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Looking for new members? Interested in advertising an upcoming event to a large group of people? Do not miss this amazing opportunity to have a table at the Fall Student Organization Fair on September 2 on the Campus Center Quad (Rain location: Emerson Suites) from 10am-3pm. All recognized and new student organizations are able to sign up. The Online Performance Review process for 2014-15 is currently available to staff. All staff members can access the self-assessment form through Employee Self-Service in Parnassus. Supervisors can also access the Performance Review form through Employee Self-Service in Parnassus. Read more . . . (141 words) The Fitness Center will be closed from Friday 7/3/15 - Sunday 7/5/15 in observance of Independence Day. We will resume our regular summer hours on Monday 7/6/15. Read more . . . (26 words) Please join us in honoring School of Business Associate Dean, Barbara Howard, and the work she has done for Ithaca College at a retirement reception luncheon on Friday, July 31st, from 12:00-1:30pm in the Upper Atrium of the School of Business. Read more . . . (60 words) Announcing Internal Search for the Position Assistant to the PresidentContributed by Thomas Rochon on 06/30/15 The position Assistant to the President, ably occupied by Bailey Reagan for the last two years, will become available on or before August 3. Because the Assistant to the President interacts intensively with the campus community on a range of issues we plan to conduct an internal-only search for the position. Read more . . . (262 words) Fire alarm system testing in the academic buildingsContributed by Charlie Sherman on 06/30/15 Environmental Health & Safety will be conducting mandatory fire alarm system testing in the academic buildings in July. Read more . . . (126 words) Our new students will arrive on Sunday, August 23, 2015. Upper class students who volunteer to assist will be able to move in to their on-campus housing the day before (Saturday, August 22, 2015), and will be required to attend a training session that evening from 7 – 8 pm. Your meal plan will begin at lunch on Sunday. Read more . . . (215 words) Unbroken: Embracing who you are and what you need - in the June issue of Student Health 101Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 06/28/15
Student Health 101 is a free e-magazine that covers a large range of topics including sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, alcohol use and more. Check it out online! Student Health 101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion in the Center for Counseling, Health, and Wellness at Ithaca College. Questions or comments may be directed to Nancy Reynolds, Program Director.
New webcam streaming beautiful views of Ithaca CollegeContributed by Stephen Shoemaker on 06/28/15 The new Ithaca College webcam is now streaming some of the best views IC has to offer! The camera overlooks the Textor Ball and Muller Chapel, with Cayuga Lake in the distance, and pans left and right automatically to display views of the quad and surrounding hillsides. You can view it on your desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device. Read more . . . (53 words)
Fall 2015 Technology Renewal questionnaires have been sent to all individuals and area coordinators. Read more . . . (101 words)
Read more . . . (101 words) FitnessU: Injury-proof workouts - in the June issue of Student Health 101Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 06/25/15
Student Health 101 is a free e-magazine that covers a large range of topics including sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, alcohol use and more! To receive Student Health 101 health tips and updates by text: Text ITHACA to 40691 Student Health 101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion in the Center for Counseling, Health, and Wellness at Ithaca College. Questions or comments may be directed to Nancy Reynolds, Program Director.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Program UpdatesContributed by Molly Israel on 06/25/15 Submitted on behalf of Terri Ae. Stewart, Director and Chief, Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management The Office of Public Safety recently announced the latest offering of the Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) program for faculty and staff and I want to take this opportunity to provide more information on this specific program and all of the college’s efforts to increase sexual assault awareness, education, and prevention. Read more . . . (655 words) Did you know that in just 2 1/2 weeks over 1000 people will arrive at the College ready to walk the outdoor track until the wee hours of the following morning? Why? They are participating in the annual Tompkins County Relay for Life, raising funds for cancer research! One of the top Relay teams since the Relay began in this area is our very own IC Hope. Want to join us for a great night of fun, tears, exercise, and celebration? Please join our team! Can't be here but want to make a difference? Donate to one of the team members or join us for our fabulous garage sale this Saturday, June 27th from 8 am - noon. Follow this link for garage sale details and to view some of our incredible items: Here are other important facts on the Relay: Read more . . . (167 words) Vote: Should the Student Organization Fair be in Emerson Suites or on the Campus Center QuadContributed by Theresa Johnson on 06/25/15 Many students have asked about the Student Organization Fair moving to outside; therefore, we want to know your opinion. Please vote below if you want the Student Organization Fair outside or inside. Please read the descriptions below of what each location would look like. Inside- Emerson Suites
Outside- Campus Center Quad
*Please note at both locations student organization will have to share a table with another student organization! Click here to vote Summer Blood Drive July 7th from 10 to 5 in the Fitness Center. You Can Make a difference this Summer and honor your hero by being a hero!!Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 06/25/15 Summer is the season we wait for. It's the season full of fun in the sun.. Summer offers more than 100 days to make a difference. Thank you for please clearing your calendar On July 7th for what's most important to help save lives by donating at our American Red Cross Blood drive from 10 to 5 in the Fitness Center. During the summer months of June, July and August, on average, about two fewer donors give blood at each Red Cross blood drive. This could add up to more than 100,000 fewer donations. If at least two more donors gave blood at every Red Cross blood drive this summer, above what's expected, patients would be better assured of having lifesaving blood products readily available. Call 1-800-REDCROSS TO SET UP YOUR APPOINTMENT ON JULY 7TH Due to the College holiday on Friday, July 3, all timecards for the pay period June 15-June 28 must be submitted and approved by noon on Monday, June 29, 2015. Any timecard that is not approved by this deadline will not be paid until the following payday on Friday, July 19. Read more . . . (18 words) Muller Faculty Center and Cerrache Center Wi-Fi CompletedContributed by Matt Gorney on 06/25/15
The completion of these two buildings now marks the completion of the entire academic priority buildings. We've run miles of cable and well over a thousand Access Points (APs) to provide reliable service to our campus community. The next steps are to get our student centered areas as well as our administrative buildings. Read more . . . (37 words) On June 10-13, 2015 Ithaca College hosted a highly successful Northeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (NERM 2015).Contributed by Maria Russell on 06/25/15
Read more . . . (127 words) Provost Benjamin (Ben) Rifkin will be hosting “Brown Bag Lunch with the Provost”, once a month (July, 2015 through May, 2016) for a small group—6 individuals plus the Provost. Ben would like an opportunity, in a small setting, to meet and hear from faculty and staff in Educational Affairs, and to share some thoughts/vision of the future in our division. Read more . . . (146 words) |
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