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A course site in Sakai is a great way to share information, assignments, grades, and resources with your students. This 20-minute webinar will demonstrate the process of creating a course site from start to finish. We will briefly introduce the available tools and site settings to help you get started. No prior Sakai experience is required. Read more . . . (56 words) Diversity and Inclusion Webinar Series “Micro-Messages & Your Search Committees – Subtle Signals That Can Help or Hinder the Recruitment of Women and Minorities” on January 21stContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 01/19/16
Presented by Dr. Robbin Chapman, Associate Provost and Academic Director of Diversity and Inclusion, and Lecturer in the Education Department at Wellesley College. Read more . . . (546 words) The Diversity Webinar Series Schedule for the spring 2016Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 01/19/16
Read more . . . (462 words) Are you looking for a Diversity course this semester? Check out "Contemporary Jewish Identities: Gender, Race, and Power."Contributed by Rebecca Lesses on 01/19/16 JWST 29400 (offered Tuesday/Thursdays 2:35-3:50) asks big questions about Jewish identity in the world today. Read more . . . (135 words) One week left to sign up for the Student Organization FairContributed by Theresa Johnson on 01/19/16 The Spring 2016 Student Organization Fair is Wednesday, February 3, 2016 from 10am-3pm in Emerson Suites. There will be over 150 student organizations promoting events, recruiting members, and showcasing their student organization. The student organization is free to attend. Take this opportunity to network with student leaders, find your passion and sign up for so many amazing student organizations. All recognized and new student organizations are able to sign up. Deadline to sign up is January 27 by 5pm. *Please note OSEMA Recognized and Recreational Sport Clubs have top priority. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Theresa Radley at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
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Read more . . . (68 words) The SGA Executive Board would like to congratulate and welcome Matilda Thornton-Clark as the new VP of Campus Affairs. Read more . . . (108 words) Stephen Younger, Economics, will be presenting his paper "Fiscal Incidence in Tanzania" at the Kilimanjaro Hotel, Dar es Salaam, on Wednesday, January 20, 2016. The paper examines the effects of fiscal policy on poverty and inequality in Tanzania. Jennifer Tennant, Economics, Published in Disability and Health JournalContributed by Tina Bennett on 01/19/16 Jennifer Tennant, Economics, published "Trends in Disability and Program Participation Among US Veterans" with Y. Ben-Shalom and D. Stapleton, in Disability and Health Journal. Center for Faculty Excellence Webinar: It’s All About “Firsts”Contributed by Wade Pickren on 01/19/16
Read more . . . (62 words) POSTPONED: Farewell Reception for Craig Evans '84 Wednesday, January 27 at 3:15.Contributed by Steve Savage on 01/19/16 Unfortunately this event has been postponed due to illness. If we are able to reschedule, we will post an updated announcement on Intercom. The division of Institutional Advancement and Communication invites the members of the campus community to join us in giving our best wishes to Craig Evans '84 as he leaves to become the next Vice President for Advancement at Wells College. Read more . . . (348 words) The Residence Hall Snow Plowing Plan has been established to increase campus safety, increase the thoroughness of plowing efforts and reduce the time it takes to plow in parking lots generally used by residence hall students.
Read more . . . (185 words) Registrar candidates on campus January 26th and February 5thContributed by Noel Wheeler on 01/18/16 The search committee for the position of Registrar at Ithaca College is hosting two candidates for campus visits at the start of the semester. The search committee encourages wide campus participation and feedback in this selection process, so please mark your calendars for these open presentations and Q&A sessions. Dates: Tuesday, January 26 and Friday February 5 Time: 1:10pm - 2pm Location: Textor 103 Resumes for the two candidates can be found online, along with links to a feedback form that we ask you to complete after attending the session, at this link: Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Noel Wheeler at, 274-3837. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Cyndy Sheibe of Project Look Sharp to present as part of MLK Celebration WeekContributed by Ari Kissiloff on 01/18/16 Thursday, January 28 from 12:10 – 1:00 pm in Clark Lounge (Campus Center) Read more . . . (91 words) Gossa Tsegaye, TVR, conducts workshops at Mekelle University in EthiopiaContributed by Diane Gayeski on 01/18/16
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Let us know how we're doing! Your feedback means the world to us. Do you want to let us know in 140 characters or less? Find us on Twitter! We're also on other social media platforms! Follow us to stay up to date on what's happening with us this semester. We're @ICDining on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Read more . . . (31 words) Reserving Classroom Space During The Add/Drop PeriodContributed by Lorelei Becker on 01/18/16 The start of each semester is a busy time for many departments and clubs that want to reserve classrooms or other academic spaces for various non-academic activities. There can be some confusion concerning the process for reserving classrooms for these activities leading up to and during the add/drop period each semester. In order to make the process smoother for this upcoming semester, as well as future semesters, here are guidelines for reserving classrooms during the add/drop period. Read more . . . (181 words) |
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