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Friday, May 1 is IC Kicks Back- 2pm Campus Center Quad - No Bags! Must Have ID!Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 04/28/15
In addition to the fun activities, you will be able to enjoy special treats provided by Student Activities Board (SAB) and BBQ foods provided by Dining Services. Read more . . . (90 words)
Read more . . . (20 words) Financial Month is Coming to an End, But Your Planning Shouldn't...Contributed by Katie Sack on 04/28/15
Read more . . . (66 words) CSCRE Prof. Ioanide presents book talk at Hobart and William Smith CollegesContributed by Claire Swensen on 04/28/15
This support group is held every Thursdays from 1-1:50 in the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) group room located on the 2nd floor of the Hammond Health Center.
Read more . . . (84 words) Peter Martin, Education, presents research at the annual national conference of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) in San DiegoContributed by Bonita L. Hogben on 04/28/15
Farewell Reception for School of Business Interim Dean Jim Simpson and Assistant Professor Athena ZhangContributed by Paul Deamer on 04/28/15
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Read more . . . (320 words) CSCRE MLK Scholars' Presentation, Thursday @ noon in Clark LoungeContributed by Claire Swensen on 04/28/15
*Senior MLK Scholars Read more . . . (26 words) Homer Connect can now be accessed through Google Chrome with no errors or extra steps to access the site. As always, please report any further problems to the Helpdesk. ITS Helpdesk Opportunities for Service/Community-Based Learning Dialogue and Course DevelopmentContributed by Patricia Spencer on 04/27/15 As you plan for next year, please consider these two exciting opportunities to engage in community-based learning dialogue with passionate teachers/scholars. Read on for the details and then register to participate in the 4/30 Service Learning Panel and/or the May 12/13 Service Learning Institute. Read more . . . (444 words) Seeking an Administrative Intern for the Office of Civic EngagementContributed by Patricia Spencer on 04/27/15 Support the work of the OCE leadership team, while promoting community-based learning and civic engagement. Read more . . . (204 words) Scott Erickson keynotes at 7th European Conference on Intellectual CapitalContributed by Shyrlee A. Hammond on 04/27/15
Read more . . . (102 words) As of Mon 4/27, all incoming packages for Circles residents are being held at the Phillips Hall Post Office.Contributed by Peter Schlough on 04/27/15 Packages received prior to this date will remain available in the Circles mailroom until Sat 5/2. After that, any remaining packages will be moved to Phillips Hall for pickup during Finals Week. Read more . . . (61 words) Deborah Rifkin (Associate Professor Music Theory) has been elected to the Executive Board of the Society for Music Theory.Contributed by Deborah Rifkin on 04/27/15
"The Art of Religion" Jewish Studies Faculty Showcase PresentationContributed by Annette Levine on 04/27/15
Cynthia A. Hogan "The Art of Religion: Aestheticizing Jewish Ceremonial Art" Read more . . . (135 words) Ali Erkan, Michael Smith, Joe Rodriguez ('15) and Steve Lam ('13) Give Invited Talk and Workshops at Indiana University, April 9-10Contributed by Jonathan Ablard on 04/27/15 Ali Erkan (Computer Science), Michael Smith (History/ENVS), Joe Rodriguez ( Computer Science '15) and Steve Lam (Computer Science '13) gave an invited talk, "Guiding Students Beyond Linear Thinking: The Learning in Networks of Knowledge (LINK) Project," as part of Indiana University's Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning lecture series. The development of LINK was funded in part by an National Endowment for the Humanities grant. Joe and Steve also led a workshop with undergraduate researchers and Ali and Michael met with faculty groups interested in mentoring undergraduate research, the practice of the scholarship of teaching and learning, and data analytics. The next No Pressure Blood Pressure will be held on Wednesday, April 29th! Read more . . . (334 words) Online May Intersession (May 12-22). Stress Management. Fulfill your Self & Society Requirement or ICC - Social Sciences (Mind, Body, and Spirit) 3 creditsContributed by Deborah Wuest on 04/27/15 HTLH 22700 Stress: Its Nature and Management will be offered online during the May intersession, beginning May 12 and ending on May 22. This is a 3-credit, liberal arts course. Offered totally online, its flexible format means that you do not need to be online at any particular time. For more information contact Deb Wuest at Attributes: Attributes: ICC - Social Sciences, Theme: Mind, Body, Spirit; GE 1: Self & Society, Liberal Arts CRN 10035
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