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SLPA faculty present at Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Schools ConferenceContributed by Matt Morgan on 07/16/15 Marie Sanford, Jana Waller, Tina Caswell (Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology), and graduate student Spencer Horchler (Class of 2016) presented a poster at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Schools Conference in Phoenix, AZ. Their presentation, Bridging Transition Plan through Social Communication Support Groups highlighted recent outcomes of ICREATE: the Ithaca College Ready to Expand/Explore All Transition Experiences. Hammond Health Center & Fitness Center complete Wi-Fi. Facilities Admin, Warehouse and Center for Public Safety start testingContributed by Matt Gorney on 07/16/15
This leaves only three buildings left to go with our expected completion of the entire project this month. Read more . . . (72 words) Drop-Ins will not be available for Thursday, July 16 as well as office will be closed from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM - Office of Career Services.Contributed by Shelli Mekos on 07/15/15
Read more . . . (40 words) Reminder: Add/Drop deadline for Summer Internships and Individualized Study experiences is July 15Contributed by Jennifer Wofford on 07/14/15 REMINDER: The Add/Drop deadline for Summer Internships and Individualized Study experiences is July 15. If you sign a petition for a summer student after the deadline, let us know. We want to pay you. Visit the OES For Faculty site for more information. Women and Work - Free Webinar - July 15 at 12 noonContributed by Jennifer Wofford on 07/14/15 The gender pay gap. Double standards."Superwoman Syndrome." These are just a few of the challenges that many women continue to face in the workplace. During this session, Caryanne will explore specific strategies to tackle these and other issues, as well as ways to create success for yourself in work and in life. Read more . . . (147 words) Try a Bourbon Glazed Turkey Burger today at IC Food Court!Contributed by Rachel O'Campo on 07/14/15
At Selona Grill, feast your eyes upon the Bourbon Glazed Turkey Burger! We're serving up a quarter-pound turkey burger with melted cheddar cheese, crispy bacon, grilled red onion and sliced avocado topped with a drizzle of bourbon glaze on a seeded roll. At The Deli, we're featuring a delicious Prosciutto & Cream Cheese Sandwich! It's carefully constructed with thinly-sliced prosciutto ham, topped with softened cream cheese, roasted red peppers, cucumbers and watercress - all served on a French baguette. Come to the Food Court and try one today! OT faculty publish article in Canadian Journal of Occupational TherapyContributed by Matt Morgan on 07/14/15
The paper presented the view that human activity, or occupation, is inseparable from the environments in which people live. It reviewed threats to human health from environmental degradation and climate change, and linked concepts of sustainability with occupational therapy philosophy and practice. It presents a call to occupational therapists to promote sustainability in research, policy, and practice to help build a sustainable future. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Nancy Pringle as Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Ithaca College, effective August 1. This change of title does not represent a change of duties but rather a recognition that those duties have become ever more important to the present and future of the College. Read more . . . (181 words) Retirement Reception for Associate Dean Barbara Howard - Save the DateContributed by Paul Deamer on 07/14/15 Please join us in honoring School of Business Associate Dean, Barbara Howard, and the work she has done for Ithaca College at a retirement reception luncheon on Friday, July 31st, from 12:00-1:30pm in the Upper Atrium of the School of Business. Read more . . . (61 words) Register Now for the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) Course, July 20-22Contributed by Paul Deamer on 07/14/15
Read more . . . (379 words) Alumni Hall, Terrace 13, and Rothschild Place begin testing new Wi-FiContributed by Matt Gorney on 07/14/15
Once testing confirms successful network performance, the building will move from ‘testing’ to a ‘completed’ status. Read more . . . (36 words) Congratulations and best wishes to Townsend Plant, School of MusicContributed by Jenny Stockdale on 07/14/15
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The entire ITS Wi-Fi project team is excited that we are keeping an aggressive pace and look forward to the next few buildings, as the largest wireless initiative in the school’s history moves along with success. Read more . . . (34 words) Ryan DeLany named Manager of the Academic Advising Center (AAC).Contributed by Sally Neal on 07/13/15 I am pleased to announce that Ryan DeLany, M.S., has been named Manager of the Academic Advising Center (AAC), one of the four offices which comprise the Center for Academic Advancement. Ryan has been with Ithaca College since the opening of the Academic Advising Center in 2013. Born and raised in Syracuse, NY, Ryan has a B.A. in History from Le Moyne College and a M.S. in Education from SUNY Oswego. His accomplishments include being selected to present at the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) conference, teaching Ithaca College Transfer Seminars, and serving as a FYRE Associate. Prior to his arrival at Ithaca College, Ryan worked as an Academic Advisor at Bryant & Stratton College, as a Retention Counselor at Paul Smith’s College, and in the Office of Residence Life and Housing at Oswego. His academic advising philosophy centers on proactive academic advising, in order to foster a student’s personal and professional growth. Ryan will begin his new role as Manager of the AAC on August 1, 2015.
We are looking for infants who are 5 month old, born within 3 weeks of due date, weighing less than 30 lbs., have not yet started to crawl on hands and knees and are developing typically.
Read more . . . (184 words) Jennifer Tennant, Economics, publishes in Journal of Economic & Social MeasurementContributed by Tina Bennett on 07/13/15
Jennifer Tennant, Economics Department, Published "Is the 2010 Affordable Care Act Minimum Standard to Identify Disability in all National Datasets Good Enough for Policy Purposes?" (with R. Burkhauser, L. Fisher, and A. Houtenville), in the Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. Alert: Fraudulent Human Resources Email - Do Not Click on Email!Contributed by Donna Veres on 07/13/15 It has come to Human Resources’ attention that there is a fraudulent email circulating informing employees that they are receiving a salary raise starting July 2015. This email is a scam and should be deleted immediately. Please do not click any links in this email. Human Resources is actively working with ITS to address this situation. Feel free to contact Payroll at with any questions or concerns. Quoted in the Media: Faculty members Rebecca Plante, Anthony Adornato, Diane Gayeski and Stephen Tropiano; and staff member Ronald Hart. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media Page. Read more . . . (118 words) Contributed on behalf of Robert Cree, AVP for Business and Finance I want to take this opportunity to update the campus community on changes that are being made to the Cashiering office’s hours and services. Due to recent staffing changes within the College’s Cashiering Office, located on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center, the office will be closing effective Wednesday, July 15th. As a result, the College has entered into a service agreement with CFCU in which CFCU will be providing certain services on behalf of the College. We are working diligently with CFCU in an effort to finalize the specifics around the services they will provide and what services will be handled out of the Financial Services Office located on the 14th floor of the West Tower. Read more . . . (213 words) IC's Department of Theatre Arts co-hosts New York State Theatre Education Association's Educator's Conference July 17-19thContributed by Catherine Weidner on 07/13/15 IC's Department of Theatre Arts, in collaboration with Cornell University and the Community School of Music and Arts host the 2015 NYSTEA's Educator's Conference. Workshops for teachers will be led by teaching artists from the Ithaca community as well as Theatre Arts faculty and staff Colin Stewart, Greg Robbins, Steve Ten Eyck, Trevor Maynard, Joey Bromfield and Chrystyna Dail. Read more . . . (139 words) |
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