Update – “The New Overtime Rule”Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 12/01/16 Submitted on behalf of Dr. Brian K. Dickens, VP for Human Resources Early last week, a temporary court injunction was issued that makes it uncertain how the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) overtime pay exemptions apply to employees who would be impacted by the new rules that were to go into effect on December 1, 2016. Although the injunction removes the immediate mandate for December 1, 2016, the College will move forward with our implementation plan. Read more . . . (187 words) Season's Eatings! Donate today to feed a child in need.Contributed by Rachel O'Campo on 12/01/16
All funds raised will go to the Food Bank of the Southern Tier’s Backpack Program to feed children in Tompkins County. When children from food insecure homes are not in school, often times, they aren't able to eat 3 meals per day. A $3.00 donation will fill a backpack with food for a child in need, helping to bridge the gap over weekends and school breaks. Read more . . . (23 words) ICC Writing Intensive (WI) course about new media, completed in 2 weeks in January, Online! Open to All StudentsContributed by Devan Rosen on 11/30/16 TVR320: Topics in Media Technology: The Seduction and Surveillance of New Media (ICC WI) CRN# 30030 focuses on how the seduction of new media (mobile, social, web, etc.) has led to some unanticipated outcomes that affect our personal life experience in both utopic and dystopic ways. Read more . . . (242 words) Luca Maurer co-authors multimedia resource on supporting LGBTQIA+ studentsContributed by Nancy Reynolds on 11/30/16
The resource includes a 100+ page binder, CD, fact sheets for training, and interactive video with self-assessment to measure learning. It addresses ways to create and maintain a welcoming, inclusive community, and to retain LGBTQIA+ students through graduation.
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Read more . . . (125 words) STILLWATER MAGAZINE is open for submissions! Send us your creative writing and art!Contributed by Jacob White on 11/30/16
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Read more . . . (79 words) New CA perspective IDENTITIES course available for Spring 2017Contributed by Jennifer Jolly on 11/30/16 Two sections of ARTH24000 Architecture Since 1800 are open for enrollment. The course is newly designated to serve the CA perspective of the Identities theme. The sections are offered TR at 10:50 and 2:35. Read more . . . (117 words)
Read more . . . (31 words) Fair Trade scarves, hats, gloves, jewelry, and more in Campus Center! STARTING MONDAY, DECEMBER 5!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/29/16
One World Market will be selling a number of their handmade, fair-trade goods on campus, and a portion of the profits will benefit both student organizations. They can help you prepare for the upcoming Ithaca winter with their array of FAIR Trade hats, scarves, and gloves, in addition to help you check some friends and family members off your shopping list this holiday season! The sale will take place in the North Foyer of Campus Center on December 5, 6, and 7, from 9-3 each day. Read more . . . (78 words) Swipe + is BACK! Join us for Surf 'n' Turf in Terrace Dining Hall - TONIGHT ONLYContributed by Rachel O'Campo on 11/29/16
Enjoy a tasty 5 oz. Lobster Tail and a 5 oz. Tenderloin Filet along with your choice of sides, Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Lemon Garlic Green Beans. Simply swipe your ID card and pay $10 at the register. No meal plan, no problem! Just add $10 to the cost of your dinner! We accept Bonus Bucks, ID Express, Cash, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Tuesday @ 12 - December 6, 2016 in The Hockett Family Recital HallContributed by John Holiday on 11/29/16
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